
Saturday, June 3, 2017


Book 5 in the Local Foods Mysteries
by Edith Maxwell


It’s been a hot, dry spring in Westbury, Massachusetts. As organic farmer Cam Flaherty waits for much-needed rain, storm clouds of mystery begin to gather. Once again, it’s time to put away her sun hat and put on her sleuthing cap . . .

May has been anything but merry for Cam so far. Her parents have arrived unexpectedly and her crops are in danger of withering away. But all of that’s nothing compared to the grim fate that lies in store for one of her neighbors. Nicole Kingsbury is the proud owner of the town’s new hydroponic greenhouse. She claims the process will be 100% organic, but she uses chemicals to feed her crops. To Cam’s surprise, her mother embarrasses her by organizing a series of loud public protests against Nicole’s operation.

When Nicole is found dead in a vat of hydroponic slurry—clutching another set of rosary beads—Detective Pete Pappas has a new murder to solve. Showers may be scarce this spring, but there’s no shortage of suspects, including the dead woman’s embittered ex‑husband, the Other Man whose affair ruined their marriage, and Cam’s own mother. Lucky for Cam, her father turns out to have a knack for sleuthing—not to mention dealing with chickens. Will he and Cam be able to clear Mrs. Flaherty’s name before the killer strikes again?


Another fresh, entertaining story in the Local Foods Mystery series.

I get so excited each time I start a new book by author Edith Maxwell. I am always anxious at first thinking there is no way it can be as good as her other works. And then only a few pages in, I know how silly I was being, because each tale she writes is better than the one before!  The proof is in the reading because MULCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING is the cream of the crop.

I’m not an outdoorsy person, and I don’t eat vegetables (though I am a fruit fan), so what am I doing reading the Local Foods Mysteries? Well, as I mentioned above, I am a fan of this author’s writing. But I am also fascinated with the thought of little seeds becoming big, beautiful, eatable food. And Ms. Maxwell does make it sound fun . . . almost. ;-)

I love spending time with series lead, Cam Flaherty. I think she’s a brilliantly written character. She’s independent, and knowledgeable, but not 100% perfect, which adds another layer of interest to her. It was great getting to see her interact with her parents in this story. I quite like her father, but her more I believe is an acquired taste.

The murder mystery in MULCH ADO ABOUT MURDER is exceptional. There are many possible suspects, including Cam’s mom. So many people who would want to see the victim dead. Ms. Maxwell could easily have muddied things for readers with all that was going on, but she blended everything together perfectly, planting doubts, and leaving clues to harvest. And all led up to an action packed reveal, that left me feeling I had lived through the story myself!

MULCH ADO ABOUT MURDER has everything you want in a cozy summer read, including great recipes. You’ve got to pick up a copy of your own!


Book 1 in the Shamelessly Adorable Teddy Bear Mysteries
by Meg Macy

Trade Paperback (Large)

The Silver Bear Shop and Factory might be the cutest place around, but there’s nothing warm and fuzzy about murder . . .

As manager of the family teddy bear shop and factory, thirty-one-year-old Sasha Silverman leads a charmed life. Well, except for the part about being a single divorcΓ©e with a ticking biological clock in small-town Silver Hollow. And that’s just kid’s stuff compared to Will Taylor, the sales rep who’s set on making drastic changes to the business her parents built from scratch—with or without Sasha’s approval . . .

But before Will digs his claws in, someone pulls the stuffing out of his plan . . . and leaves his dead body inside the factory. Reeling from shock, Sasha’s hit with more bad news—police suspect her hot-tempered Uncle Ross may have murdered him. Sasha knows her uncle would never do such a thing, and she’s launching her own little investigation to expose the truth. As she tracks Will’s biggest rivals and enemies for clues, Sasha can’t get too comfy—or she’ll become the next plaything for a killer . . .


For this being the first book in a series, I was so beary impressed with author Meg Macy’s writing, I couldn’t bear put the book down!

Talk about cozy! How cozier can a mystery get than one set in a teddy bear factory, and stuffed with furry goodness? When I first heard of BEARLY DEPARTED, book one in the Shamelessly Adorable Teddy Bear Mystery series, I knew it was one I had to read.

I enjoyed the way BEARLY DEPARTED started off. In the teddy bear store, and then with a tour of the teddy bear factory. It was fascinating to read how the bears for protagonist Sasha Silverman and her family’s store were made. It’s very clear the author did her research, and it made for educational, informative, fun reading.

Ms. Macy put herself in my favor by making her murder victim a most unlikeable person, so I was happy to see him go! Don’t worry, the scene wasn’t too grizzly. ;-) Like him or not, I still wanted to know why he was killed and whodunit, and author Macy complied by sending me on a winding, twisting conveyer belt ride of suspects and clues.

I’m already looking forward to the next book in this wonderful new series, BEAR WITNESS TO MURDER!

Both of these great titles
are available now!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Saturday, to you.

  2. Thanks for sharing your reviews, Lisa.

  3. You write the most clever, creatively fun reviews! I so enjoy reading them!

  4. Thanks for reviewing, Lisa! Glad you enjoyed Bearly Departed!!

  5. Thanks for the great reviews! I'll have to check both of those series out. I do think I've read one of the Edith Maxwell ones, but not sure. I need to start writing down all of the books I read so I can keep up with them.
