
Saturday, November 18, 2017


I'm so excited to be a stop on the 
blog tour for author
Cheryl Hollon
and her new book
Book 4 in the Webb's Glass Shop Mysteries

When a famous glass artist is murdered at his own exhibit, deadly secrets are put on display, and it’s up to glass shop owner Savannah Webb to see through a killer’s cover.

Celebrated glass artist Dennis Lansing is returning to St. Petersburg, Florida, for an exhibit at the world-renowned Salvador Dali Museum. His unique style of embedding document images in his art is at the vanguard of contemporary glasswork. But as Savannah’s first boyfriend and a former apprentice to her father, Dennis’s return home has her reflecting on the past—a trip down memory lane that takes a dark turn when Dennis is found murdered at the museum with an old reference letter from her father in his pocket. A search through her father’s records sheds new light on Dennis’s history, but it seems his present life wasn’t so transparent either. Now, with a gallery of suspects to consider, it’s up to Savannah to figure out who fits the mold of a murderer.


Winners will be chosen after November 28
at the end of the tour

Two lucky readers will each win a print copy of

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


LKBR:  Thank you for being here today! Please tell us a bit about the Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery Series.

CH: The Webb’s Glass Shop Mystery Series is set in St. Petersburg, Florida, where Savannah Webb has inherited the family-owned stained-glass shop. She not only runs her small business but is a subject matter export who frequently consults for the local police department.

LKBR: How did you come up with the concept for this series? How about the idea for this installment?

CH: My husband and I have been creating glass art for over twenty-five years. We progressed from stained glass, to fused glass, to flameworking glass. When I started thinking about writing a cozy mystery series, it was a natural choice to use glass as a viable craft. Research occurs in the little glass studio we have behind our house. The idea for ETCHED IN TEARS (Webb’s Glass Shop Book #4) came to me when I read on my high school website that my very first boyfriend had passed away.

LKBR: Do you have a favorite character in ETCHED IN TEARS?

CH: Ouch! That like asking a parent which child is her favorite because, of course, you love them all. (Shh. Don’t tell the others, but Jacob, the autistic apprentice and his service beagle Suzy are my favorites.)

LKBR: Is there a certain type of scene that’s harder for you to write than others? Love, action, death, etc?

CH: Not any specific type of scene – I find writing the first draft the most challenging part of the whole process.

LKBR: In your writing, have you ever used experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

CH: Because Savannah owns a glass shop, I use my experiences as a glass artist and our background in owning a small family-owned screen-printing shop.

LKBR: When you’re in the process of writing/creating a book, do you use a computer, typewriter, dictate, or use pen to paper?
CH: The most efficient process for me is working on my home computer in the little wooden shed in the backyard. I can write anywhere, anytime, anyway, but it takes longer. I’m writing this with pen and paper at the Pinellas County Court House waiting to be selected as a juror. The most important thing is to just write.

LKBR: Do you have any writing quirks or rituals that you do before, during, and/or after writing a new book?

CH: Because first drafts are such a challenge for me, I celebrate typing “THE END” with a bottle of champagne shared with close friends. That happened yesterday with Book #6. Yay!

LKBR: What does your family think about your writing? How important is their support?

CH: I am one lucky writer who has the full unstinting support of my immediate and extended family along with an enthusiastic circle of good friends. That support is incredibly important. Here’s the best thing you can say to a struggling writer, and we’re almost always struggling, “I am so proud of you. Keep writing!”

LKBR: Who/What inspired you to write your first book?  

CH: I am a life-long reader and nearly always have two or more books going at a time. But on a fourteen-hour flight from Los Angeles, California to Sydney, Australia, the book I had with me was rubbish. So, I started writing my own mystery. How hard could it be, right? Of course, I soon found out that writing a good mystery is quite hard. I love that about writing and I will never stop.

LKBR: What was one of the most surprising thing(s) you learned when trying to get your first book published?

CH: I was delighted to learn how much revision is required – because I LOVE revision. It was also surprising to learn how subjective the industry is from agents, to editors, to readers, to reviewers. Vastly differing opinions are normal.

LKBR: What book are you reading?

CH: I just finished THE CHILD GARDEN by Catriona McPherson. The next book in my towering to-be-read pile is THEFT OF SWORDS by Michael J. Sullivan. I often read Fantasy as a pallet cleanser.

LKBR: Do you have any advice for aspiring cozy writers?

CH: First – write a lot – really, a LOT!! Then find your tribe. There are so many organizations that will help you learn to be the best writer you can be. I belong to Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and Romance Writers of America. These organizations have local chapters around the US. Join and connect!

LKBR: Where can readers go to learn more about you and your books?

CH: Sign up for my newsletter at my website to receive special glass, SWAG, and book giveaways:
Follow me on Twitter:


Cheryl Hollon now writes full-time after she left an engineering career of designing and building military flight simulators in amazing countries such as England, Wales, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, and India. Fulfilling the dream of a lifetime, she combines her love of writing with a passion for creating glass art. In the small glass studio behind her house in St. Petersburg, Florida, Cheryl and her husband design, create, and produce fused glass, stained glass, and painted glass artworks. Visit her online at, on Facebook or on Twitter @CherylHollon.
Purchase Links Amazon B&N Hudson Booksellers BAM IndieBound This book will also available at Target and WalMart.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

November 14 – Laura's Interests – REVIEW
November 15 – Island Confidential – INTERVIEW
November 16 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
November 17 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT
November 17 – Cozy Up With Kathy – GUEST POST
November 18 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – INTERVIEW
November 19 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW, GUEST POST
November 20 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW
November 21 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
November 22 – Valerie's Musings - REVIEW
November 23 – THANKSGIVING
November 24 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews - SPOTLIGHT
November 25 – A Blue Million Books – GUEST POST
November 26 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
November 27 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW
November 28 – View from the Birdhouse - SPOTLIGHT
November 28 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf - INTERVIEW

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Thank you for hosting a stop on the Great Escapes Virtual Book Tour. I hope you're feeling better today. Tough time of year to be under the weather. Take Care!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds interesting and I loved the stained glass images. Happy Saturday!

  3. Great series! Looking forward to reading "Etched in Tears".

  4. I am anxious to read this series and learn more about glass art. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Thank you for the interview with CHERYL HOLDEN.
    The stained glass photos are amazing.
    I'd love to read ETCHED IN TEARS and have entered to win a copy. Fingers crossed. :)
