
Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

Today The Cozy Times is featuring the 

Murder at the library! 

Check it out!


The dead body of Mary Beth Simmons, a New York City editor visiting Cobble Cove for the book release program featuring authors Alicia and John McKinney was found yesterday morning in the crime section of the Cobble Cove Library. According to Sheriff Ronald Ramsay, the victim was shot in the head at close range.

Library clerk Gilly Nostran who discovered the body said, “I was about to go on my coffee break and was just browsing the true crime section for some books for my boyfriend when I saw a woman on the floor. From the back, she looked a bit like my friend and co-worker, Alicia, and she was wearing the same blouse. I was shocked and screamed for help.”

A male librarian, who refused to give his name, said, “I was on duty the night of the book release party, and Ms. Simmons was quite rude to me. She insulted a lot of people that evening, so I wasn’t terribly surprised that someone murdered her two days later, although I’m sorry it happened, of course.” 

Alicia McKinney, co-author of the Groucho Marks mystery series and a librarian at the Cobble Cove Library, said, “My husband John received a strange email the day after our release party. It was sent right after our book signing by someone calling themselves Mark Marks, the name of our fictional detective. The message seemed to threaten me, so I now wonder if I was the intended victim. Another odd thing that occurred around the same time was that our library cat, Sneaky, disappeared. We are still searching for him. Angelina, a young girl who is very attached to him, put up posters around town and in the library. Her father is offering a reward to anyone who finds him.”

John, Alicia’s husband who also publishes the Cobble Cove Courier, said, “I didn’t take the email I received seriously at first. I figured it was from a crazy fan. Now, looking back, I’m sorry I didn’t. I sure hope it wasn’t meant for Ali, and I also hope Sneaky returns.”

This story was reported to 
Andrew Phillips, 
Assistant Publisher 
of the Cobble Cove Courier.


For the full story, check out Debbie De Louise’s new mystery, Written in Stone, the 3rd book of the Cobble Cove mystery series. For those who haven’t yet read any books in this series, you might want to start with A Stone’s Throw and Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Such a great article from the
Cobble Cove Courier!

A big thank you to Debbie De Louise 
for her submission. 

Is there a cozy town you'd like to see featured in 
The Cozy Times? 
Please let me know in the comments section.


A Stone’s Throw (Cobble Cove Mystery #1):
Universal Purchase Link (eBook):
Universal Purchase Link (Paperback):

Between a Rock and a Hard Place (Cobble Cove Mystery #2):
Universal Purchase Link (eBook):
Universal Purchase Link (Paperback):

Written in Stone (Cobble Cove Mystery #3):
Universal Purchase Link (eBook):
Universal Purchase Link (Paperback):

About Debbie

My name is Debbie De Louise. I am a reference librarian at a public library on Long Island and the award-winning author of the Cobble Cove mystery series. 

 the first book of the Cobble Cove Mystery series, "A Stone's Throw," (November 2015) was published by Limitless Publishing, LLC. It is the story of a widowed librarian who visits her husband's hometown and finds a new love with the town's newspaper publisher but also discovers some alarming truths about her husband's death and its connection to the publisher and his family. Along with a variety of characters, there is also a cat and dog who play minor but interesting roles in the novel. The second Cobble Cove Mystery, "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" was released in October 2016 by Solstice Publishing and a reprint of "A Stone's Throw" with an additional chapter was published in March, 2017. The third book of the series, "Written in Stone," was released in April, 2017. I've also published a romantic comedy novella, "When Jack Trumps Ace," and have completed a psychological thriller, Sea Scope, that I am querying to agents. I am currently working on a new mystery that is not part of the Cobble Cove series.

I have a B.A. in English and an MLS in Library Science. I received the Lawrence C. Lobaugh Memorial Award in Journalism from Long Island University/C.W. Post for my work as features editor on the student newspaper. I also edited and published the Palmer School graduate library school newsletter. 

I'm a member of the Cat Writer's Association and Sisters-in-Crime Association

I live on Long Island with my husband, daughter, and two cats.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks for sharing your post. This is a new to me series, I'll have to check it out.

    1. Please do, Mary. If you like small-town mysteries with quirky residents and a library cat (and pet dog), I think you will enjoy it. Thanks for your interest.

  2. Thanks, Lisa! Happy Wednesday, to you.

  3. I love The Cozy Times! Great post, Lisa!

  4. I would love to have you read and review 'Elderhaus', my new cozy mystery. If interested, inbox me and I'll send you the mobi file.

  5. Love this Cozy Times! Any chance you'd be interested in reviewing/featuring Murder, She Floats?
