
Monday, May 21, 2018

Karen Shughart
would like to introduce to you her book
Book 1 in the Edmund DeCleryk Mysteries

Early one gray November morning, retired Lighthouse Cove, NY police chief, Edmund DeCleryk, finds Emily Bradford's body on the beach at the base of the bluff where the local museum and historical society stands. At the same time, a break-in has been reported at the museum, and Emily's coat and purse are found hanging on a peg in the museum's gift shop where she worked. Was her death the result of a burglary gone bad or something more sinister?

When the police chief is called out of town for a family emergency, he hires Ed, now working as a criminal consultant, to assist deputy police chief, Carrie Ramos, with the murder investigation. After several leads don't pan out, the chief, now back in Lighthouse Cove, decides to close the case. Confident that with more time the murder can be solved, Ed is determined to continue investigating on his own, with encouragement from his wife, Annie the museum's executive director.

One morning while in the basement of the museum, the couple discovers a copy of a map dated 1785, and Ed's instincts tell him it may be connected to Emily's death. On a hunch, he and Annie travel to Toronto, Canada, where he learns of the original map and a manuscript written in 1847 that were unearthed during an archaeological dig. The manuscript contains information about a ship that capsized during a fierce storm on Lake Ontario -- in 1785. Now Ed has clues as to why the murder occurred, but he still doesn't know who committed the crime. Or does he?



When I first started reading MURDER IN THE MUSEUM, I instantly liked author Karen Shughart’s style of writing. It flowed easily, encouraging me to enjoy the story rather than try to figure out what the author is trying to say (I’m sure you’ve read a few of those yourself).

Shughart made every part of MURDER IN THE MUSEUM interesting. From her characters, to the setting, and a clever mystery component, everything pulled me in. I quickly flew through the tale in my need to get to the answers of this whodunit. I was not disappointed. 

I enjoyed getting to know protagonist Edmund DeCleryk, and his wife, Annie. They are a great pair, and I look forward to reading more of this series, and this great duo.  



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Karen Shughart has worked professionally as a journalist, writer, editor, publicist and non-profit executive. Her passions include her family, cooking, gardening, writing, photography, walking, and learning new things. Karen's first novel, Murder in the Museum : An Edmund DeCleryk Mystery (Cozy Cat Press, April 2018) is the first in a series that takes place in Lighthouse Cove, NY on the southern shores of Lake Ontario. It is available in all Amazon formats. In addition, she is the author of two non-fiction books: The Pennsylvania Bed and Breakfast Guide and Cookbook; and Creating Special Events, from Dollars to Dessert.

Karen on Amazon 

Karen's Website

Check out Karen's blog 


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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds interesting. Happy Monday, to you!

  2. Thanks for the review on "MURDER IN THE MUSEUM" and bring another author to my attention. I'd love the opportunity to read this book. You know I love the cover because I love lighthouses. :)
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. I really like the cover,and I love a good mystery-thank you for the giveaway!!

  4. Great review of Murder in the Museum. I look forward to reading it. Happy Monday to you too!

  5. Murder in the Museum sounds like a really fun mystery!
