
Friday, July 7, 2017

Hostile Takeover....okay not really just Karen from A Cup of Tea and A Cozy Mystery taking over for Lisa today! Welcome to Friendship Friday!

Karen here, I have taken over from Lisa today and hope you won't mind spending a bit of time with me today. Lisa and I have worked together for a while now promoting our passion of books, reading and authors and so I jumped at the chance to pop over and take over for the day! Actually her back was turned and I logged on and took over so Surprise! Lisa you have the day off and your readers are stuck with me.....

Today I would like to share a bit about cozy mysteries that have great Friendships, kinda like Lisa and I......

Ready okay here we go!
Author Vicky Fee totally impressed me with her Liv and Di in Dixie Mystery series, what got me here was the friendship dynamic of main character Liv is a married party planner, living in a big house she and her husband are renovating and her best friend Di is a divorced mail lady who lives in a trailer, the two have an amazing bond and polar opposite lives. It makes it interesting and special to have a friend you have history with and you can count on, no matter what and who sticks with you through thick and thin, bad times and good times and still comes up strong! With three books in the series you have a perfect summer series just waiting right here for you. You can find out more about this series by visiting author Vicky Fee's Website by clicking here.

Oh Vicki Vass! so hard not to smile when I think of this author and this just one of her many amazing books. This series in particular has a great friendship duo in  Anne and CC! What is more fun than grabbing your best friend, your beat up van and hitting the yard and estate sales on the weekends? These two treasure hunters/ blog celebrities have great eyes for what their clients are looking for and a knack for finding more than just a sought after antique! These too have some fun adventure and some downright deplorable luck in the first Antique Hunters book Murder For Sale! You simply must check out this series and Vicki Vass' website by clicking here... (oh and while you are at it pick up and read Bloodline,  her latest paranormal cozy, trust me! If I could buy the world a book it would be that one! )

Lastly today I give you my third selection...
You all may not know but I love tea and one of my first favorite cozy series is by indy author Melanie O'Hara and her Traveling Tea Ladies series, Start with Death in Dallas you will be glad you did.
I could not help but feel emotionally connected to this story, these women and this idea that 4 friends could accomplish so much, travel and enjoy each other for who they individually were! Murder and Mayhem follow these ladies wherever they go and they go each place in such style!
 These ladies truth be told remind me of my friends Sheryl, Karen K , Lisa and I!
Characters Amelia, Cassandra, Sarah and Olivia make short work of making you feel like one of the gang! Learn more about this 6 book series by visiting author Melanie O'Hara's website by clicking here.

Thank you so much for joining me here ( even though you were expecting Lisa) and I hope you enjoyed today's Friendship Friday.  I would love to have you over on my own blog daily for a cup of tea and a cozy mystery. You are hereby invited to pop over and stay for a cozy chat with Author Laura Bradford and I. I hope to see you soon and often over at 


  1. Great suggestions! I'll have to check out The Travelling Tea ladies series! 😉

    1. I think I need to buy it for you all for Christmas! 6 books in the series!

  2. Oh, if only all take overs were this sort of "hostile" and informative. Thanks for being a good friend, telling us about good friends, and wishing Lisa a quick recovery.

    1. Thank you L aura! What a fun thing to be able to do!

  3. What a great post. Thanks for sharing Karen.

    1. Thank you Mary! So happy you stopped by today and said hello!

  4. Fun post, glad you could help out, Karen! And I found a new to me author now in Vickie Vass so thanks!

  5. Very fun to see you here, Karen! And I've added more books to my TBR pile!

  6. Terrific books, Karen, can't wait to add them to my TBR pile! I think I need a summer vacation to catch up on my reading (don't we all>)

  7. Thanks, Karen, for the shoutout -- and for pinch-hitting for Lisa K! (Lisa, feel better soon!)

  8. I love seeing so many comments!

    Thank you all for the get well wishes, but I'm not sick today. I woke up this morning Duck taped to a chair, and by the time I got loose, Karen had taken over my blog! ;-)

  9. Thanks for the book recommendations, Karen. Lisa, I hope you were successful in elimination the duck tape residue!!

  10. I missed seeing this yesterday... such a cute and fun blog post and now I have more books to add to my reading list! Thanks for the recommendations, Karen!
