
Tuesday, June 7, 2016


I'm so excited to be the first stop on the blog tour for 
author Lynn Cahoon
and her new book
Book 7 in the Tourist Trap Mysteries

The quaint coastal town of South Cove, California, is all abuzz about the opening of a new specialty shop, Tea Hee. But as Coffee, Books, and More owner Jill Gardner is about to find out, there's nothing cozy about murder . . .
Shop owner Kathi Corbin says she came to South Cove to get away from her estranged family. But is she telling the truth? And did a sinister someone from her past follow her to South Cove? When a woman claiming to be Kathi's sister starts making waves and a dead body is found in a local motel, Jill must step in to clear Kathi's name--without getting herself in hot water.
Includes an excerpt from A STORY TO KILL, Lynn Cahoon's BRAND NEW series

It’s a Man’s World…

Or at least that’s what they say. I’m Jill Gardner, owner and semi-manager of Coffee, Books, and More, the only coffeeshop/bookstore in South Cove. If you’re looking for refreshments, it’s either us or Diamond Lille’s down the street next to The Train Station. It’s not a real train station, Harrold, who may be my new uncle someday, sells model trains there. Although I think he spends more time working on his model of South Cove than marketing and selling. He says the town model is marketing since it draws in customers. 

I think it’s an easy way to justify playing when you’re supposed to be working.

Kind of like what I do when foot traffic is slow and I dive into a book instead of working on accounting or ordering or anyone of the multitude of tasks my aunt lists on her daily to do sheet that shows up by the cash register right before opening each day. 

She’s pushing me to become more involved in the actual management of the shop. I want to say, like I did before you came and took over? But I’ve bit my tongue several times. And she’s right, there have been a lot of process improvements since she took over. I’m thinking about going back for my Masters in Business Administration this fall. But maybe that’s another stalling tactic from real work. Either way, Aunt Jackie played the guilt card about how she’s not going to be around much more.

I’m assuming she’s talking about retiring and taking cruises for her golden years. Or maybe Harrold’s ready to put a ring on it and whisk her away to a life of leisure. All I know is she better not be talking about the BIG RETIREMENT. I don’t know what I’d do without the woman.  Just don’t let her know that.

I guess I should be getting ready for the business-to-business meeting tomorrow. We have a new business owner attending. Kathi Corbin is an ex-beauty queen turned entrepreneur.  The construction crew is still working on the renovation of the building across the street. I can see the progress or lack of, through CBM’s front window. Kathi’s a friendly sort. She’s always out talking to the construction workers, handing out glasses of what I assume is sweet tea since the girl oozes Southern charm.

I never was that kind of girl. Upfront and in your face, if you wanted something from me, you had to spell it out. I guess I missed the class on getting your way via flirtation. I believe our new resident, Kathi, could write a book on the subject. 

Anyway, I’m sure she’ll fit right in. Especially with the mayor and the guys at the table during the business meeting. I just hope she won’t alienate the women before we get a chance to know her. I believe in supporting strong women business owners. It just might be a little hard to stomach. Kind of like when I had to invite the owners of Designer Dud’s to join the committee. Sherry King was Greg’s (my current boyfriend) ex-wife.

Gotta love a small town where everyone has secrets. 

Maybe that’s why Kathi moved to South Cove. I guess only time will tell. Thanks for stopping in for coffee and a chat.


Winner will be chosen after March 10 
at the end of the tour
Check out the great prize and enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post. 
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


The Tourist Trap Mysteries gets better and better with every new installment!

I knew this series by author Lynn Cahoon was going to be one of my favorites when I read book one, GUIDEBOOK TO MURDER. The characters, the setting, the theme of this series are, quite simply, a joy to read.

TEA CUPS AND CARNAGE introduces another new shop to the town of South Cove. Housed in what was once a bank, the Tea Hee tea shop seems to fit in perfectly with the other wonderful shops in town, even if something doesn’t seem quite right about Tea Hee’s owner, Kathi…not that the men of town notice. They’re too busy ogling her. What? Nope! You have to read it for yourself to see if Kathi is a welcome addition, or a taste of bitter tea. ;-)

All of the returning characters are back and better than ever. They really are growing, and Ms. Cahoon is adding new dimensions to each one with every new book.

A solid, fast moving mystery, TEA CUPS AND CARNAGE is a fabulous tale of secrets, lies, murder, and more! Trust me, once you take a sip of what Lynn Cahoon has to offer, you’re going to be begging for seconds, and thirds, and…!

You’ll also find an excerpt from, A STORY TO KILL, book one in an exciting new series from Lynn Cahoon!

About the author

Lynn Cahoon is the author of the NYT and USA Today bestselling Tourist Trap cozy mystery series. Guidebook to Murder, book 1 of the series won the Reader's Crown for Mystery Fiction in 2015. She's also the author of the soon to be released, Cat Latimer series, with the first book, A STORY TO KILL, releasing in mass market paperback September 2016. She lives in a small town like the ones she loves to write about with her husband and two fur babies. 

Sign up for her newsletter at

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A tea shop for South Cove sounds perfect! Looking forward to this entry in the series!

    1. Yay! I loved writing Kathi and her new shop.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I always look forward to new release Tuesdays.

  3. I love the title, and this looks like a great series I have somehow missed. Thanks for introducing me to it and the giveaway.

    1. Glad you're looking into a visit to South Cove.

  4. I'm really looking forward to reading this book. This is an amazing series. Thanks for the chance.

  5. Have added this to my TBR list and can't wait to read it.

    1. Hope you enjoy your trip to South Cove Becky!

  6. Looking forward to reading your new book! Thankyou for the opportunity! Jill Broussard;
