
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Book 2 in the Sister Lou Mysteries
by Olivia Matthews

How do you solve a problem like Marianna?
This year's Advent retreat has been booked for the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Hermione of Ephesus at the pastoral Briar Coast Cabin Resorts in New York. But when the combative Sister Marianna practically loses her religion arguing over minor details with resort co-owner Autumn Tassler, Sister Louise “Lou” LaSalle blessedly steps in as peacemaker. 
Only days later, Autumn is found strangled in her office, and hot-headed Sister Marianna becomes the sheriff’s deputies’ prime suspect. They believe her missing scarf may be the murder weapon, but Sister Lou believes Sister Marianna’s being framed. If she has a prayer of keeping Sister Marianna out of prison, she’ll need to once again put her faith in her nephew Chris LaSalle and reporter Shari Henson to help her solve the case. As the trio tries to cross suspects off the list, Sister Lou has no choice but to stick her neck out—if she’s going to unveil who was desperate enough to resort to murder . . .

Mystery and Christian fiction fans alike can’t go wrong with the Sister Lou Mysteries. Perfect for readers of all ages, this is a series for the whole family.

 The first book in this delightful series, MAYHEM & MASS, was so entertaining that there was no way I was going to miss out on PERIL & PRAYER. Oh, my goodness. I’m so glad I didn’t! Spending time with Sister Lou was just as fun as I remembered! I was totally engrossed in this wonderful whodunit. The world around me dissolved away as I joined the unlikely, but perfectly suited to the task, amateur sleuth, in her latest adventure. This second installment in the Sister Lou Mystery series was cover-to-cover, filled to bursting with mystery, intrigue, fun, and surprises.

Author Olivia Matthews pens an old-fashioned mystery with a fresh modern flare. She has an eye for detail, and a gift for storytelling that all shine through in this must-read cozy.

Fans of the first book will be thrilled with PERILS & PRAYERS. New to Sister Lou? What are you waiting for?! This series is one of my must haves, and I think it will be for you too.

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds great. Happy Sunday!

  2. Oh, Lisa! I'm so THRILLED that you enjoyed Peril & Prayer! Thank you so much for taking the time and going to the trouble of reviewing my second Sister Lou Mystery. I'm thrilled and excited! Thank you!!!
