
Friday, July 22, 2016

SILK STALKINGS by Diane Vallere

Book 3 in the Material Witness Mysteries
by Diane Vallere

Fabric shop owner Polyester Monroe can get tangled up in textiles, but it’s murder that really throws her for a loop in the latest mystery from the national bestselling author of Crushed Velvet.
The time has come for San LadrĂ³n, California’s annual Miss Tangorli beauty pageant, and Poly has agreed to use Material Girl’s inventory of shimmery silks to create embellished gowns fit for a crown. But when millionaire Harvey Halliwell—the man who revived the city’s citrus trade with his imported tangorli tree—is found dead days before the pageant contestants are announced, something sour takes over the town. 
To make matters worse, her friend, mechanic Charlie Brooks, is soon caught up in the crime, having been seen in the company of the case’s prime suspect. Now Poly’s on a mission to squeeze out the truth. But as she searches for a pattern, the killer seems intent on cutting up the evidence...


Anyone who thinks polyester is out of style has never met Polyester Monroe!

I had so much fun reading the first two books in the Material Witness Mysteries, so I was really looking forward to book three, SILK STALKINGS. It was totally worth the wait!

It’s hard to not have a great time with characters like series lead, Polyester “Poly” Monroe, and her BFF Charlie Brooks. Charlie is such a fun and unique character. I always laugh at the things she says and does.

SILK STALKINGS is 275 pages (if you read the print copy) of mystery, mayhem, action, and fun. The fantastic storyline makes for a fast and entertaining read.  I didn’t want to put it down. Author Diane Vallere really knows how to write ‘em!

Check out the back of the book for a fun craft project, and read the excerpt of A DISGUISE TO DIE FOR, book one in the Costume Shop Mysteries, also by Diane Vallere!


Book 8 in the Cat In Trouble Mysteries
by Leann Sweeney

In the latest mystery from the New York Times bestselling author of The Cat, the Sneak and the Secret, a cat collector is suspected of murder.
Jillian Hart and police chief Tom Stewart are enjoying peaceful, newly wedded bliss in Mercy, South Carolina, until a woman is found wandering the streets one night. She's in her night clothes, disoriented, and carrying a kitten in a tote bag. A search of the woman’s house reveals many more cats, a maze of cardboard boxes—and a dead man.

Although the evidence suggests the frail woman is the killer, Jillian doesn’t believe she’s capable of such a crime. The dead man had many enemies in town, which means finding the real murderer may prove to be its own cat and mouse game...


Eight books in and the Cat In Trouble Mysteries just keeps getting better!

Author Leann Sweeney has created a series that is positively purrfect blend of what readers love about cozy mysteries. The character, the town, the mystery, and of course, delightful pets.

THE CAT, THE COLECTOR AND THE KILLER is a first rate example of why this series is so enduring. This was an intriguing mystery that had me quickly turning the pages. It was packed cover to cover with twists, turns, bumps, and sneaky clues, all of which led to an exciting reveal and a takedown of the villain that had me both laughing and cringing.

With the first eight lives of this series being so brilliant, I eagerly look forward to life number nine! That’s book nine for non kitty type talkers. ;-)

Make sure to check out the sneak peek of book 9, THE CAT, THE BOY AND THE BONES, located at the back of the book!


Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56
My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are from 

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

My Book Beginnings

The clock would strike midnight in two minutes.

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56

"Yes," I answered. For the moment, I kept quiet about being the person who found the body. "Was it on the news?"

My Book Beginnings 

The sound of the shower running made me close my eyes and smile as I lay beneath the double wedding ring quilt I'd finished last week. 

My Friday 56

I felt tired. The stress of this day had walloped me. Most of all, my heart felt bruised. 

 As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. Great reviews, Lisa. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. The Cat, the Collector and the Killer is one of my most anticipated books of the year. I love this series! I can hardly wait to read it. Happy the cute squirrel pic. :)

  3. Silk Stalkings sounds like such a fun book.

  4. Seeing your notes underneath the photos of the books made me smile. I often rite my reviews without notes but I like to remind myself of things I want to include so often jot things down before I begin "writing." Yesterday as I was pushing a library book into the return slot I noticed that I forgot to remove the scrap of paper on which I'd written my notes for a book review. Too late. The book was gone and so was the note. Ha!

    My Friday Quotes

  5. Sounds like a couple great cozies. Happy weekend!

  6. The Material Witness series grabded me from the first book; it has something special even for a cozy. I am behind on LeeAnn Sweeny's books but you have moved her up my list again! Thank you!

  7. Love the reviews! I want the books!

  8. I'm a huge fan of "Poly" Monroe and The Material Witness Mystery series - loved the beginning and 56. I haven't read any of the Cat in Trouble Mysteries but I did like the beginning and the 56 both. Thanks for sharing. Here's my Friday meme

  9. I love, love, love Poly and can't wait for the release of Silk Stalkings. Pre-ordered and I hope others do as well.. I haven't started the Cats in Trouble series but it is definitely on my list.. Thanks for the wonderful reviews!!

  10. Enjoy your reviews and appreciate the heads up on the various books and authors. My TBR has grown quite a bit. Like about a mile and a half. LOL My book dealer tells me that at the rate I am going I will need to live forever if I want to read all the books on the list. Jan sells both used and new. But try for used first. That way I can buy more. And paperback. That way I have more room for others. Della at Thanks for what you do

  11. The Cat book sounds good! :) Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
