
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Cindy Brown
has a new book!
Book 6 in the Ivy Meadows Mysteries

A jouster, a playwright, and a detective walk into a faire…but it’s no joke when one ends up dead.

Actress and part-time PI Ivy Meadows is thrilled when she learns that the famous playwright behind Hello Dolly Madison is in Arizona. Not so much when she realizes he’s a suspect in the murder of a Renaissance faire jouster. 

As is her friend Riley. And about a thousand other people, all disguised in Renaissance costume during the fatal jousting match.

When Ivy is hired to investigate the killing, she goes undercover as a Cockney belly dancer at the faire and finagles her way into the playwright’s Kennedy-inspired version of Camelot—as Marilyn Monroe, no less. 

Then, in the midst of her toughest case ever, Ivy has to solve another dilemma: Will she follow her lifelong dream of being an actor or settle down with the love of her life?

The murder investigation, the play, and real life come together in a twist that begs the question: Is there a happily-ever-after for anyone?



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From Cindy Brown

One of the things I love about Ivy is her relationship with her brother Cody. It’s a complicated one: Cody lives with a brain injury as the result of a childhood accident that occurred on Ivy’s watch. At the beginning of the series, Ivy sees Cody as a symbol of what went wrong in her family. Book by book, she begins to accept that he is an adult, until finally in this book, she actually asks his advice about relationships:
Out of the blue my mouth asked, “Are you and Sarah in love?”
“Duh. Of course,” he said easily, so easily I felt a twinge of envy, then a twinge of guilt because I envied my brother’s happiness.
“How do you know?”
Cody looked at me wide-eyed and incredulous, as if it were the dumbest question ever. “I just do.”
I persisted. “How do you know she loves you?”
“She tells me.”
“What do you love about her?”
His eyebrows drew together in consternation. “Um...everything. Except when she gets mad at me for something.”
“But how do you know you love her?” I knew I was asking my brain-injured brother to answer an incredibly difficult, if not impossible question, but I couldn’t help myself. “How does she make you feel?”
The tension slipped off Cody’s face like a cool rain. He smiled into his soda. “Better.”
“Better about...?”
“Better about everything. But that’s not what I meant.” I waited.Cody looked up then, at a place somewhere past my ear, still smiling. “She makes me feel better. Like I’m better. Like I’m a better person.” 

Cindy Brown has been a theater geek (musician, actor, director, producer, and playwright) since her first professional gig at age 14. Now a full-time writer, she's lucky enough to have garnered an Agatha Award nomination for best debut novel (MACDEATH), a scholarship to the Squaw Valley Writers Workshop, and several awards for her fiction, playwriting and screenwriting work.

Though Cindy and her husband now live in Portland, Oregon, she made her home in Phoenix, Arizona, for more than 25 years and knows all the good places to hide dead bodies in both cities


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