
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Today I'm joining Berkley in celebrating the 
upcoming September 5 paperback release of
Book 47 in the Murder, She Wrote Mysteries
by Jessica FLetcher, 
Ed Bain & Renée Paley-Bain
with a Review!


The USA Today bestselling Murder, She Wrote mystery series continues as Jessica Fletcher takes a relaxing getaway that turns into a reel deadly situation...
Jessica enters a fly-fishing competition at a nearby lake. Joining her is the sheriff’s wife, Maureen Metzger, who surprises Jess with her enthusiasm for the sport. Their guide, however, is a surprise to both....
Brian Kinney is an ex-con. Jailed as an accomplice to convicted killer Darryl Jepson, Brian was later exonerated, but not before spending seven years behind bars. He seems like a decent enough fellow. Just someone trying to rebuild his life as a family man and fishing guide. 
Yet when Jepson breaks out of prison vowing revenge, and the lawyer for both men is found murdered, Cabot Cove becomes the focus of the nation as local, state, and federal authorities descend on Jessica’s hometown. And to add to the tension, Maureen has gone missing. Is she lost or is she a hostage? Jess soon finds herself caught in a net full of lies, deceit, and ulterior motives. In order to save her friend, she’ll need to find some answers by hook or by crook…


My review is from the 2016 hardcover edition.

Another classic MURDER, SHE WROTE novel.

It amazes me that forty-six books into this series, authors Donald Bain and Renée Paley-Bain (and of course Jessica Fletcher) can still come up with fresh ideas. However, book after book they bring another exciting story from Cabot Cove, or wherever Mrs. Fletcher is off to.

I didn’t set out to read this series, as I wasn’t really a fan of the show (See past reviews concerning my unnatural fear of Angela Landsbury). But I remember my Mom tuning in every week, and from the other room, I listened to Jessica get into one murder investigation after the other. When I read a MURDER, SHE WROTE book, I can hear the familiar characters voices as I read. I can smell the coast off Cabot Cove, and all the riches the water has to offer. These books take me back to listening as my parents watched the show. You know what? I’m really enjoying them! (And I’m mostly no longer afraid of Angela Landsbury!)

In MSW: HOOK, LINE AND SINKER, Jessica Fletcher has entered a fly-fishing competition. Sounds safe enough, right? Come on now, we know better than that. What starts out as fun and relaxation turns into murder and possible kidnapping!

Bain and Paley-Bain have written another exciting Fletcher mystery, using their skillful writing to deliver a captivating story, with an unexpected and satisfying conclusion.

About the authors

Donald Bain

Donald Bain is the author or ghost/​author of more than 120 books, many of them bestsellers. They encompass both fiction and non-fiction, and include such categories as murder mysteries, westerns, comedies, investigative journalism, food, business, psychology and historical dramatizations.

Don's wife, Renée Paley-Bain, also a writer, collaborated with him on the “Murder, She Wrote” series until her passing in 2016. They have two grown daughters (Laurie, a fine writer and editor; and Pamela, the professor in the family) and four grandsons.

Now available for pre-order
Release date:
September 5!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I really need to read more of these. Like your mom, I loved the show. I'm sure I would hear the familiar voices, too, as I read. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  2. Thanks for sharing your review with us.

  3. I still watch the show every now and then on one of those retro channels. I've read a few of the books and enjoyed them very much. Thanks for your review.

  4. I just bought a MSW set over Christmas in Cabot Cove and I loved it. It was Jessica's voice in my head as I read. I am so glad I gave the series a second chance because I hated the first book. Bain didn't quite have the personalities down right... to me. But this one sounds good too...

  5. A great series. And the TV shows are so good too.
