
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

(Before we get to today's wonderful new releases, please note that buy popular demand, I've changed the blog background from pink to white. I think it gives it a fresh, clean look. I'd love to know what you think.)

Do you love Tuesdays as much as I do?
How could you not with fun sounding new releases like these?!

""A killer wants Lilly Echosby to roll over and play dead . . .
Lilly may be losing a husband but she's gaining a toy poodle. That could be seen as a win-win, since her new adopted pooch Aggie (named after Agatha Christie) is cute and adorable, and Lilly's dirty dog of a spouse is cheating on her with a blond bimboexcept for one problem: Albert Echosbys just been murdered, and Lilly is the number-one suspect.
With the cops barking up the wrong tree, it's a good thing her best friend Scarlett """"Dixie"""" Jefferson from Chattanooga, Tennessee, decided to take a break from the dog club circuit to pay a visit, along with her own prize pair of poodles. With help from Dixie, her defense attorney daughter, and a blue-eyed man in blue with a K-9 partner, Lilly is determined to collar the real killer. But when a second murder occurs, it's clear they're dealing with one sick puppy . . . ""

Though I have heard of Elizabeth Spann  Craig, I haven't read her book. And the other authors I know nothing about. 

Have you reading any of the following?

When Myrtle's housekeeper is a murder suspect, she swears to Myrtle that she's squeaky clean. 

It’s easy for fellow citizens to get on your nerves in sleepy Southern towns like Bradley, North Carolina. Particularly when one of the citizens is something of a cheapskate. Amos Subers isn’t one to tip waiters, pay back a loan, or behave generously with family. When it’s discovered that penny-pinching Amos was actually quite wealthy, it hardly engenders goodwill in the small town … in fact, he’s heartily disliked. Octogenarian sleuth Myrtle Clover’s housekeeper is certainly no fan of his: Amos owes Puddin money for cleaning his house.

It’s not too surprising when Amos is later found, murdered, in his kitchen. Myrtle and her senior sidekick Miles resolve to track down the killer when Puddin becomes a prime suspect…and before the murderer strikes again.

Welcome to The Berry Home: where the food is to-die-for!

Life is looking sweeter than ever for Kylie Berry, owner-operator of The Berry Home café. She’s even booked a gig hosting a weekend-long conference for some major players in the East Coast shipping industry, with one minor snag: she has no idea how to cater such a big event all by herself.

When an old friend visits Kentucky, the stars align. Chef John Radde, head chef at the swanky Chicago-based Smoulder, graciously offers to cater the entire event using Kylie’s café kitchen. The up-and-coming culinary whiz Chef John can’t resist the free publicity—and Chef Plus Amateur Sleuth Kylie can’t resist the chance to learn a thing or two!

While Kylie runs the storefront and John manages the catering team in the kitchen, disaster strikes the small country town yet again. The dead body of packaging magnate Oliver “Ollie” Drysdale is discovered beneath a dumpster during the conference, and the police suspect murder most foul.

Who stood to benefit from the death of a powerful businessman with piles of cash and still more clout to wield in the business world? Was it his stunning young fiancée Lara Tiggs, who Kylie remembers from her years living in Chicago? Or Lara’s younger brother, Larry, who’s short on sense but loves his big sis to the point of doing anything she asks? Could it have been rival Robert Cornish, who stood toe-to-toe with Oliver in the packaging industry? Or was it his jet-setting youngest son Sebastian, who stood first-in-line to inherit his father’s massively successful business?

Complicating matters further, Kylie’s best friend Zoey rushes to defend Sebastian, who she met and schmoozed with a year ago at the same conference. Kylie has to juggle her business, yet another murder investigation, and brace for a firefight with her best friend when all fingers point straight to Zoey’s crush!

The corpse who died twice.

While visiting her father’s grave, Bryony Taylor stumbles upon the body of a woman left in an unlocked mausoleum in Saxon Lake’s local cemetery. Bryony is haunted for days by the oddly tranquil smile frozen on the dead woman’s face. Finally she decides she must know more about who this woman was.

When Bryony digs for more information, however, she makes a startling discovery: Charlotte Stone and her twin brother supposedly died twenty years ago! Now it’s up to Bryony to unearth what really happened to Charlotte during that faux family tragedy and who killed her now.

Do any of these peak you interest?

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. The white does make it easier to read, but I love pink so my feelings were mixed on whether to change or not. :)

    Can't wait to read all the new wonderful books.

  2. The colors really do pop with the white background, Lisa. Happy Tuesday!

  3. I like the white background...looks good!

  4. oh boy the white sure does make the colors pop! love the new look. thanks for letting us know about the new releases!!

  5. That poodle catches my interest. Gotta read that one!
