
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Coming March 6

On her family's South Georgia olive plantation, Eva Knox is on the hook for murder in the third delightful Olive Grove Mystery from the author of One Foot in the Grove and Cold Pressed Murder.

On a sizzling-hot September day, Eva Knox's ex-boyfriend, Dudley Dexter Codman the Third, along with a bunch of his corporate cronies from Boston, arrive at Eva's family's guest inn and olive farm, Knox Plantation. Maps and binoculars in hand, the New Englanders claim they're on a bird-watching holiday. Only, Eva knows that her ex doesn't know the first thing about birds. Nor does he care.

Eva can't fathom why he'd show up after all these years in her off-the-beaten-path hometown--nearly 1,200 miles from Boston. When Dudley's body is found drowned in the pond, Eva starts fishing for answers. But she doesn't have much time after authorities determine that her ex was poisoned by one of Eva's family's olive oils. She'll have to find the real killer before her family is caught for murder.

My Review
This was an interesting mystery. Having the victim being the protagonist’s ex is always a happy thing for readers, because the ex in most often a jerk. So, no love lost there.

Check out the back of the book for some delicious sounding recipes.   

There is the use of profanity that is beyond the occasional use of h*ll and d*mn.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thank you for your review on "Dipped To Death".

    I'm on the fence on this one. I really don't understand the need to but cursing in a book of this sort.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Profanity, in a cozy mystery, is not for me. Happy Saturday.

  3. Thanks for sharing your review, Lisa.
