
Sunday, July 3, 2016


Book 1 in the Writer's Apprentice Mysteries
by Julia Buckley

An aspiring suspense novelist lands in the middle of a real crime, in the first in a captivating new series by the author of the Undercover Dish Mysteries.
Lena London's literary dreams are coming true—as long as she can avoid any real-life villains...
Camilla Graham’s bestselling suspense novels inspired Lena London to become a writer, so when she lands a job as Camilla’s new assistant, she can’t believe her luck. Not only will she help her idol craft an enchanting new mystery, she’ll get to live rent-free in Camilla’s gorgeous Victorian home in the quaint town of Blue Lake, Indiana.
But Lena’s fortune soon changes for the worse. First, she lands in the center of small town gossip for befriending the local recluse. Then, she stumbles across one thing that a Camilla Graham novel is never without—a dead body, found on her new boss’s lakefront property.
Now Lena must take a page out of one of Camilla’s books to hunt down clues in a real crime that seems to be connected to the novelist’s mysterious estate—before the killer writes them both out of the story for good...


There are many things I can say about this first book in the new series by author Julia Buckley. The first thing that comes to mind? That would be . . . WOW!

A DARK AND STORMY MURDER is a brilliant mix of the feel of Agatha Christie, Caroline Keene, and also a little bit Hitchcocky, but wonderfully balanced by Julia Buckley. This extraordinary story is cozy in all senses of the word, but with a certain something that makes it stand apart.

From the third page I had already clicked with protagonist Lena London, and her friend Allison. By the end of chapter two, I was fascinated with Lena’s writing hero, Camilla Graham. As I kept reading, I couldn’t wait to see who I was going to meet next!

Ms. Buckley has penned an amazing story of classic mystery, suspense, and intrigue. Her writing is so on point, I could smell the rain hanging in the dark clouds.  Every description pulled me further in, leading me through more than one mystery, and holding my in its grip until the wonderful conclusion. With the way this book ended, the next installment promises to be just as amazing!

Check out the back of the book for an excerpt from, THE BIG CHILI, book one in Julia Buckley’s Under Cover Dish Mysteries.


Book 1 in the Dinner Club Mysteries
by Linda Wiken

A delicious new cozy mystery series featuring the Culinary Capers Dinner Club—who are fearless when it comes to cooking up new dishes and putting the lid on crime...

Event planner Jennifer “J.J.” Tanner has a full plate, but that’s the way she likes it. First, it’s her turn to choose the recipe for the next meeting of the Culinary Capers Dinner Club, a gathering of foodie friends who experiment with entrĂ©es for their creative and gastronomical pleasure. Second, she’s organizing an Italian princess party for the twenty-one-year-old daughter of a high-tech millionaire.
But one thing J.J. didn’t plan on is that the caterer for the event—hotshot chef Antonio Marcotti—would end up murdered the night of the party. Or that she’d end up being a prime suspect after having had a heated argument with the unscrupulous chef. Now it’s up to J.J.—with help from her fellow Club members and a handsome if mysterious private eye—to turn the tables on the real killer...


A delectable first course in what is sure to be an equally delicious series!

I was thrilled when I heard there was going to be a series by Linda Wiken. I’m already a huge fan of her Ashton Corners Book Club series written as Erika Chase. And like her books written as Chase, Wiken does not disappoint!

Ms. Wiken has penned an amazing story in TOASTING UP TROUBLE. I had a great time reading about the event planning business Jennifer “J. J.” Tanner is a planner for. I also loved the Culinary Capers dinner club meetings, and the fun group of characters.

This story has every aspect of a cozy mystery readers look for. Murder, mayhem, fun, and great food are all present and accounted for in TOASTING UP TROUBLE. This fast moving tale was an exciting read all the way to a reveal that I never saw coming.

If you’re looking for a wonderful book, you can’t beat the superb writing of Linda Wiken, and TOASTING UP TROUBLE!

Don’t close the book after you finish the story, or you’ll miss out on some tasty recipes, as well as an excerpt from book two in the Dinner Club Mysteries, ROUX THE DAY!

Both of these great titles are available for pre-order!
Release date
June 5!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I am SO looking forward to A Dark and Stormy Murder. Happy Sunday, to you.

  2. Thanks for the great reviews, Lisa. I am looking forward to reading both of these books.

  3. A Dark and Stormy Murder had already caught my eye, but I have to admit, your strong endorsement adds major weight. Both books sound great and I appreciate reading you opinion.
