
Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Book 7 in the Library Lover's Mysteries
by Jenn McKinlay


In the latest Library Lover’s Mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of A Likely Story, a decades overdue book puts library director Lindsey Norris hot on the trail of a cold case...
When the Briar Creek Public Library holds its first overdue book amnesty day—no fines for late returns—the volume of incoming materials is more than Lindsey and her staff can handle. In a bind, Lindsey drafts the crafternoon ladies to help check in and sort the stacks of books.
But one tardy tome catches her attention—a copy of J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, twenty years past due. When Lindsey looks up the borrower, she’s shocked to discover it was a murdered teacher named Candice Whitley, whose killer was never found.
Candice checked out the novel on the day she was murdered. Now Lindsey wonders if it could provide a clue to the decades-old cold case. No one noticed who brought the book back in, but could it be Candice’s killer? Lindsey is determined to catch the culprit one way or another, because justice for Candice Whitley is long overdue...



Seven truly is a lucky number for author Jenn McKinlay, and her readers, because this seventh installment of the Library Lover’s Mysteries is cover to cover perfection!

I can’t begin to put into words the excitement I feel when I have a new Jenn McKinlay book in my hands. I adore everything about how this author writes. The flow of the stories, the towns she creates, the characters that she has given life to, and how she formats just the right ratio of mystery, humor and romance to perfectly balance the stories.

As I settled down in my chair, and opened the front cover of BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, I knew I wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. When I enter the world of Briar Creek and walk through those library doors, nothing short of a straight up emergency is going to make me leave and come back to the real world. And I am thrilled to say, I just spent the perfect afternoon with my Briar Creek friends. Truly one of my best visits ever!

Author McKinlay was in perfect form and right on point in this seventh addition to her Library Lover’s Mysteries. Between opening a twenty year old disappearance case, and tying up some lose ends from past stories, McKinlay has penned a story with so many highs and lows, and twists and turns, my emotions ran the gambit of happy, sad, frightened, and thrilled. I was worn out and sated by the time I read the very last word. Okay, not sated. I could have filled up on a couple hundred more pages if they had been there.

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER came just in time for me. While I have read some completely amazing books this year, I was very much in need of a Library Lover’s fix. Thank you Ms. McKinlay for supplying just what I needed!

Don’t forget to check out the back of the book when the story is finished or you’ll miss out on fun extra like recipes, and excerpt from ASSAULT AND BERET, the newest book in the Hat Shop Mysteries, and more!


Book 16 in the Chocoholic Mysteries
by JoAnna Carl


From the national bestselling author of The Chocolate Falcon Fraud comes an Easter candy caper featuring chocolatiers Lee Woodyard and her Aunt Nettie, and a killer who’s hopping mad...
The approach of Easter means a rush of business at TenHuis Chocolade, and Lee  and her Aunt Nettie need all the help they can get to make their famous chocolate bunnies. Unfortunately, new hire Bunny Birdsong is a clutzy basketcase dropping everything she picks up. But to Lee’s surprise, she’s a whiz with computers and fixing the store’s website so they decide to keep her.
However, Bunny receives a few visitors they could do without: her soon to be ex-husband Beau, his wealthy aunt Abigail, and his new girlfriend and her brother all descend on the shop one day and have a bitter argument. Lee hopes they can find a peaceful way to settle their dispute and not bring any more trouble to TenHuis. But when Abigail’s body is discovered in the vacant store next door, it’s clear to Lee there’s a bad egg in her midst. Now she’s on the hunt to find out who it is...

Includes tasty chocolate trivia! 


Imagine sweet milk chocolate dipped in rich dark chocolate, and dipped again in milk chocolate, and there you have the yummy goodness of the Chocoholics Mysteries!

THE CHOCOLATE BUNNY BROUHAHA, the sixteenth adventure in the Chocoholics Mysteries, is every bit as delicious at the first fifteen. Being back with Lee and her Aunt Nettie at TenHuis Chocolade is always so inviting. Seriously, I can smell the chocolate as soon as I open the book! We just seem to keep getting those pesky dead bodies showing up. Who am I kidding? That’s what keeps us coming back and much as the chocolate! ;-)

Easter is fast approaching in this newest installment from Joanna Carl, and the ladies at TenHuis are hard at work. But they are having Bunny problems. Not bunny of the chocolate variety, Bunny as in the new hire variety. See, she’s a sweet girl, but a bit of a klutz. Too make matters worse, trouble comes knocking by way of Bunny’s family. Let the mystery and mayhem ensue!

Author Joanna Carl serves up a wonderfully tasty story with THE CHOCOLATE BUNNY BROUHAHA. Everything that makes this series wonderful and enduring is present and accounted for. Likable characters, humor, mystery and intrigue, yummy tummy growling chocolate, Carl uses all her writing finesse to pen a great cozy that that will delight readers both old and new to the Chocoholic Mystery series.

Readers will also enjoy the “Who’s Who in Chocolate” feature that can be found throughout the book, as well as a cozy recipe that has nothing to do with chocolate! (We have to eat something else once in a while, don’t we?)


Both of these great titles are available 
November 1!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Lisa - You absolutely made my day!!! Thank you for the wonderful review. I am always delighted when readers "get" me and my way of writing. Clearly, you are my people!

    1. Hey Jenn. I'm so happy you liked the review. All of your series are on the top of my "must read" list. But the Library Lover's and Cupcake Bakery mysteries are my all time favorites.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Wonderful reviews on both. Happy Tuesday, to you.

  3. Great write up on both of these books. I have only read the first book in the Library Lovers series so far. I so need to get on it as this latest book sounds so good! The other series I've not read yet, but will have to check it out. Event though I'm now allergic to chocolate, I still love to hear about it and see it!
