
Monday, September 11, 2017

Welcome to week 2 of the
with Bloggers Mary Brown, Karen M. Owen, Karen Kenyon, Sheryl Hagan-Booth and yours truly!


My Fall cozy mystery pick for this week is
 by Wendy Tyson

Megan Sawyer should be shouting from the barn roof. Washington Acres survived its first year, the café has become a hotspot for locals, and Winsome’s sexy Scottish veterinarian is making house calls—only not for the animals. But as summer slips into fall and Winsome prepares for its grand Oktoberfest celebration, beer isn’t the only thing brewing. 

When the town’s pub owner is killed in a freak accident, Megan suspects something sinister is afoot in Winsome—but no one is listening. As nights grow longer and temperatures chill, Megan must plow through Winsome’s fixation with autumn festivities to harvest the truth—before another dead body marks the season.

When reading BITTER HARVEST by Wendy Tyson, I cool feel the crisp air on my face, see the vibrant colors, and smell those wonderful Fall smells.

Lead character, Megan Sawyer is an inspiration. She left her life as a big city lawyer to take over her family's organic farm and café. It wasn't an easy transformation. She was faced with one issue after another. But with strength and tenacity, she made a wonderful life for herself that she loves. 

If you're looking for a perfect fall read, BITTER HARVEST will have you longing for the crunch of leaves under your feet, pumpkin spice everything, and all the cozy feelings that Autumn brings.


Author Wendy Tyson has created a series that is absolutely wonderful in every way!

It has felt like such a long wait for this second installment in the Greenhouse Mysteries to come out. But after reading A MUDDIED MURDER, the first book in this series, a day would have felt like too long! 

I was so excited when I finally got my hands on BITTER HARVEST. Once it was in my grasp, and I started reading, I couldn’t set it down! I was finally back in Winsome, PA with Megan, Bibi, Finn, Clover, King, and all the townspeople. It felt liking going home. As I write this, I’m actually sad that I had to say goodbye. L (No worries though. The next book is due out this fall!) 

BITTER HARVEST is a brilliantly clever book in every way. Wendy Tyson brought to us in this story, not just one mystery, but two! There is of course one heck of a whodunit murder to be solved. But there is a secondary mystery involving someone close to Megan that made this a real bushel full of mystery, and an even more exciting read. I want to say more, but I’d risk giving things away.

Ms. Tyson is an exciting voice in the cozy mystery genre, and nothing proves that better than this amazing book, or I should say, this amazing series! Fans, prepare to be thrilled. New readers, pick up A MUDDIED MURDER and BITTER HARVEST and you’ll have the fun of getting to read them back to back!


That's my pick for this week's book. 
Make sure to check out the whole Greenhouse Mystery series by Wendy Tyson.

BOOK ONE                                   BOOK TWO


Coming November 14!


My Amigos Mary, Karen & Karen, and Sheryl  want to share their fall picks for this week with you
Please head over to their blogs and check them out!

Mary's blog

Karen & Karen's blog

Sheryl's blog

Check back next Monday with the Five Amigos for more great Fall cozy mystert picks!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Thanks, Lisa. Hope you enjoy your Monday, with plenty of time for reading.

  2. Thanks for sharing your post. I have to check out this one.

  3. Hello, everyone! Thank you for this lovely post, Lisa! I adore your site and am thrilled that you enjoyed BITTER HARVEST. Autumn is my favorite time of the year (although the pumpkin muffins do me in).

  4. I am in totaL agreement with your review of Bitter Harvest, Lisa. Wendy Tyson definitely knows how to write a fabulous series, as we can attest to. I have really enjoyed listening to this series on CD too. Makes the already vibrant characters absolutely come to life in your mind's eye. Reality writing, timely writing, educational writing, intelligent writing.....And much more.with Ms.Tyson's series.

    Cynthia B
