
Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Today I'm joining #BerkleyMystery
in celebrating author
Maggie Sefton
and the release
Book 16 in the Knitting Mysteries

Kelly Flynn has been enjoying motherhood and avoiding murder, but when a friend’s life is cut short, she enlists the Lambspun knitters to catch a heartless killer in the latest novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Only Skein Deep.
Kelly is happily busy with her son, Jack, now a rambunctious four-year-old preschooler. Jack keeps his mom on her toes and drinking all the coffee she can handle at Pete’s Porch Café. Kelly’s friendly waitress Julie is hoping to become an accountant. She makes sure she keeps Kelly caffeinated and up-to-date on her career progress.
Kelly splits her free time between Pete’s and Lambspun, where her fellow knitters love hearing all about Jack’s latest exploits. They’ve also been taking a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about crimes that Kelly had a hand in solving over the years. But the Lambspun crew is horrified when a very present-day murder occurs in their midst—and Julie is the victim. 
With her sleuthing instincts on full alert, Kelly starts asking questions. The well-liked waitress may have had enemies no one knew about, or she could have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Kelly and her friends at Lambspun soon learn that the answers are knottier and more shocking than they ever dreamed…


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Author Maggie Sefton is a wonderful writer. Her books are always fast reads for me because I can’t seem to stop turning the pages.

Over the first half of, DYEING UP LOOSE ENDS, consists of the characters reminiscing. With most of the talk centering on protagonist, Kelly Finn’s past cases. This is a great (if not a bit too long) reminder for longtime readers of the series, and a wonderful way for new readers to catch up on things.  

The whodunit itself, was short and fast. Maybe a little too so. I would love to have seen Ms. Sefton delve into that storyline a bit more. The victim, Julie, seemed to have had a bright future.

DYEING UP LOOSE ENDS will make a nice addition to any Maggie Sefton fan’s collection


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let me know what you think!

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  1. Wow, #16! Thanks, Lisa. Happy Wednesday!

  2. Thank you for your review on "DYEING UP LOOSE ENDS" by Maggie Sefton. Cute cover! Enjoy this author's books and would love the opportunity to read this one.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. I have a lot of the books in the series.

  4. I read the review and look forward to reading the book.
