
Friday, September 14, 2018

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
This week I have picked
Book 3 in the Southern Chocolate Shop Mysteries
by Dorothy St. James

In Dorothy St. James’s third delectable Southern Chocolate Shop mystery, a new batch of chocolate and troubles of the heart cause a string of disasters for the Chocolate Box’s new owner, Charity Penn.

The vintage seaside town of Camellia Beach, South Carolina seems like the perfect place for romance with its quiet beach and its decadent chocolate shop that serves the world’s richest dark chocolates. The Chocolate Box’s owner, Charity Penn, falls even further under the island’s moonlit spell as she joins Althea Bays and the rest of the turtle watch team to witness a new generation of baby sea turtles hatch and make their way into the wide ocean.

Before the babies arrive, gunshots ring out in the night. Cassidy Jones, the local Casanova, is found dead in the sand with his lover Jody Dalton―the same woman who has vowed to destroy the Chocolate Box―holding the gun. It’s an obvious crime of passion, or so everyone believes. But when Jody’s young son pleads with Penn to bring his mother back to him, she can’t say no. She dives headfirst into a chocolate swirl of truth and lies, and must pick through an assortment of likely (and sometimes unsavory) suspects before it’s too late for Penn and for those she loves in Dorothy St. James’s third rich installment of the Southern Chocolate Shop mysteries, In Cold Chocolate.



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Your finished dish will vary in appearance.

This editor has been told time and again that the secret ingredient in Bertie's light flavorful pancakes in love. Love may help them taste this good, but it takes a few other ingredients to make these the best pancakes in the South. Perfect for a Sunday morning brunch, you'll be back for seconds. ~ from, IN COLD CHOCOLATE


6 oz Greek yogurt 
1 egg
½ cup flour (gluten free flours will work with this recipe)
½ tsp baking soda
6 oz of fair trade 70% or mark dark chocolate, chopped

Photo property of what'

   Combine yogurt and egg in mixing bowl. 
   In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking soda.
   Combine yogurt and egg mixture with the bowl with flour mixture. Stir in chocolate chips.
   Yes, the batter is thick. 
   Heat butter in a nonstick pan over medium heat. Spoon batter into pan.  Turn when it begins to bubble. 
   Cook until golden brown on both sides.
   Makes 4 large pancakes or 8 small.
   Serve with maple syrup, butter, and fresh fruit. 

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Yum! They would be great breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Chocolate, baby sea turtles, and murder. Oh my!

In this third installment of the Southern Chocolate Shop Mysteries, author Dorothy St. James offers up another sweet tale of murder and mayhem.

There are two mysteries between the covers of IN COLD CHOCOLATE. Both were extremely well done. And with all that was going on in this story, author James made it very difficult to solve either one of them. She has a true talent for deception. That is, in her books of course!

This book was so much fun to read, even if it did have me craving chocolate the entire time I was reading it. The cast of great characters kept me thoroughly entertained with some laugh out loud moments. The mystery aspect was intriguing and held me engrossed all the way through to the exciting end.

Give IN COLD BLOOD a place on your bookshelves. It will have you excitedly awaiting the next title as much as I am.  


Please keep reading to check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Both the BB and 56 are from


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Book Beginnings

I love the taste of the ocean. After an early morning swim, the salty flavor lingers on my lips for hours. 

My 56

"What was she doing toting guns around in the first place?" I asked.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for the yummy recipes and fun reads!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I’d love to have those pancakes this morning. Happy Friday!

  3. You had me at chocolate...and the taste of the ocean. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  4. From the pancakes to the book, it sounds chocked up with deliciousness!! Happy weekend!

  5. Yummy! Love Dorothy St. James' books and can't wait for the chance to read "IN COLD CHOCOLATE".

    My book beginning -
    Marie Bachmann
    December 2013
    I wish I could say I was overcome with happiness as my sister Jessica pledged her life to her beloved. But I wasn’t.
    “A Simple Singing” by Leslie Gould

    My 56 -
    I tried to keep my teeth from chattering, but the interior of Gordons car was freezing.

  6. In Cold Chocolate sounds delicious--I mean fun. Haha

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Yummy! I love anything with chocolate. LOL Already have this fun cozy on my to read list. That cover is adorable:)

    My Friday 56 from The Monster Museum

  8. Another series I want to read. It looks so good and those pancakes! Yum!

  9. Ooh, I don't think I've done pancakes with greek yogurt before - I'm going to have to remember that! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
