
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Are you looking for something new to read?
Want to step out of the bounds of your typical cozy mysteries?

I'd like to recommend the
by author Mike Martin.

These wonderful books aren't cozies, but they are light, enjoyable mysteries like you haven't read before.


Mike is celebrating his wonderful series and wants to share the celebration you!

One lucky reader will receive a
 Signed print set of all five

This giveaway is open

Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

A word from Mike

Many people are discovering the Sgt. Windflower Mystery series through the latest book, A Long Ways from Home. It has received great reviews and was shortlisted for the prestigious Bony Blithe Award as the best light mystery in Canada for 2017. But it is the 5th book in this series. To celebrate the nomination of A Long Ways from Home and the series so far, we are pleased to offer a special giveaway. One lucky contestant will win a signed copy of all 5 books in the series mailed directly to their home. If you haven’t read any of the books so far, you have something to look forward to. Even if you’ve read the series you can enter and have the books sent to a friend who you think might like them.
Here’s some more information about the series

Take a look at the wonderful books 
you can win!


A man's body is found on the Cape in a small fishing community on the East Coast. At first everyone thinks it's a heart attack or stroke. But then it is discovered that he was poisoned. Who would do this and why? Finding that out falls to Sergeant Winston Windflower of the RCMP along with his trusted side-kick Eddie Tizzard. Along the way they discover that there are many more secrets hidden in this small community and powerful people who want to keep it that way.

Windflower also discovers two more things; a love of living in a small community that is completely different from his up-bringing in a remote Indian reserve and maybe the love of his life. He gets a taste of East Coast food and hospitality as well as a sense of how crime and corruption can linger beneath the surface or hide in the thick blanket of fog that sometimes creeps in from the nearby Atlantic Ocean.


The Body on the T is the second book in the Windflower mystery series and it follows up on the highly acclaimed premiere, The Walker on the Cape. The story begins when a body washes up on a beach near Grand Bank, Newfoundland. There is no identification on the body and few clues to identify who the person was or where they came from. The case becomes the responsibility of Sgt. Winston Windflower of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and his trusted side-kick, Corporal Eddie Tizzard.

But this is just the beginning. There is also a devastating accident on the highway and another suspicious death to deal with. Throw in a rogue police officer and an international drug ring operating in the waters off the coast and Windflower’s peaceful world is turned upside down. This time Windflower’s adventures take him to the scenic town of Burin where Captain Cook once patrolled the waters looking for French mercenaries. And to historic St. John’s where he faces down an armed suspect on a parking garage rooftop in the midst of a busy downtown evening.

Along the way Windflower also continues to enjoy the food and home-style hospitality of this part of the world. Cod tongues, pan seared scallops and even figgy duff become part of his diet, and his long list of favourite foods. Windflower may be a long way from his Cree home in Northern Alberta but he has found a new place to love in the fog and mist of Newfoundland.


Sgt. Windflower is back and as usual he’s loving life on the east coast. He may be a long way from his home in Northern Alberta but he has been adopted by the locals as almost one of their own. He has a good life, good work with the RCMP, and a good woman that he has grown closer to in his years on the southeast coast of Newfoundland. But trouble is brewing just beneath the surface of this calm and charm-filled existence.

It begins with the discovery of a dead girl’s body in St. John’s, the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador. The girl is from Grand Bank where Windflower has been stationed for the last few years. Sgt. Windflower and his associate Corporal Eddie Tizzard are pulled further and further into the case. The situation also grows to include a whole array of criminal activities from human trafficking and even the Russian Mafia.

Along the way Windflower not only has to deal with this crime wave operating all around the region, but with some challenges in his own life. He has to go back to his Aboriginal roots to find the answers to some very deep and disturbing questions. But nothing seems to bother his appetite and joy for life, especially his appetite. He continues to sample traditional Newfoundland dishes like fish and brewis but he also expands to include pan-fried sea trout and baked salmon, along with a range of desserts from blueberry buckle to his all-time favourite, peanut butter cheesecake.

His faith in the police force, that has become his life, is also threatened by a series of events that he becomes aware of that are certainly immoral if not even illegal. He is forced to face not only his own personal demons but those in real life that are lurking all around us. Sometime they are right in front of our face, but at other times they are hiding deep beneath the surface, waiting to be resolved.


A Twist of Fortune is the fourth book in the Sgt. Windflower Mystery Series and it continues the adventures of Sgt. Windflower as he tries to solve crime and experience the joy and the sadness of life in a small maritime community. Follow along as he feels the sometimes bitter taste of an east coast winter and the unique culinary delights of this part of the world.


A weekend visit to picturesque Newfoundland by a large crew of outlaw bikers leaves behind another mess for Sgt. Windflower to clean up. This time he’s facing violence, murder, mystery and intrigue. This adventure has Windflower questioning everything he thought he knew. There are troubles on the home front, cutbacks in the policing budget, old friends leaving and new ones not quite here yet. Windflower is seeking to find answers in territory that is both dangerous and unfamiliar. 
This instalment in the Sgt. Windflower Mystery series has our hero dashing all over the beautiful little island of Newfoundland. Along the way he never wavers in his pursuit of justice. But he stills tries to find a way to enjoy the natural beauty that lays all around him, and to bring out the best from everybody he meets.

A Long Ways from Home is about more than just homicides or the dirty dealings of outlaw bikers. It is also about helping people and communities face up to and overcome new and very difficult challenges. Windflower relies on his friends and allies, including some four-legged ones, to help him and them find the answers. He also discovers that we are never really alone, even when we are a long ways from home.

Don't they sound great?
Enter to win the Sgt. Windflower series now! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks, Lisa (and Mike). Happy weekend!

  2. Many thanks to Lisa K for hosting this giveaway. Good luck to everybody. Hope you win!!
    Mike Martin

  3. Thanks for sharing Lisa. More books to check out.

  4. I love mystery series like these. This is a new-to-me author that I would love to try!

  5. These sounds very good thanks for the chance! Good luck everyone

  6. This looks like another great mystery series to check out. Thanks for the heads up Lisa K.


  7. Thanks for the intro. They do look good. Great covers. Would very much like to read. So hoping.
    Della at deepotter (at) peoplepc (dot) com

  8. Sounds like an interesting series.

  9. Thank you for sharing these mysteries. I have not heard of Mike before, but adding these to my TBR right now. Have a great day, Lisa & Mike!

  10. Enjoyed the description of the books. Would love to read the series.

  11. Thanks Lisa for the intro of a new-to-me author. This series sounds wonderful!

  12. Glad to be one of the visitors on this awing site :D.
