
Thursday, October 6, 2016

In today's 
Book Spotlight 
is the first book in a brand new series by author
Susan Bernhardt 

Book One in the Irina Curtius Mysteries

Irina Curtius, a retired ballet dancer living on the Upper West Side in Manhattan, runs a ballet studio for young children. Recently, she has been watching her younger and otherwise healthy neighbor, Stephen Kramer, become ill over time. When Stephen travels for business, his health always seems to improve dramatically after he has been away, but only temporarily. Within days of returning home, his health begins to deteriorate again. On top of that, Stephen has added stress due to problems he is having with his wife and his irate live-in sister-in-law. Sadly, Stephen's last bout with his mysterious illness has proven to be fatal. Unsatisfied with the official explanation and in order to deliver justice for her friend and neighbor, Irina sets out to uncover the truth and prove that Stephen was indeed murdered.

It won't be easy, though. A former lover from Irina's college days at NYU has suddenly reinserted himself into her life, wanting to pick up where they left off. Additionally, a strange newcomer arrives in Irina's neighborhood and he now seems to be shadowing Irina, appearing everywhere she goes. The story that unfolds, interwoven in the everyday lives of Irina and her social circle, highlights the unpredictability of life, the best and worst of humanity, and the powerful bonds that drive people together (and apart).

I am beyond for this new series by 
Susan Bernhardt.

Readers of Susan's Kay Driscoll Mysteries already know what a wonderful author she is. 


Waiting for more! ­ What a page turner! I was drawn in by the descriptions of the small town and the quirky characters. At the end of each chapter, I was left wanting more. This book had me up way past my bedtime for several days straight. Can't wait to read the next one!

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A great read. The characters are fresh and come off the page. What I like best is how the author layers the tension... building it and building it, until you're flipping the pages as fast as you can.



This is the second of a great series, and once again, I'm looking forward to the third, reading about the exploits of Kay Driscoll ...

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Just like the first book, this one has a great blend of action and emotion, with a good share of humorous moments to break up the tension. Set during the Christmas season, this is the perfect gift for mystery readers - or a nice holiday treat for yourself!



Another excellent cozy mystery by Susan Bernhardt. I already enjoyed the first two books of the Kay Driscoll series and was not disappointed by the third. The characters are lovingly created and you feel right at home with them and their daily life. 

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I love the way Ms. Bernhardt spins her tale through detailed description of events that occurred in the story, placing the reader right in the scene. This book is a must-read and is a great addition to the other two mysteries. I hope there will be more mysteries to come! Brava!


Praise for

When I write a review the book starts with zero stars and has to earn each and every one. No matter who the author or series. I like to say that the book better be worth my time. Not only does this book earn the stars and my time, if I could I would give it a 10. Thank You Susan Bernhardt for a series that really worked my little gray cells. Can't wait for the next book.

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Most writers who don’t live in New York don’t get that but somehow Ms. Bernhardt did. “A Manhattan Murder Mystery” is like a love letter to this great city and it’s obvious that the author respects New Yorkers and how we live here.

But I’m here to talk a little about the book and not New York, even though New York City is a huge part of this novel.

I thoroughly enjoyed “A Manhattan Murder Mystery.” You think you know what’s going on with the murdered Stephen, most avid mystery readers would catch on fast and Ms. Bernhardt doesn’t try to hide it from her readers but how he was killed is not the reason to continue reading the story. It’s not the how but the “why” and the “who” about his death that forces you to read to the last page.

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I throughly enjoyed this book. I hated to come to the end because I was enjoying the characters so much!!

I hope this is the first of many stories with Irina and her friends. I highly recommend this book.

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Susan Berhardt excels at description. She captures the energy of the city & will make you love it, too. And oh the food! Don't start your diet while reading this book. Lovely characters, even the bad guys. A sweet romance for older characters makes this a good read.

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  1. Lisa, it is an honor to be on your Author Spotlight and your beautiful blogspot. Thank you so much for your friendship and your great support.

  2. Thanks, Lisa...sounds great! Happy Wednesday, to you.

  3. Susan Bernhardt is my favorite cozy mystery writer. I especially love her descriptions, her characters, and her plotting.

    1. Thank you so much, Matthew for your kind comments. I love your thrillers as well.

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed The Ginseng Conspiracy. Based upon your review, Lisa, A Manhatten Murder Mystery sounds even more intriguing.

    1. All of the mysteries are, Cheryl!!! Thank you for your kind comments.

  5. I have yet to read this lady and am definitely looking forward to doing so. This is on my TBR. My normal pattern is to buy in the order a book goes on my list. But I think I will go ahead and get this one when I get a chance. Della

    1. Thank you, Della. I think and hope you will enjoy A Manhattan Murder Mystery. :)
