
Friday, March 30, 2018

Cozy Food-Flashback Friday

Today I'm featuring a Cozy Food Friday from
March 27, 2015.

This is a special one for me because if
combines two of my reading loves . . .
Cozy mysteries and Cookbooks!


Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today's recipe comes from

It was was originally seen in 
Book 2 in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series 
by Daryl Wood Gerber

More Than 100 Recipes From
Today’s Bestselling Mystery Authors

Avery Aames/Daryl Wood Gerber

Ellery Adams ~ Connie Archer

Leslie Budewitz ~ Laura Childs

Cleo Coyle ~ Victoria Hamilton

B. B. Haywood ~ Julie Hyzy

Jenn McKinlay ~ Paige Shelton

Great meals don’t have to be a mystery—but they can come from a mystery. Selecting the most delicious recipes from some of the most popular names in crime solving, The Cozy Cookbook serves up mouth-watering appetizers, entrèes, and desserts that will leave your family or book club group asking, “Whodunit?”

In addition to recipes, choose a sleuth du jour from our menu of mystery series and get a taste of each of our authors’ bread and butter—page-turning puzzles and stay-up-all-night suspense in excerpts from their bestselling works.

Whether you like your meals sautéed, roasted, baked, or served cold like revenge, The Cozy Cookbook has something to satisfy every mystery fan.
This book contains previously published material.

is available for pre-order 
Releases on April 7!

On to the recipe!


~ From INHERIT THE WORD by Daryl Wood Gerber ~

The Monte Cristo sandwich is a classic. It was one of my mother's all time favorite sandwiches. She used to serve it for brunch on Sundays. It's such a perfect combination of sweet and savory, and you know, it's not too hard to make, even for me. It looks like it has a lot of ingredients, but don't panic. The whole thing layers together like a regular sandwich. The hardest, or messiest, part is dipping the whole shebang in the egg mixture and setting it in the hot oil. Again, don't panic. It's easy once you get the hang of it. Make sure you have plenty of confectioners' sugar on hand to make it pretty! Savor!

Makes 2 Sandwiches

2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
4 slices bread (white or a brioche-style bread works great; gluten free bread                                     works, too)
1 tablespoon spicy mustard
2 slices cooked turkey
4 slices Swiss cheese
2 slice ham
2 tablespoons butter or vegetable oil (canola preferred)
Confectioners' sugar, for decoration 
2 tablespoons jam

   In a pie plate, whisk together the eggs, milk, and cinnamon.

   To assemble the sandwich: Place the bread on a cutting board. Spread mustard on each piece of bread. Place turkey on 2 slices of bread. Top turkey with 2 slices of cheese. Then add the ham. Put remaining pieces of bread on top.

   To cook: On medium-low heat, heat butter in a large, nonstick skillet. Dip each sandwich into the egg mixture. Turn the sandwich to coat both sides. Set the sandwiches in the skillet. Cover with a lid and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, just until the underside begins to brown. Make sure you don't burn the bread. Flip the sandwich with a spatula and press down to compress the sandwich. Cook for another 3 to 4 minutes or until the underside begins to brown. If necessary, turn once more and cook until the cheese has melted completely, about 1 to 2 minutes. 

   Transfer to a plate, and sprinkle with confections' sugar. Cut diagonally and serve with a spoonful of jam alongside. 

NOTE: All images are from Google Images and/or Pinterest. 
Your dish may vary in appearance.

Oh my goodness. 
My stomach just growled so loud! 
How about you? Are you wanting a Monte Cristo now?

Pre-order now.
Tuesday, April 7!

Jenna Hart moved back to Crystal Cove, California, to recapture her joie de vivre and to help her aunt Vera run the local culinary bookshop and café. But it's hard to follow a simple recipe for relaxation when murder gets thrown in the mix...
The Cookbook Nook is set to host the town's upcoming Grill Fest, a tasty tradition which pits local amateur chefs against one another to concoct the most delicious dishes. This year's challenge: grilled cheese. But with competing chefs bearing grudges from past years, more mouths are running off than savoring the fare.
The expression "too many cooks" proves all too true when the eight-time champ is found murdered in the alley behind the café. Soon a local diner owner (and Jenna's "second mother") is suspected of bumping off the competition, and Jenna has to douse the flames before the wrong person gets burned...

Keep reading to check out my installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Note: On March 27, 2015, I featured a book from the Murder She Wrote series for the Book Beginnings and Friday 56.
I've updated this today to feature


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Book Beginnings
(Using the Note from the Editor)

Welcome to THE COZY COOKBOOK! If you're looking for a side of mystery with a heaping helping of some truly delectable recipes, you've come to the right place.  

My 56
(Using page 24 featuring Jenna's Monte Cristo Sandwich)

 The Monte Cristo Sandwich is a classic. It was one of my mother's all-time favorite sandwiches.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think

Also, become a Follower of my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page


  1. Oh my not even 8 a.m. and you've done went and made me hungry! :)

    My first line is -
    Jess McGrath tore the fire extinguisher off the fire extinquisher off the wall before running back to the blaze in her brother’s office.
    By Dana R. Lynn

    1. It made me hungry when I was posting it! Thanks for sharing your first line!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. That sandwich looks yummy! Happy Friday, to you.

    1. Hey, Pat! Have you ever had one? They are so simple but have amazing flavor.

  3. Sounds like a fun and yummy cozy!! Never had a Monte Cristo sandwich but I'm gonna try that one, thanks for posting the recipe!
    Happy Easter weekend!

    1. Hi, Freda! Oh my. You certainly do have to try one!

  4. Oh, I added you to the Linky as well. :-)

  5. I'm hungry just reading your post!

  6. I'm doing this food thing where I only eat salad for a week. And now I see this! LOL My mouth is watering:)

    My Friday 56 from Mystic Falls

    1. Sorry. ;-) You have to try this when your salad week is over.

  7. Same here. I've just had lunch, now I'm hungry again LOL Great Friday56 !

  8. Yum! I love Monte Cristo sandwiches. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me
