
Saturday, November 11, 2017


I'm so excited to be a stop on the 
blog tour for author
Richard Audry
and his new book
Book 3 in the Canine Cozy Mysteries

It's early December and Andy Skyberg is itching to blow town for a weekend of holiday cheer with old friends—including a date with an attractive divorcĂ©e who thinks he's hot. But first, Aunt Bev needs a teensy bit of help. She’s managing the Girls’ Weekend Out event at the Beaver Tail Resort and could use some extra muscle. Andy figures he can spare a few hours before hitting the road. Mother Nature, though, has other plans. A giant blizzard makes an unexpected turn. Andy and his pooch King Harald find themselves snowbound—in a hotel full of hard-partying women, stranded travelers, a hockey team, a man-eating novelist, a belligerent blogger, and one violent, devious jewel thief. Before you know it, man and mutt are up to their noses in another case. It’s a winter wonderland of fast-paced fun and merry madness, as the sleuthing duo dig out from King Harald’s Snow Job.


Winners will be chosen after November 12
at the end of the tour

One lucky reader will win a set of the 
King Harold Msyteries!


Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


LKBR:  Thank you for being here today, Richard!

RA: Gotta tell you, I’m delighted to be with you.

LKBR: When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

RA: When I was a kid. I loved reading novels and thought it would be super cool to write them. Unfortunately, I waited a long time to give it the determined effort that it requires. Nonetheless, in the last six years I’ve managed to write seven novels and a couple of novellas, plus a pair of short books about authors I’m a fan of.

LKBR: What was your inspiration for this series? Where did the name come from?

RA: Back in the ’90s I wrote my first two mysteries—a contemporary PI yarn and a historical mystery. They were both quite serious in tone, and I decided that I wanted to try something lighter for my next effort. I liked cozies, so I thought I’d try my hand. My brother-in-law had a big, not-too-bright Chesapeake retriever and I figured a smarter version of him would make a good canine sleuth. That’s where King Harald came from. As his partner, I devised a fortyish guy—divorced, business gone bust, in a deep funk—who comes back to his hometown. One of the things he wants is a dog and finds Harald at a shelter. What he doesn’t count on is Harald developing a nose for crime. It took about fifteen years to actually write the first book—The Karma of King Harald—but I did get it done eventually.

LKBR: Do you ever get writer’s block? If you do, how do you work through it?

RA: No, not really. I don’t believe in writer’s block. I do believe in befuddlement and procrastination, though. Sometimes you just come to a halt because you’re lazy or sick of your story. Sometimes you come to a halt because you need to ruminate on your plot, characters, whatever. But I’ve never not been able to put down words—even if the words weren’t very good.

LKBR: Do you have a favorite place to do your writing?

RA: I used to like to take my laptop to coffee shops and work for a few hours, but then figured: Why spend $8-10 on a latte and a Danish, plus driving time to get there, amidst noise and distraction, when I can write for free at home? So, pretty much all of my writing happens on the two Macs I have in my office—one at a sitting desk, one at a standing desk. I might take plotting and character development remote, scribbling in pencil on a tablet.

LKBR: What is your writing schedule like? Do you write a certain number of hours a day, or go by word count?

RA: I’m not as disciplined as I would like to be. I have no set schedule. But I try very hard to write a thousand words a day when I’m doing my first drafts. Sometimes I make it, sometimes I don’t.

LKBR: What is the hardest part of writing? What is the easiest part?

RA: I find that the writing itself goes fairly easily. If I know where I’m going and what the beats are along the way, I can clip along. However, plotting and establishing those beats is a bear. After writing seven novels and two novellas, I find it doesn’t get any easier.

LKBR: Do you have plans for a new series?

RA: No, not at this time. My goal is to get three more King Harald mysteries out, in addition to several books in my Mary MacDougall Mysteries, a historical series set in the early 1900s. I’m also wrapping up my kids’ fantasy trilogy, The Johnny Graphic Adventures.

LKBR: What book are you reading?

RA: Right now I’m finishing up Daniel Silva’s The Black Widow. IMO, he’s the best espionage novelist since John Le CarrĂ©.

LKBR: What are three things you want your readers to know about you?

RA: First, I try hard to write stories that entertain, engross, and provide fun, quick reads. Second, it’s a dream come true being a novelist. Third, I am grateful to every person who reads my books and hope that they’ll want to come back for more.

LKBR: Thank you so much, Richard for letting us get to know you better!

RA: And thank you for the soapbox. It’s been a pleasure, Lisa. Let’s do it again sometime.


Richard Audry is the pen name of D. R. Martin. In addition to his career as a journalist and copywriter, D. R. has written a dozen books, both fiction and non-fiction. His current projects include a fantasy adventure trilogy, a canine cozy mystery series, and historical mysteries set at the turn of the last century. 

Author Links 
  Purchase Links:
Amazon     B&N 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


November 1 - Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – COZY WEDNESDAY November 2 - Celticlady's Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
November 3 – Island Confidential – INTERVIEW
November 4 – A Holland Reads – GUEST POST
November 5 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
November 6 – Back Porchervations - REVIEW
November 6 – Queen of All She Reads - SPOTLIGHT
November 6 – View from the Birdhouse – SPOTLIGHT
November 7 – Reviews by Martha's Bookshelf – REVIEW
November 7 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
November 8 – Laura's Interests – SPOTLIGHT 
November 9 – A Blue Million Books – INTERVIEW
November 10 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW
November 11 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews - REVIEW, INTERVIEW
November 12 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Enjoyed the interview. Happy Saturday!

  2. That is a series I never heard of. I'll have ti check it out. Thanks for sharing Lisa.
