
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Book 5 in the Fuchsia, Minnesota Mysteries
by Julie Seedorf

Granny is at it again! When Granny accompanies her friend Mavis to the Next To The Last Resting Place nursing home to visit Mavis’ sister, Beulah, both women are shocked to find the new resident dead. Granny, being the amateur detective she is, suspects foul play, and soon she and her entire family concoct a plan to investigate possible shady doings at the nursing home. Granny will enter the home incognito and attempt to determine how Beulah met her suspicious demise. All this happens while Granny’s new husband Silas is entangled in his own dangerous mess. Someone has just blown up his house and Silas (a former detective) is out to discover the culprit, even as he worries about Granny’s safety in the home. As more nursing home residents fall victim to a strange and sudden “memory loss virus,” Granny engages the aid of her friends to get to the bottom of what turns out to be a very complex and complicated plot.


Granny’s back and better than ever! Trust me when I say, if you haven’t read a book in this series, hold on to your socks. Granny is more than just a handful.   

There are a couple of things you can always count on when you read a Fuchsia, Minnesota Mystery. 1) You’re going to laugh until you cry. 2) You’re in for a great mystery.

In GRANNY PINS A PILFERER, author Julie Seedorf once again brings us Hermiony Vidalia Criony Fiddlestadt aka Granny. And boy, does she bring us Granny! Residents of The Next To The Last Resting Place are dying at an alarming rate! With this many folks passing on to their final resting place, it can’t all be from natural causes . . . can it? That’s what Granny sets out to discover, and discover it she does!

I had so much fun reading GRANNY PINS A PILFERER, I was still laughing at things hours after I read the last page! I have read many fun/funny mysteries, but only author Julie Seedorf can having me laughing even as I feel the tension mounting through the mystery of the story. Of course, all becomes clear by the end of the book, once again proving that Granny is a force to be reckoned with!

Well done Ms. Seedorf! You have me anxiously awaiting my next trip to Fuchsia!


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About Julie

Julie Seedorf is a Minnesotan. She calls dinner—supper and lunch—dinner. She has had many careers over her lifetime but her favorite career was that of mother to her children. In later life she became a computer technician, opening her own business. In 2012 Julie signed a contract with Cozy Cat Press for her Fuchsia Minnesota Series. Books included in that series are Granny Hooks a Crook, Granny Skewers A Scoundrel, Granny Snows A Sneak and Granny Forks A Fugitive. Closing her computer business in January 2014 Julie transitioned to becoming a full time writer adding free-lance work for various newspapers, along with continuing her column Something About Nothing, which is now in book form in a book of the same name released in early 2015. Her children's series, Granny's In Trouble give her grandkids a hint of the young Grandma underneath the wrinkles. Her books are light and fluffy and highlight the fact in the midst of life we have to find the humor in bad situations to keep us going. "We all take ourselves too seriously and we need to have a little fun." Julie secretly yearns to be like the Granny characters in her books. In February 2016 the first book in the Brilliant Minnesota Series was released titled the Penderghast Puzzle Protectors. She also is part of a group mystery by Cozy Cat Press Authors titled Chasing the Codex. Julie's serious side is revealed in a story included in the Anthology, We Go On - Anthology for Veterans where the proceeds go to Veteran's Charities. Visit her website at Her blog http://sprinklednotes is a little scattered like Granny but lends itself to wisdom and occasional flip flops about life. You will also find her on Facebook at and on Twitter at . Enjoy the moments; they may carry you through a lifetime.


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  1. Would love to win this!!!!looks like an awesome book!!!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I think a lot of us would like to be as spunky as Granny. Happy Thursday, to you.

  3. Great review! I agree that Granny is always a good mystery & also has a lot of humor. Her antics & those of some of the other characters are what makes these books so enjoyable. I'd love to win a copy but if I don't, u can bet I'll be buying it. The audiobooks are also great if anyone is into those.

  4. I enjoyed learning more about you.

  5. Looks like a really fun read. Looking forward to reading.

  6. The books are funny and keep you interested The whole way through...would love to win!

  7. Would of loved to enter the contest but must have print due to hands disabled. The covers I just love reminds me of my energetic grandma she lived to 100 and was so healthy when she fell in a school parking lot that is why i love the covers.

  8. Thanks for the chance! I love this series!

  9. Recently learned of this author/series. So love those covers. Must be Irene Dunne's granny. Thank you for a great post on a most interesting read. So hoping. Della at

  10. This sounds like a fun series I'd like to try, thanks for the revie we and offer.

  11. I love fun,feisty characters in a mystery. So please enter me and thank you.
