
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Cozy Food Friday!

This is Sunday...

Cozy Food Sunday!

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!
Today I'm featuring
Book 5 in the Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries
Molly MacRae

In the latest from the bestselling author of Plagued by Quilt, Kath Rutledge yarn bombs Blue Plum, Tennessee—and gets tangled up in the mystery of a bumped-off bagpiper.

It’s time for Handmade Blue Plum, an annual arts and crafts fair, and Kath and her knitting group TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Fiber) plan to kick off the festivities with a yarn bombing. But they’re not the only ones needling Blue Plum. Bagpiper and former resident Hugh McPhee had just returned after a long absence, yet his reception is anything but cozy. The morning after his arrival, he’s found dead in full piper’s regalia.

Although shaken, Kath and her knitting group go forward with their yarn installation—only to hit a deadly snag. Now, with the help of Geneva, the ghost who haunts her shop, Kath and TGIF need to unravel the mystery before someone else gets kilt!

About the author

Molly MacRae writes the award-winning Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries published by Penguin Random House. The books star Kath Rutledge, a textile preservation specialist, who inherits her grandmother's yarn and fabric shop in Blue Plum, Tennessee, and ends up with a depressed ghost on her hands. Think of it as the series that puts the woo-woo in the wool.

The Boston Globe says Molly MacRae writes “murder with a dose of drollery.” She’s the author of the award-winning Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries, published by Penguin/NAL, including the recently released Knot the Usual Suspects. Look for Plaid and Plagiarism, the first book in her new Highland Bookshop Mysteries coming in December 2016. Molly’s short stories have appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine since 1990. After twenty years in northeast Tennessee, Molly now lives with her family in Champaign, Illinois.

On to the recipe!

Mel’s Rhubarb Sourdough Bread Pudding


12 oz. sourdough bread ripped into pieces ranging ½- to 1-inch
1 ½ cups milk
4 Tablespoon butter
5 eggs
1 ½ cups sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon fresh orange zest
¼ c. crystallized ginger, chopped
4 cups rhubarb, chopped
½ cup raw sugar (or brown sugar)
¼ cup pecans, chopped


1.      Spread bread on a cookie sheet and lightly toast, then place in a greased 3       qt casserole dish
2.      Melt butter with milk, pour over bread in casserole

3.      Mix together eggs, sugar, salt, and zest
4.      Stir in rhubarb and ginger

5.      Stir rhubarb and egg mixture into bread mixture
6.      Top with raw sugar (or brown) and pecans

Bake at 350ยบ 55-60 minutes until set

Hands up if you're planning to 
make one for yourself!

Author Molly MacRae has written another winner in the Haunted Yarn Shop Mystery series. Like a beautiful afghan, every new stich she makes in this series only serves to make it more wonderful.

KNOT THE USUAL SUSPECTS is absolutely delightful. I can’t knit a knot, but I loved reading about the lovely projects this fun loving, sassy group of characters create. It really does inspire me to want to learn the craft.

Kath and crew find themselves in the middle of another murder, and of course they investigate, with the help of resident ghost, Geneva.

Ms. MacRae has a wonderful talent for combining mystery, fun, crafting, and the paranormal. With twists and turns and surprises all the way to the exciting reveal, KNOT THE USUAL SUSPECTS is a must read mystery that will thrill readers and have them begging the author for more.

This is also a great mystery for readers of several mystery sub-genres. Craft-cozies, and para-cozies. There is indeed something for everyone in this one.

Don’t forget to check out the back of the book for recipes and knitting patterns!

Coming December 6, 2016

Book 1 in the Highland Book Shop Mysteries 
by Molly MacRae

The Inversgail Literature Festival in Scotland is just about to begin when a shocking murder temporarily turns the owners of the new Highland Bookshop into amateur detectives, in an enthralling new cozy crime novel from the beloved Molly MacRae.
Set in the weeks just before the annual Inversgail Literature Festival in Scotland, Plaid and Plagiarismbegins on a morning shortly after the four new owners have taken possession of their new bookshop in the Highlands.

Unfortunately, Janet Marsh’s move into her house has been delayed due to vandalism; she’s convinced the vandal is Una Graham, an advice columnist for the local paper who’s trying to make a name for herself as an investigative reporter. Then, when the women go to look for clues that might tell them to who is guilty, they find Una Graham's corpse (murder!) in Janet’s garden shed.

Constable Hobbs answers their emergency call. He’s calm and quietly pleased, as he’s never had a murder case. Then the contents of a dozen or so garbage bags are discovered behind the bookshop. The letters inside are nasty. They explain in minute detail how and when each of the recipients has hurt Una. The more the women find out about Una, the more people they discover who detested her and aren’t sad she’s gone. If Janet and her bookshop crew are reading the clues right, they’re about to expose the most sensational story the town of Inversgail has ever heard.

A delightful and deadly novel about recognizing strengths, accepting weaknesses, and finding a way to be true to oneself, Plaid and Plagiarism is the start of an enthralling new Scottish mystery series.

Pre-order your copy today!
Releases: December 6!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Dear Lisa,
    Thank you for this wonderful write up and the chance to share my recipe. Your support for cozy mysteries is absolutely invaluable. My hat is off to you!

  2. Thanks Lisa and Molly for a great post.

    1. My pleasure, Mary. Let me know if you try the recipe!

  3. I love bread pudding and this one looks very good!
