
Friday, March 10, 2017

Cozy Food Friday

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring 
Book 2 in the Lily Gayle Lambert Mysteries
by Susan Boles

Lily Gayle and the gang set out to find a killer after local baker Luxen Natolovich is found dead hours before the grand opening weekend at the new Bed and Breakfast in town, Midnight Dragonfly. As Lily Gayle deciphers the clues around Luxen’s death she uncovers a conspiracy of lies and half truths that could very well be tied to a refugee camp in Mississippi during World War II. The deeper Lily Gayle digs, the deeper the conspiracy runs, and the closer she comes to being the killer’s next victim.


About Susan

Susan calls McNairy County, TN her home ground even though she has moved away. It was here, at Bethel Springs Junior High School that she began her writing career with two friends. They formed their own little writers group that was so secret they were the only ones who knew it existed. She still has some of the stories they wrote carefully preserved in a loose leaf binder and tucked away for safety.

She has worked in retail management, briefly for the Census Bureau and for many years in the investment/insurance industry in the regulatory compliance arena. All of which are left brain activities. So she exercises her right brain activity with reading and writing…just to keep both sides even.

Reading has been a passion since she was very young. As a toddler, her mother read to her from her 'baby books' and her Mother tells a story about her holding one of them upsidedown and 'reading' by repeating the story verbatim from memory.

Susan writes mysteries set in the big city of Memphis, TN and the fictional small town of Mercy, Mississippi.

Available for pre-order on
March 16th!


On to the recipe!

All food photos are borrowed from Google Images
I thank and give credit to all those who took the photos.
Your dish will vary in appearance


6 Eggs
2 Tablespoons Mayo
2 teaspoons Yellow Mustard
½ to 1 teaspoon Dill Pickle Juice
Salt & Pepper to taste
Paprika for tops

   Place 6 eggs in a 2 quart pot with enough water to cover eggs and bring to boil.
   Remove from heat 12 to 15 minutes after they start boiling. Boiling eggs too long will result in a dark ring around the yolk.
   Drain hot water and place boiled eggs in ice bath for about 10 minutes.
   Remove each egg from ice bath and peel.
   Hold egg under slightly warm water from faucet to make peeling easier.

   Slice peeled eggs in half lengthwise.
   Scoop out yolks into mixing bowl.
   Add mayo and mustard to yolks and mash well with a fork.
   Add dill pickle juice a little at a time until you reach the taste you like.
   Add salt and pepper to taste. 
   Scoop mixture into egg halves with a teaspoon.
   Sprinkle tops with paprika. 
   Place on deviled egg plate, cover with Saran wrap and chill in refrigerator.
   Decorate with parsley springs. 

Who doesn't love a deviled egg? 

In my family we eat them sweet. 
Instead of the dill pickle juice, we add sugar to taste.

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56

Both the BB and 56 are from also from


Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings

"The Midnight Dragonfly." Miss Edna snorted. "I never heard the like."
The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56 
I'm reading an "Uncorrected Proof" 
of this story. While I can find chapters
on my Kindle, I can't find pages or what %
I'm on. So, for my 56 I am using a sentence
from the first page from Chapter 5 
and a sentence from the first page of Chapter 6.

Chapter 5

I glare at them and they look away. Good.

Chapter 6 

"They'll be here directly, I'm sure." I lean back in my chair to wait.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Thanks, Lisa. I love deviled eggs, too. Happy Friday, to you.

    1. And leftover deviled eggs are great for making egg salad! Hugs, Pat!

  2. I love deviled eggs. Great recipe, Susan. Best wishes for your mysteries!

    Susan Bernhardt :)

  3. I just love the title. I am going to add this series to my TBR.

    1. So glad you love the title and are adding it to your TBR pile, Paula! Thank you!

    2. Hi Paula. The title is great isn't it?

  4. The book sounds good and so does the recipe. I have a cozy this week - Purr M for Murder by T. C. LoTempio. Happy reading!

  5. That's what I'm reading right now. Thanks for the great recipe.

    1. Thanks for having me on your blog today, Lisa! I've never heard of adding sugar to deviled eggs, so that one is a new one for me try out :)

    2. Susan, I'm thrilled to have you here. Thank you for letting me share your recipe!

  6. Oh, delicious looking book...and the deviled eggs made my mouth water. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Hi Laurel! I was going to make some deviled eggs after posting this, but I was out of eggs!

  7. That book looks great. Thanks for mentioning it. :-)

  8. I don't know this author but love cozies so I will have to check this out. :)

  9. I love deviled eggs, especially when you add a little bit of curry powder and used smoked paprika on top. I like the title Cherry Cake and a Cadaver, and it sounds like a great book! Thanks for visiting Lisa today!

    1. I meant use smoke paprika not used smoked paprika -- that sounds pretty gross! :)

    2. LOL Celia. That would be a bitter taste!

  10. I do love cozies and this features food and a bed & breakfast. A winner for me:)

    My Friday 56 from The Roanoke Girls

  11. Deviled eggs are one of my favorites! :D

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier, Lisa!

  12. Pretty sure that chapter 5 excerpt is from my autobiography. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I like pickle relish in my Deviled Eggs. I come to find out about the books and I end up looking at the recipes. Everytime.

    BTW- Your blogger webpage link for your blog is wrong. It must be your first blog with a date of 2013.

  14. I loved deviled eggs!! Have to check this book out! Happy weekend!

  15. Love deviled eggs and the title of this one, but not so much cozy mystery type of books :D
