
Monday, December 3, 2018

Today I'm joining Berkley Mystery
in hosting authors
Lorraine Bartlett
Gayle Leeson
and their new release
Book 5 in the Victoria Square Mysteries

Like a lot of readers, I enjoy reading holiday themed books during the season they are set in (not a must, but fun) making YULE BE DEAD was of course a must.

I’ve missed the last two books in this series, so a few things have changed. But I had no problem catching up. It also helps that the author provides a character list at the beginning of the book. (More and more authors are doing that)

YULE BE DEAD was a good mystery and holds up to the others in the series. I didn’t guess who the killer was, but protagonist, Katie Bonner didn’t either, making me feel not so bad. There was a lot going on for Katie in this story. It’s no wonder she couldn’t figure it out. As for me, I couldn’t see clearly beyond the twists and turns. Also, the killer wasn’t made obvious to the reader.

Fans of this series are going to have a great time reading, YULE BE DEAD.


1 lucky reader will win a print copy of


USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post



Like a lot of readers, I enjoy reading holiday themed books during the season they are set in (not a must, but fun) making YULE BE DEAD was of course a must.

I’ve missed the last two books in this series, so a few things have changed. But I had no problem catching up. It also helps that the author provides a character list at the beginning of the book. (More and more authors are doing that)

YULE BE DEAD was a good mystery and holds up to the others in the series. I didn’t guess who the killer was, but protagonist, Katie Bonner didn’t either, making me feel not so bad. There was a lot going on for Katie in this story. It’s no wonder she couldn’t figure it out. As for me, I couldn’t see clearly beyond the twists and turns. Also, the killer wasn’t made obvious to the reader.

Fans of this series are going to have a great time reading, YULE BE DEAD.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thank you for your review on "YULE BE DEAD" by Lorraine Bartlett and Gayle Leeson. Love Christmas themed cozies so this is right up my alley. Can't wait for the opportunity to read it. Greatly appreciate the chance to win a copy.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Wishing you a blessed week, too.

  3. Your review was very helpful, especially since this would be the first book in the series I read. Also, I won't feel too bad if I don't guess who the killer is also.

  4. Christmas themed cozies are just right for getting in to the Christmas spirit! Yule be Dead is definitely being added to my Want to Read list after I read your review, Lisa.
