
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

FRENCH FRIED by Kylie Logan

Book 3 in the Bad Luck Cat Mysteries
by Kay Finch


Mystery novelist Sabrina Tate and her cat, Hitchcock, set out to catch a conniving killer in the next Bad Luck Cat mystery from the author of The Black Cat Knocks on Wood and Black Cat Crossing...
The town of Lavender, Texas is buzzing with tourists, and local businesses are pulling out all the stops for the annual Pumpkin Days Festival. On the eve of opening day, Sabrina comes face-to-face with her doppelgänger, Tia Hartwell, a caricature artist at the festival. The similarities between the two women are striking, including their matching black cats. 

Sabrina learns that her new twin Tia has an enemy: bad-tempered jewelry vendor Calvin Fisher. When Fisher is found slumped over dead in his pickup, Tia tops the suspect list. With the help of her feline sidekick, Sabrina must clear her new look-alike friend before she finds herself in a deadly case of double jeopardy.


Murderous bad luck may follow the characters in The Bad Luck Cat Mysteries, but there’s only good luck for anyone reading it!

Many authors have an enviable talent of making words flow across the page. Each word and sentence from chapter to chapter blending flawlessly to form a story so captivating you never want it to end. THE BLACK CAT SEES HIS SHADOW is just such a book, and Kay Finch is just such an author. Having enjoyed the first two books in this series, I was excited to finally have this installment in my hands. It was totally worth the wait!

I have liked protagonist Sabrina Tate and her “bad luck” black cat, Hitchcock since first reading them in, BLACK CAT CROSSING. Oh, and Aunt Roe! I just love Aunt Roe! They’re great characters, and it’s been wonderful watching them grow throughout the three books.

In THE BLACK CAT SEES HIS SHADOW, author Finch introduces us to Sabrina and Hitchcock’s “twins”, Tia and Merlin. What an interesting way to shake a story up! I’ve seen the whole “it was my twin” thing done before (mostly on soaps), but Kay Finch’s use and handling of the twin characters was quite unique in the way she wrote them. Talk about adding mayhem to a mystery!

All this and recipes too! Make sure to look for them in the back of the book.

THE BLACK SEES HIS SHADOW was an all-around great book. The twin twist, the mystery, every aspect of this story was well done, and simply made for a great read. The best in the Bad Luck Cat Mysteries so far!


Book 2 in the Ethnic Eats Mysteries
by Kylie Logan


Poison du Jour
The Statue of Liberty is 130 years old, and for the struggling residents of Hubbard, Ohio, any opportunity to bring in tourists is reason enough for a celebration. Laurel Inwood and her aunt, Sophie, are pitching in. Sophie’s Terminal at the Tracks, a former greasy spoon turned charming ethnic eatery, will be offering French cuisine for the entire week.      

For expert help with their quiche and escargot, the ladies turn to Raquel “Rocky” Arnaud, a former French chef and friend of Sophie. What looks like a match made in heaven turns rank as quickly as buttermilk on a summer’s day. Rocky turns up dead and when her nightly red wine shows notes of oak, cinnamon, and poison, Laurel turns from soufflé to sleuth. 



Oh là là. Auteur Kylie Logan nous donne le goût de la France.

The first book in the Ethnic Eats Mysteries, IRISH STEWED, was such a great story that it was hard waiting a year for the release of FRENCH FRIED. When I finally got it in my hands, I settled in for the cozy read I had be looking forward to.

I absolutely enjoyed being in Hubbard, OH again, and I simply adore Sophie’s Terminal at the Tracks restaurant. I fell in love with the building the first time I “walked” into it in book one. Now, I’m not an adventurous eater, and I don’t eat a lot of ethnic food, but the simple French food Laurel Inwood was making made me so hungry my stomach growled! Good thing author Logan included recipes!

This was one of those mysteries where I really liked the murder victim so, I always read much longer than I had planned each time I picked the book up. Not only did I want to know the name of the creep who killed her, there was a mystery with in this mystery and I just had to get to the bottom of it! I know Kylie Logan can write a wonderful mystery, but she really got me with this one. I was clueless even with all the clues flying around.

The one thing I was hoping for that didn’t happen in FRENCH FRIED, I wanted Laurel to be more content and settled than she was. I have the feeling she will be in the next installment, but I hope it will be soon into it. I have a hard time enjoying a story one hundred percent when the protagonist doesn’t really want to be there.

Over all an entertaining tale, if you liked IRISH STEWED, you will like, FRENCH FRIED.

Both of these great titles
are available now!

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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I'm looking forward to reading The Black Cat Sees His Shadow. Happy Wednesday to you.

  2. Thanks for sharing your post. Good reviews.

  3. Thanks for the great reviews Lisa! I'm looking forward to diving into this series by Kylie Logan.
