
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you
Special Edition

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

Today The Cozy Times is featuring the
Haven Harbor News! 

Let's see what's going on in Haven Harbor, Maine.

Social Event of the Season

Haven Harbor’s own artist and gallery owner Ted Lawrence will be celebrating his 75th birthday at a private gathering at his estate, The Point, next weekend. All three of his children, who we haven’t seen in Haven Harbor in some years, will be attending. Luke Lawrence is now an investment banker in New York City, and was recently married to actor Harold Preston. Poet and doctoral candidate Michael Lawrence is also a New York City resident, and their sister, Abbie and her husband, Silas Reed, will be arriving from Aroostook County, where they farm and Abbie teaches kindergarten. Haven Harbor looks forward to welcoming the returning Lawrences, and wishes Ted a memorable birthday celebration.


Leaf Peepers! Bev Clifford’s Wild Rose Inn has vacancies and is ready to provide comfortable country rooms  

It’s an “R” Month! The Harbor Haunts Café is featuring Pemaquid Oysters. Try them fried, in our delicious bisque, or raw, with an assortment of sauces!

Hubbel Clothing has a pre-Columbus Day sale of flannel shirts, blaze orange vests and hats, and wool socks! Get them before you need them! 

Got your pumpkin for the Pumpkin Festival yet? Check out the Haven Harbor Farmer’s Market for a great selection.

Charlotte McCully reminds everyone to bring baked goods to the Congregation Church bake sale this coming Sunday. Pies especially appreciated.

The Haven Harbor Gift Shop is featuring “Save the Cormorants!” needlepoint pillows stitched by our own Mainely Needlepointers. Get yours before they sell out!

Heard Around Town:

Dr. Karen Mercer and Haven Harbor High biology teacher Dave Percy were seen dining cozily at the Harbor Haunts Café last Thursday night. Asking for help with anatomy, Mr. Percy?

Actress Skye West has left Haven Harbor for Edinburgh, Scotland, where she’ll be filming all fall. Her son, Patrick, is recovering well, and is now working at Ted Lawrence’s gallery. (And do we hear Angie Curtis has recently developed an interest in art?)

Congratulations to Haven Harbor High seniors Cos Curran and Mary Clough, both of whom have been accepted early at the University of Maine.

Recipe of the Week: Anadama Bread

Traditionally, a Maine husband, aggravated at his wife’s lack of productivity in the kitchen, threw molasses and flour and corn meal together and baked them himself, muttering, “Anna, damn her!” This recipe makes 2 loaves.

½ cup cornmeal
½ cup molasses
2 T butter

2 t salt
1 envelope or cake of dry yeast
2 ¼ cup water
5 cups of flour (approximately)

Boil 2 c water. Add cornmeal & stir, slowly, 1 or 2 minutes. Add molasses, salt & butter. Cook together and stir until well mixed. Put mixture in large bowl. Cool. Mix yeast in ½ cup warm water. When mixture in bowl is lukewarm, add dissolved yeast. Stir.

Now add the flour, 1 cup at a time.  When dough is stiff, put on floured surface & knead. (Add a little more flour if you need to). Continue kneading until you have a ball of dough that is smooth & shiny & bounces back when you push it down. (5-8 minutes)

Put ball of dough in large buttered mixing bowl in a warm place. Cover with light dishcloth & allow the dough to rise until it doubles in size. (30-90 minutes) After it has doubled, push dough down in the bowl several times, then remove it from the bowl & let it sit 5 minutes. Divide it in 2, shape it into loaves, & place loaves in greased loaf pans. Cover pans with towel & again let dough rise until it doubles in size. (It should rise until it is just slightly higher than the side of the pan.)

Bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees, then reduce heat & bake at 350 degrees for another 20-25 minutes, or until loaf tops are slightly brown. Turn the loaves out of pans & cool on racks.  One loaf may be frozen for later use. 


That's this week's edition of 
The Cozy Times
Special Edition 
I hope you enjoyed!


To visit Haven Harbor, Maine, 
read the Mainely Needlepoint series 
by Lea Wait:

BOOK ONE                               BOOK TWO

BOOK THREE                                BOOK FOUR

BOOK FIVE                                      BOOK SIX 
                                                            Releases: Oct. 31, 2017


Is there a cozy town you'd like to see featured in 
The Cozy Times? 
Please let me know in the comments section.

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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I enjoyed this special edition. Happy Thursday, to you.

  2. How fun! You capture the sense of small town newspapers very well. The local newspaper in my hometown always ended stories about parties, church socials, etc., with the line, "A good time was had by all; refreshments were served." That has become my family mantra in describing an event.

  3. This is so neat! Thanks for posting.

  4. Thank you for hosting & posting, Lisa!

  5. Thanks for another great edition oh The Cozy Times.
