
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Book 7 in the Cackleberry Club Mysteries
by Laura Childs

In Laura Childs’s New York Times bestselling mystery series, Suzanne, Petra, and Toni—co-owners of the Cackleberry Club café—are back to track down another bad egg… 
Maintaining good personal relationships with their suppliers is one of the secrets of the Cackleberry Club café’s success, so Suzanne doesn’t mind going out to Mike Mullen’s dairy farm to pick up some wheels of cheese. She’s looking forward to a nice visit with the mild-mannered farmer before heading back to their hectic kitchen.
But when she arrives, Mike’s nowhere to be found. The moaning of his cows leads her to look in the barn, where she discovers a bloodcurdling sight—the farmer’s dead body. Apparently not everyone was as fond of Mike Mullen as the Cackleberry Club.
Churning with grief and outrage, Suzanne, Petra, and Toni vow to find the farmer’s murderer—but as they get closer to the truth, the desperate killer gets whipped into a frenzy and plans to put the squeeze on them...



Lucky number seven? Luck has nothing to do with seventh installment of the Cackleberry Club Mysteries. Brilliant writing however, that has everything to do with it!

Scramble feisty leads and eclectic townsfolk, with action, humor, and wonderful food, add in mystery that will keep you guessing with every turn of the page, and there you have EGG DROP DEAD.

Author Laura Childs doesn’t keep readers waiting for the excitement in EGG DROP DEAD. The mystery in this tale starts off in the first chapter and keeps building from there. It was impossible not to get drawn into this story.

I guessed whodunit after only a few chapters! But, um . . . of course I was wrong. This book went in a completely different way than I expected, which made for truly great reading. Laura Childs has a real talent for leading you where she wants you to go, and then switching directions so fast you won’t know what hit you.

The Cackleberry Club series has really grown since book one, and has developed into a must read on my TBR as I’m sure it will become for you! Come on book eight!

Make sure to check out the back of this book for a bunch of great recipes!


is available for pre-order
and releases
December 6!

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  1. Great review. Now I have a new series to add to my list!!!

  2. Thanks, Lisa! Happy Saturday, to you.

  3. Always love to read your reviews! Wishing you a great rest of the weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving (Betty Tyler on FB)
