
Sunday, June 19, 2016


I'm so thrilled to be a stop again on the blog tour for 
author Amy Metz
and her new book
Book 4 in the Goose Pimple Junction Mysteries

Like any good Southern belle, Caledonia Culpepper was raised by her mama to be gracious, charming, witty, and above all, a devoted mother and loving wife, so she's baffled when her marriage falls apart. 

Wynona Baxter is a master of disguise but is often a ditzy airhead. A hit woman wannabe, when she's hired for her first job in Goose Pimple Junction and things don't go as planned, she's forced to resort to Plan B. She'll also need Plan C and D. 

Crooked lawyers, restless husbands, a teenaged hoodlum – it seems there are rogues and rascals everywhere you look in Goose Pimple Junction. 

When Caledonia and Wynona's paths cross, they prove there isn't a rogue or a rascal who can keep a good woman down. Mama always said there would be days like this . . .

On my tour stop on Saturday 11, I posted my review of 
Today I'm excited to post an interview with author Amy Metz!

An Interview With 
Amy Metz

LKBR: Hi Amy. Thank you for being here today!

AM: Thank you so much for having me, Lisa. You have an awesome site!

LKBR: Thank you! Amy, when did you first know you wanted to be an author?

AM: It just kind of happened. In 2009, my mother was diagnosed with dementia. As a form of therapy, I decided to write a book about my experiences with her. But it was depressing living it and going home and writing about it, so I started writing a humorous mystery—never dreaming it would be published. I’ve been writing ever since.

LKBR: I can see where that would be hard. Lucky for all of us, you switched up you writing!    What was your inspiration for the Goose Pimple Junction series? Where did the name come from?

AM: I got the name all the way back in 1985 when I visited a relative in Abingdon, Virginia and she took me to nearby Goose Pimple Junction. I always loved that name, and when I started writing Murder & Mayhem, the name was a natural fit with my characters and my fictional town. As far as inspiration, the seed was planted when I was a child and heard my father talk about two family members who were murdered in the 1930s. I remember thinking someone should write a book about them. I was also sad that one of the murders was never solved, so I solved it fictionally.  (I’m attaching a pic that I took in 1985 when I visited Goose Pimple Junction, Virginia.)

LKBR: I live in Delaware so I may just be taking a trip to Goose Pimple Junction some day!        Do you ever get writer’s block? If you do, how do you work through it?

AM: Yes, I do. I usually just wait it out. A long drive letting my mind wander with music in the background helped me with Heroes & Hooligans. But as crazy as it sounds, sometimes I have to wait until my characters are ready to talk to me.

LKBR: Do you have a favorite place to do your writing?

AM: My all time favorite place to write is in the upstairs room in the Stockbridge Library in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. Since I live in Kentucky, I have to resort to writing wherever is comfortable—usually a chair in my bedroom. There’s a little dessert cafĂ© where I love to go and write, but I end up eating pie when I’m there, so I have to limit my visits.

LKBR: What is your writing schedule like? Do you write a certain number of hours a day, or go by word count?

AM: I really do write when my characters talk to me. When they’re not talking to me, I work on marketing or editing something I’ve already written. My schedule is: In the morning I go to Facebook and Twitter while I’m waking up. After I get dressed, I sit down in my comfy chair and see what happens. Either way, if I’m home alone, ninety percent of the time, I have my computer on my lap. Well . . . okay, probably ninety-five percent of the time.

LKBR: What is the hardest part of writing? What is the easiest part?

AM: The hardest part for me is figuring out the story line. I sit down knowing the beginning and ending of a book. It’s the middle part that gives me fits. Oftentimes, the ending turns out to be different from what I thought it would be.

LKBR: Do you have plans for a new series?

AM: Not really. I’m thinking of finishing a mystery/thriller novel that I started a couple of years ago, but I don’t know that it would be a series.

LKBR: What book are you reading?

AM: Robert B. Parker’s The Devil Wins in audiobook; Stephanie Bond’s 7 Brides for 7 Bodies in Kindle. I just finished S.R. Mallery’s The Dolan Girls in paperback.

LKBR: What are three things do you want your readers to know about you?

AM: 1) I love talking to readers and truly appreciate it when someone takes the time to contact me.
2) I love the South and Southerners. In no way am I making fun of the region or the people in my books. 

3) I am beyond grateful when someone spends time and money on my work.

LKBR: Thank you so much for letting us get to know you better, Amy!

AM: Thank you for having me, Lisa. 

Who knew Goose Pimple Junction 
was a real place?
I need to take a day trip! ;-)

Winners will be chosen after June 22 
at the end of the tour
Check out the great prize and enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post. 
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.

About the author

Amy Metz is the author of the Goose Pimple Junction mystery series. She is a former first grade teacher and the mother of two sons. When not writing, enjoying her family, or surfing Pinterest, Amy can usually be found with a mixing spoon, camera, or book in one hand and a glass of sweet tea in the other. Amy lives in Louisville, Kentucky and loves a good Southern phrase.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm thrilled to be back here, Lisa. Thanks very much for hosting me again!

  2. Hi Amy. I'm very happy to have you back!

  3. Great interview. Thanks, Lisa and Amy.

  4. Thanks for another fun stop on a book tour. Enjoyed the interview.

  5. What an interesting interview, especially learning that Goose Pimple Junction is an actual place! I want to visit and will be adding this series to my TBR list.

  6. I enjoyed this interview and post so much! Thank you Lisa and Amy. I can't wait to read this series as I'm from the south and love all things Southern. For some reason reading this and learning about the true unsolved murder, made me think of William Faulkner's works with the old south! :)

    1. Sharon, thank you for your comments. I hope you like the books!
