
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

Today The Cozy Times has reached deep into the archives and is featuring the 
The Homosassa Herald
from 1926!

The Cozy Times has used a photocopied image of the  masthead from the Homosassa Herald.
The photos have also been photocopied and enhanced. And the articles have been retyped. 

Please enjoy this look into the past with the Herald.  

Check it out!

Grand Opening of New Homosassa Brings 
Record Number of Investors

New Homosassa, which is being built in the pristine wilderness around ‘Old’ Homosassa, attracted hundreds of buyers in its first three days of business. The West Coast Development Company rose to the challenge of the railroad embargo. Clients arrived from Jacksonville by private automobiles provided by the Company, the press arrived via private train, and a small number arrived by the local train that runs from Ocala to Homosassa.

It was an auspicious beginning for the new community.


Visiting Physician, Nurses Provide Emergency Care for Stricken Land Agent; Sadly, Help Came Too Late.

Raymond Janzen, recently of Miami, was one of many land speculators who came north to explore the opportunities New Homosassa might provide. Unfortunately, he fell ill on the train from Ocala and his binder boy summoned help to Janzen’s well-appointed room in the newly opened Homosassa Hotel.

The town doctor was not available, having been summoned by boat to attend the birth of triplets in nearby Ozello. Horace Duffy, M.D. of Maine graciously offered his help, as did two nurses who served our boys in the Great War. Despite heroic efforts, they were unable to save Mr. Janzen. Sheriff Bowden has taken an interest in the case for unspecified reasons.

The triplets are doing fine; we hope to have photographs in the next edition.
So interesting to hear about the beginning of New Homosassa. Sounds like an exciting time. 

And how about those triplets? 
I wonder what they looked like? The Cozy Times may have to do some research into that. 


That's this week's edition of 
The Cozy Times 
I hope you enjoyed!

To learn more about the town of Homosassa 
and it's residents, read 

A Three Snowbirds Mystery
Gwen Mayo & Sarah E. Glenn

It's 1926. The West Coast Development Company is staging its biggest land deal in Homosassa, Florida, selling pieces of a planned city to speculators who dream of a tropical paradise. Army nurse Cornelia Pettijohn takes leave to travel to Florida with her ancient uncle, who claims that he wants a warm winter home. When their car breaks down, they take the local train, The Mullet Express, into Homosassa. By the time they arrive, though, a passenger has been poisoned. A second murder victim boards the train later, iced down with the fish. Uncle Percival's hidden agenda makes him the sheriff's prime suspect. Cornelia and Teddy Lawless, a twenty-year-old flapper in a body pushing sixty, must chase mobsters and corner suspects to dig her uncle out of the hole he's dug for himself.

Available today!

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let me know what you think!

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1 comment:

  1. Another great edition of The Cozy Times. Thanks for sharing.
