
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Book 6 in the Aloha Lagoon Mysteries
by Catherine Bruns


Catherine is so excited about today's release of 
she's giving away a copy!

US - Choice of signed print copy or eBook
Canada - eBook

Use the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post for your chance to win!

From USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bruns, comes an Aloha Lagoon Mystery that proves sometimes paradise isn't all it's served up to be. 

New to both Hawaii and the Aloha Lagoon Resort, Carrie Jorgenson has big dreams of stardom. But while she awaits fame and fortune, she's forced to accept a job waitressing at the resort's The Loco Moco CafΓ©. It isn't long before she discovers the dish on her new boss—also known to many as "The Big Kahuna." Hale Akamu is rich, handsome, repulsive...and dead. When Carrie discovers Hale's lifeless body, she's suddenly forced into yet another role—amateur sleuth. With everyone from Carrie to the saucy chef to the cafΓ©'s hot assistant manager under suspicion, Carrie needs to track a killer before she becomes his next main entrΓ©e! 
**Recipes included!**



The dish of the day is murder, Hawaiian style, and author Catherine Bruns serves it up with a plate full of mystery!

My town just had about six inches of snow (a lot for us) on the ground for two days. How fun is it that as I read DEATH OF THE BIG KAHUNA, the weather warmed and the snow started melting. Now as I write this review, the sun is shining and it is 68 degrees. That’s some talent you have Ms. Bruns. Talk about a story coming to life! ;-)

DEATH OF THE BIG KAHUNA is the first book I’ve read in the Aloha Lagoon Mysteries (each book is written by a different author, and follows different characters), but is not my first book by Catherine Bruns. I’ve enjoyed her writing in her own two series, and am happy to say, I loved it with this book as well.

Protagonist, Carrie Jorgenson, was an interesting character to get to know. Before we meet her in the book, it’s clear she didn’t have the best home life. That’s how she comes to be in Hawaii. She’s wants to change her life, and even dreams of being a star one day. Taking a waitress job and waiting for that dream to come true is what she has to do. I really liked that it became more than just a job to her, and she actually liked it. Though it was off to a shaky start pretty early on when she discovers the dead body of her boss.

Author Bruns delivers a clever story of murder, mystery, and mayhem, all set against the backdrop of paradise. Carrie turns sleuth to discover who killed her boss. With the story being in first person, we readers see and hear everything from Carries point of view. This story was so real, it was like I could really her Carrie talking in my ear. I felt happiness when see did, and shared her fears with her. This all made for a story I simply couldn’t put down. Not through the investigation, not during the action filled reveal. Only when I had read the last, satisfying page of DEATH OF THE BIG KAHUNA, was I able to sit back and a breath. Very well done!

There are also recipes in the back of the book, so don’t miss out on them!


About Catherine

Catherine is the USA Today best selling author of the Cookies & Chance mysteries. She lives in New York with her very patient husband, three sons, and assorted cats and dogs. Catherine has a B.A. in English and is a former newspaper reporter and press release writer. She also writes the Cindy York mysteries and coming next January, the Aloha Lagoon (Carrie Jorgenson) mysteries. To find out more about future releases and giveaways, you can sign up for Catherine's newsletter at 

Please feel free to connect with her on social media as well:



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thanks, Lisa! Happy Tuesday, to you.

  2. Thanks for sharing your great review, Lisa.

  3. Thanks for your great review and generous giveaway! Have a terrific Tuesday!

  4. Thanks for the introduction to a new to me author and for the giveaway.

  5. Great review. Can't wait to read.
