
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

I'm in a mood for remembering.
So, the Way Back Machine has taken my back to
October 23 (my birthday!), 2014!

This is a way back throwback!
You read that right.

The Way Back Machine has taken me
to a Throwback Thursday!


Ready to learn about a new old series?

Today's new, old series is 
The CULINARY FOOD WRITER Mystery series 
by author Nancy Fairbanks 

There are 11 books in this series
and one that was never been published.

Forty-something homemaker Carolyn Blue is through with cooking and cleaning. She’s finally decided to throw in the dishtowel—and take on a dream job as food writer. Now her plate is filled with exotic locales, delectable foods, and even a dash of crime—to taste. She could very well get used to this.

It was a perfect arrangement. Carolyn had already planned to accompany her husband to an academic conference in New Orleans—an event that meant visiting old college pals. So why not use the opportunity to write a story about Cajun cuisine? But just as she gets a taste of Creole, she gets a bite of crime…Her friend Julienne disappears at a dinner party. True, she had been fighting with her husband, but this only worries Carolyn more. Now, she has to put her taste-testing aside to search for answers—and the trail leads her right to an alligator swamp. Carolyn better act fast, because in these parts, it’s eat or be eaten…
Includes over a dozen delicious Southern recipes!

The CEO of a large pharmaceutical company has invited Carolyn Blue and her husband to the Big Apple for some serious wining and dining. But before she gets a chance to get a true taste of New York, the CEO is dead-keeled over after a heaping helping of pastrami. Talk about high cholesterol. Or was it high crime? 

It's a culinary tour de France for Carolyn Blue and her family as they travel through Normandy and the Loire Valley with a group of academics. Where better to write about food than France? But when murder shows up on the menu, Carolyn is once again investigating crime as well as cuisine-and trying to stay one step ahead of a killer with an insatiable appetite. C'est la vie...

Carolyn Blue's trip to San Francisco includes a visit to her mother-in-law, a few earthquake tremors-and a stint in prison as a murder suspect. A column on prison food might make for an interesting change of pace...

Food writer Carolyn gets to challenge her taste-testing skills once again-this time, in Barcelona. Her first feast is for the eyes-at a modern art museum where her friend Roberta is the resident scholar. There, she catches a performance art piece about death, planted a little too firmly in reality. One of the actors is not acting-she's well as a dead-ringer for Roberta. And now, Carolyn is in the middle of a new investigation into a very unsavory crime.

At an opera party in Texas, the artistic director eats some bad guacamole that disagrees with him right to death. A scorned soprano admits to mixing the dish to get back at him for passing her over for her dream role. But Carolyn learns that foul play, not foul food, was the real culprit--and uncovers some unsavory secrets that lead to a full menu of suspects.

Awaiting a passionate rendezvous with her husband in romantic Italy, Carolyn spends the day with the beautiful Paolina, who has been stood up by her lover. But Carolyn's ciesta turns sour as when she finds her lovely companion drowned in the hotel's pool. Is it suicide? Or Paolina's boss--with benefits?

Forty-something Carolyn Blue is through with being a homemaker. She's decided to throw in the dishtowel and take on a dream job as a food writer. Now her plate is filled with exotic locales, delectable foods-and even a dash of crime- to taste. She could very well get used to this. 

Even if she must share a cabin with her mother-in-law, food columnist Carolyn Blue admits it's a terrific Mother's Day present: passage on the Bountiful Feast, a gourmet cruise ship sailing to the Canary Islands. But when a female passenger disappears at a port stop and a corpse turns up on board, it's clear to Carolyn that the Bountiful Feast is sailing headlong into very dangerous waters. And if that's not enough, there's a terrifying shortage of double chocolate raspberry mousse.

When Carolyn's husband Jason is invited to lecture in Lyon, France, it seems like the perfect excuse to indulge in one of the culinary capitals of the world. But along with picturesque street scenes and exquisite meals, the couple is met with incomprehensible traffic, pushy locals, and a thoroughly unpleasant attempt on their lives. A colleague falls victim to a fatal foie gras-intended for Carolyn and Jason. And as amorous secrets and more victims are added to the mix, Carolyn must discover who cooked the dirty dish-and really watch what she eats...

Food writer Carolyn Blue's book launch goes up in smoke when her turkey flambŽ results in two flaming birds getting tossed out the window-leading to a young woman's death. 

Now it's up to Carolyn to restore her reputation and find out who sabotaged her poultry party. And she thought flambŽing was hard...

Blood Pudding

Never published  

Have you read this one?

These titles are not available in paperback.
Check with your local used book stores or online sellers. 
They are available on eBook

Remember to check back every Thursday 
for more great Throwback cozy titles!

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Please, leave a comment. 
I always love hearing what you have to say!

I hope you enjoyed this Way Back Throwback!


  1. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Tuesday!

  2. Thanks for sharing your post with us Lisa.

  3. I will be checking my used dealer for these. Thanks. Della
