
Sunday, August 28, 2016

A MOST CURIOUS MURDER by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli

Book 2 in the Liv and Di in Dixie Mysteries
by Vickie Fee

“Down home and delightful.” —Carolyn Hart

Between a riverboat gambler-theme engagement party and a murder mystery dinner for charity, Dixie, Tennessee, party planner Liv McKay is far too frenzied to feel festive. Add to the mix her duties at the annual businesswomen’s retreat and the antics of a celebrity ghost-hunting diva, and Liv’s schedule is turning out to be the scariest thing about this Halloween—especially when the ladies stumble across a dead body in a cemetery…
Morgan Robison was a party girl with a penchant for married men and stirring up a cauldron of drama. Any number of scorned wives or frightened philanderers could be behind her death. As Liv and her best friend, Di, set out to dig up the truth, they’ll face the unexpected and find their efforts hampered by a killer with one seriously haunting vendetta…   
“Refreshing as a tall glass of sweet tea, Vickie Fee has crafted a series that celebrates the deadly traditions of Southern hospitality.” —Cheryl Hollon, author of Cracked to Death

  • Mass Market Paperback
  • Publisher: Kensington (September 27, 2016)


A delightful second installment to this wonderful series!

Author Vickie Fee had me laughing out loud only a few pages into, IT’S YOUR PARTY, DIE IF YOU WANT TO. She must have an outstanding sense of humor in real life, because it certainly shines through in her characters!

This second book in the Liv and Di in Dixie Mystery series has everything book one had and oh so much more! This fantastic story flowed at a great pace. Author Fee added just the right amounts of humor and intrigue at the most perfect plot points.

The mystery element of the story was cleverly written, keeping my mind busy trying to piece together clues even as new twists were introduced. When I finally read whodunit, I couldn’t believe it! I was so sure I had it figured out, only to find Ms. Fee had way outwitted me.

If you were a fan of book one, DEATH CRASHES THE PARTY, you’re going to love, IT’S YOUR PARTY, DIE IF YOU WANT TO. If you haven’t read the first book, well, read it! You’ll love it too!

Make sure to check out the back of the book for tips on hosting a murder mystery dinner!

Pre-order now!
Available September 27!


Book 2 in the Dixie Dew Mysteries
by Ruth Moose

Beth McKenzie, owner of the Dixie Dew Bed and Breakfast, is enjoying an exciting affair with her new love, Scott. Meanwhile, the town of Littleboro, North Carolina is abuzz with gossip about Crazy Reba's upcoming nuptials. Most brides go crazy at some point, but Littleboro's resident homeless lady has had a head start: she's beloved, indulged, and most of all, eccentric. But at almost 60―or thereabouts―her marriage seems a little peculiar. Sure, she's sporting a diamond big enough to choke a horse, but no one can tell if it's real, or just a Cracker Jack prize she pilfered from a yard sale.
Crazy Reba's wedding plans go confirmedly awry when the bride-to-be is arrested for her fiancé's murder. Beth, determined to clear Reba's name, gets in over her head when a lady wrestler who threatened to kill her books a room at the Dixie Dew, and Robert Redford, her neighbor's white rabbit, disappears.
Then Littleboro's First Annual Green Bean Festival gets up and running, a famous food writer becomes deathly ill, and Beth must battle through madcap mayhem to apprehend the culprit and save the day.
Wedding Bell Blues is Ruth Moose's sequel to her winning debut, featuring her colorful array of characters and more laughs and hilarity.

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher: Minotaur Books (August 23, 2016)


A smart and sassy Southern mystery, WEDDING BELL BLUES will be a book you’ll remember quite a while after you’ve read the last page.

Anyone who read the first book in this series, DOING IT AT THE DIXIE DEW, will understand why author Ruth Moose won the Malice Domestic Best First Traditional Mystery Novel competition. She has a true gift for writing.

In WEDDING BELL BLUES, through the narration of author Moose’s protagonist, Beth McKenzie, we learn about the town of Littleboro, North Carolina, the Dixie Dew B&B, and the colorful cast of characters that make up the town folk.

Perfectly penned to get reactions from her readers, there were times during this story that I laughed out loud, and a few times where I had tears welling up. Between the emotional rollercoaster, and the twists and turns, reading WEDDING BELL BLUES can be likened to a day at the amusement park. Fun, exciting, and it leaves you breathless.

Fans of southern cozies, as well as readers of women’s literature will want to check in to the Dixie Dew and never leave!

Available Now!


Book 1 in the Little Library Mysteries
by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli

Jenny Weston moves home to Bear Falls, Michigan, to nurse her bruised ego back to health after a bitter divorce. But the idyllic vision of her charming hometown crumbles when her mother's Little Library is destroyed.

The next-door neighbor, Zoe Zola, a little person and Lewis Carroll enthusiast, suspects local curmudgeon Adam Cane, but when he's found dead in Zoe's fairy garden, all roads lead back to her. Jenny, however, believes Zoe is innocent, so the two women team up to find the true culprit, investigating the richest family in Bear Falls, interrogating a few odd townspeople, and delving into long, hidden transgressions--until Adam Cane isn't the only body in town, and they have an even bigger mystery to solve.

Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli's quaint and compelling series debut A Most Curious Murder will delight cozy mystery readers.

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher: Crooked Lane Books (July 12, 2016)


NOTE: I’ll put it out there…I am not a fan of Alice in Wonderland, and there are most obviously many references to it in this book. However, I am a fan a Little Libraries, so I had to check this book out. With that being said, my review is based on the author’s writing ability, her plot, the mystery, and not my personal dislike of Alice.

Author Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli grabbed my attention when I heard A MOST CRUIOUS MURDER was the start of a series based on Little Libraries. I am fascinated by them.

To be honest, at first I didn’t care for protagonist, Jenny Weston. I found her to be abrasive. Though, in all fairness, the character was going through a bit of an ordeal right from the very beginning of the book.  However, I kept reading because I enjoyed the author Buzzelli’s writing style. She has an easy flow to her words. Plus, I had to find out what was going to happen. I did warm up to Jenny, so I’m happy I stuck with in.

A MOST CURIUOS MURDER was a well thought out mystery that kept adding more bad situations as it went along, keeping the characters and me on our toes, and with a real need to get to the bottom of it all.

This first in a series will have readers wanting more. And for those Alice in Wonderland fans out there, you will find it a double delight.

Available Now!

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  1. Love the review for It's Your Party, Die If You Want To - sounds like a great cozy and the first book in the series is on sale so i just picked it up. I definitely want to read the Dixie Dew series - they sound like great cozies but the price is a bit steep - lol - so I'll have to get them from the library. Thanks for sharing the reviews!

  2. Thanks as always for your informative reviews, Lisa. I'm adding all three books to my ever-growing "want to read" list.

  3. Thanks, Lisa. Happy Sunday, to you.

  4. Thanks for your reviews, they all sound like good books. I have It's Your Party, Die If You Want To to read and I'm looking forward to reading it.
