
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

The Cozy Times will be available every Wednesday right here on Lisa Ks blog.

I think it's time to see what some of our authors are up to, don't you? The Cozy Times has sources everywhere, and here's what they found this week!
(All accounts listed below are fictional and just for fun)

Author News

Who was the mysterious snow bunny in the blue snowsuit and white earmuffs flying down the slopes in Snowflake, Vermont? None other than author Connie di Marco/Archer herself! After a day on the slopes, Ms. di Marco did some Christmas shopping in downtown Snowflake, before stopping into By The Spoonful, one of Snowflake's premier eateries, and warming up with a bowl of soup. According to owner Lucky Jamieson's grandfather, Jack, di Marco had a
bowl of the Cream Of Asparagus Soup, and several of their special Corn and Cheese Cakes. "She was a real nice lady," stated Jack. "She said the soup was the best she had ever had, and the service was top notch. She even got some of the cakes to go." 

Sources say Ms. di Marco would be leaving the east coast to head to San Francisco, CA where she has a book signing scheduled for her new Zodiac Mystery series. If you find yourself in town, hop a trolley and pay Connie a visit at the local bookstore! 


What was author Barbara Early doing in the little town of East Aurora, NY? According to our sources, she was buying toys. Lots and lots of toys! It seems Ms. Early spent hours in Well Played, a vintage toy shop in town. "She was just like a kid in a candy...well, toy store! She couldn't get enough of all the wonderful toys we carry," said manager of Well Played, Liz McCall. "Her eyes lit up with every new old toy she saw. I asked her why she was so interested in vintage toys, and she said she was writing a cozy mystery series based on them!" 

So taken was author Early with Ms. McCall's shop, she has made arrangements for her Vintage ToyShop Mysteries to be available for sale in Well Played, and will be having book signings with each new title! Make sure to be on the lookout for them! 


Christmas is coming, and you can see the hustle and bustle everywhere. This is certainly true for the folks in Sudbury Falls, WI. The town and stores are decorated in all their finery, and amazing smells filling the air! The crisp clean scent of snow, the earthy smell of pine, and! Many townspeople and visitors alike are following that delicious smell of baked goods into Sweet Marissa's Patisserie. 

Kay Driscoll, a regular at Sweet Marissa's, said she was having a snack and tea while going over her Christmas shopping list when she had a pleasant surprise. "The place was packed, more than usual. Anyone who found an empty table was lucky. I was focused on my list when someone said, 'Excuse me'. I looked up and it was one of my favorite authors, Susan Bernhardt! She asked if she could share my table. Of course I said yes!" According to Ms. Bernhardt, she was in town to visit friends for a few days, before flying to Manhattan, NY to do research on the second book in her new Irina Curtius Cozy Mystery series. Word has it Susan left Sweet Marissa's with a box of pastries for her flight to Manhattan, and a promise to stop in on her next visit.  


Remember to keep your eyes peeled dear readers. You never know when one of your favorite authors may be visiting your hometown.


I hope you enjoyed this special author spotlight issue of 
The Cozy Times.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Loved it! Thanks, Lisa. Blessed Wednesday, to you.

  2. Wow, Lisa! What a great surprise. Cool story about Kay Driscoll and myself! Love it!!! Thank you so much!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! :)

  3. I always love The Cozy Times. Another great edition, thanks for sharing it with us.
