
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Today joining #BerkleyMystery
in celebrating author
Rhys Bowen
and her paperback release of
Book 11 in the Her Royal Spyness Mysteries

In the new Royal Spyness Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of Crowned and Dangerous, Lady Georgiana Rannoch juggles secret missions from the Queen, Darcy, and her mother. But it’s all in a day’s work when you’re thirty-fifth in line to the British Crown. 

When Darcy runs off on another secret assignment, I am left to figure out how to travel to Italy sans maid and chaperone to help my dear friend Belinda, as she awaits the birth of her baby alone. An opportunity presents itself in a most unexpected way—my cousin the queen is in need of a spy to attend a house party in the Italian lake country. The Prince of Wales and the dreadful Mrs. Simpson have been invited, and Her Majesty is anxious to thwart a possible secret wedding.  

What luck! A chance to see Belinda and please the queen as I seek her permission to relinquish my claim to the throne so I can marry Darcy. Only that’s as far as my good fortune takes me. I soon discover that Mummy is attending the villa party and she has her own secret task for me. Then, Darcy shows up and tells me that the fate of a world on the brink of war could very well depend on what I overhear at dinner! I shouldn’t be all that surprised when one of my fellow guests is murdered and my Italian holiday becomes a nightmare...



1 lucky reader will win 1 paperback copy of


USA only

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.



A royal entry into the Royal Spyness Mysteries!

Author Rhys Bowen continues to overwhelm me with her knowledge of not only the 1930’s, but the royalty and aristocracy of the time. It’s as though she has traveled there and witnessed these things herself.

Lady Georgiana Rannoch, is thirty-fifth in line for the British crown. However, Georgiana is more interested in withdrawing from the line of succession so she can wed her love, Darcy O’Mara. I can’t say I blame her one bit! However, in, ON HER MAJESTY’S FRIGHTFULLY SECRET SERVICE, thoughts of marriage have to go on hold when Darcy is off on another secret mission, and Georgie has been asked by her cousin the queen to go to Italy and do some spying for her. And so begins another delightful rump with our unique heroine.

This book was simply astounding. On the same level with any Agatha Christie novel (Honestly, I think it’s better), ON HER MAJESTY’S FRIGHTFULLY SECRET SERVICE was an adventurous ride full of mystery and excitement. From one chapter to the next I didn’t know what to expect. Truly an all-round brilliant read that I didn’t want to end.

I would love to see the Royal Spyness mysteries made into movies, but they would have to stay 100% true to the way author Bowen has written them.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Love this series... great post!!

    Kelly Braun

  2. Aw, missed the giveaway. I just got Malice in the Palace in May. That's the most recent one I have in the series.
