
Friday, September 30, 2016

Cozy Food Friday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Linda S. Reilly
An Apple Mariani Mystery

In the small town of Hazleton, New Hampshire, a killer walks free . . .
Paralegal/title searcher Apple Mariani is accustomed to solving mysteries—mysteries such as missing heirs, lingering liens, and gaps in a chain of title. But when appraiser Lou Marshall is stabbed with an antique dagger at an estate sale, Apple finds herself plunged into the heart of a murder. For starters, she learns that the victim had entrusted her with a decades-old valentine only minutes before he was killed. Then things take a nasty turn when Apple’s Aunt Tressa—the victim’s new squeeze—is pegged as a prime suspect, and their elderly friend Lillian goes suddenly missing. Was Lillian kidnapped, or worse, because she witnessed the murder? And why had Lou been so anxious to get that faded old valentine, with its sugary poem, into Apple’s custody?
Despite the local police chief’s annoying lack of concern, Apple is sure Lillian is in trouble when a cryptic call from Lillian’s cell phone awakens her late at night. Still haunted by childhood memories of her own mother vanishing, Apple knows she has to find her friend before it’s too late. From the shelves of a local antique shop to the culinary horrors of the grungiest diner in New Hampshire, Apple and Tressa collect a series of clues that lead them in maddening circles... all the way to a frustrating dead end. But time is running out, because a desperate killer, whose patience is wearing thin, still has a deadly agenda...
From Kirkus Reviews: Reilly’s debut uses her expertise in title searches to create a pleasing mystery with some interesting twists.
From Library Journal: This series debut will be sure to attract cozy fans.
From This was a fun fast read. I had the pages turning so fast that I was almost afraid of setting the book on fire. I loved the characters and can’t wait to see them again very soon. This was a fun read and I think you will enjoy reading it too.

My review of this wonderful mystery 
will be posted on the blog soon.

About Linda

Raised in a sleepy town in the Berkshires, Linda Reilly has spent the bulk of her career in the field of real estate closings and title examination. It wasn’t until 1995 that her first short mystery, Out of Luck, was accepted for publication by Woman’s World Magazine. Since then she’s had over forty short stories published, including a sprinkling of romances. In 2013 Five Star Publishing released her first full-length mystery, Some Enchanted Murder. Her first mystery in the Deep Fried series, a cozy featuring fry cook Talia Marby, was released by Berkley Prime Crime in May 2015.
Linda lives in New Hampshire with her husband, who affectionately calls her “Nose-in-a-book.”
On to the recipe!

You won't find this yummy Kooky Macaroni in SOME ENCHANTED MURDER, However, it was inspired by the book and created by author Linda S. Reilly.
You can also find the recipe at Linda's Web Page.

Tressa Krichner might not be a top chef, but she has her moments of culinary inspiration. One evening years ago, when her young niece Apple was mourning the puzzling disappearance of her mom, Tressa jumbled together a selection of Apple’s favorite foods and baked it in the oven. The result was Kooky Macaroni. Though Apple is grown now and working as a paralegal, this simple and delicious meal remains her comfort food of choice.

Combine the following ingredients: (So easy!)
2 cups spicy tomato sauce (Tressa likes Barilla Spicy Marinara sauce)
One-half pound cooked, crumbled burger
3 cups cooked macaroni (mini-shells work well)
Sprinkle of garlic powder
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons parmesan cheese
¼ cup chopped black olives (optional)

Directions: (So easy again!)
Place the mixture in a casserole dish coated with non-stick spray. 
Bake for about 20 minutes at 350°, covering with foil to avoid burning the top. 
Serves 4 to 6.

Thank you Linda Reilly for sharing photos of your own dinner of 
Tressa's Kooky Macaroni!

It's be rainy here in Delaware 
for the past couple of days, so I know what comfy cozy meal I'm making tonight!

Can't you just smell it looking at the photos? 

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56
My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are also from

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings...

From the journal of Frederic Dwardene, Thursday, November 9, 1950:
I have never written in a journal before, but today I was compelled to buy one. Where else can I express the giddiness I am feeling right now? In whom could I confide the emotions that some might find improper for a man my age? It began early this afternoon at the bank, when the most beautiful woman I have ever seen walked up to the teller's cage . . .

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...

But kooky macaroni was an easy, delectable concoction Aunt Tressa invented when I was a kid. 
"Right about now, a plate of kooky macaroni would really hit the spot."

Easy As 123...(Trying something new. 
Along with Book Beginnings and Friday 56,
 I have added my Easy As 123. So, here are a few 
lines from page 123.)

My imagination began spiraling out of control. Wasn't a van the perfect vehicle for snatching a woman from her home and driving her to God-knows-where? Didn't the serial killers on those creepy crime shows always drive vans?

You are going to LOVE this book!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. I found your blog through the Link up. I think this cozy sounds really good. I haven't read any for awhile and have been itching to find a couple new ones. I also need some good ideas to purchase for my library. Great post. The recipe sounds wonderful as well.

    1. Thanks so much, Bill. The publisher of Some Enchanted Murder sells largely to libraries, so your library might like to have this one for its collection.

  2. Sounds like a good read...and now because of the title, I have a certain old song running through my mind, lol.

    1. Thanks, Catherine. The day I found out my first cozy had been accepted for publication, I couldn't stop singing the song either!

  3. TRESSA'S KOOKY MACARONI sounds great! It reminds me of when I was a Girl Scout and we had potluck suppers with our mothers and there were probably at least a few casseroles using these ingredients. I always loved those potluck suppers. <3

    Have a great weekend, Lisa.


    1. It's a recipe that can't go wrong with kids! Thanks for stopping by, Susan.

  4. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds perfect for a cool, fall day. Looking forward to your book review soon. Happy Friday, to you.

  5. Sounds like a fun read. I love how the recipe is part of the story! Happy weekend!

    1. I wanted the main character to have a comfort food fave that would always remind her of that moment when she first bonded with the aunt who later raised her. Thanks ~

  6. The recipe sounds tasty and easy and I loved all three excerpts from the story. Here is
    my Friday meme

  7. Linda's books are always great! Thanks for the Kooky Macaroni -- it looks like a delish weeknight dinner and my family loves olives & pasta so I think this will be a hit!

  8. Linda's books are always great! I love the Kooky Macaroni - my family loves both olives and pasta, so this will be a hit! Looking forward to the review.

    1. If you decide to try it, I hope your family will enjoy it.

  9. Both the book and the recipe sound good. Happy reading!

  10. Such a promising page turner! And I love the macaroni, too. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  11. I could go for some Kooky Macaroni right now! (Without the olives. Not a fan of olives.) And now I'm going to be on the look out for vans.

    1. I had some leftover Kooky Macaroni for lunch today! We make our version without the olives, too.

  12. I loved this book. Love your post and thanks for the recipe for Kooky Macaroni! May have to make that one!!

  13. Sounds like a fun story. And that Kooky Macaroni has me craving my mother's goulash!

    My Friday 56 from Five Dog Voodoo

    1. Thank you, Laura. Actually, it is similar to goulash!

  14. That recipe sounds delicious! :)

    Thanks for sharing.
