
Friday, May 20, 2016

Cozy Food Friday

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Book 1 in the Kay Driscoll Mysteries
Susan Bernhardt

On her way to attend a Halloween Ball, Kay Driscoll, a newcomer to town, witnesses the murder of a local professor. When the official coroner's report rules the cause of death to be accidental and the community accepts the judgement, Kay decides to uncover the truth for herself. Through her personal investigations, Kay exposes a complex conspiracy, woven deep within the thriving local ginseng industry, that involves some of the more prominent figures and families of Sudbury Falls. 

With her new friends, the free-spirited herbalist Deirdre and the untamed modern woman Elizabeth, Kay discusses new clues over tea and pastries at Sweet Marissa's Patisserie, their crime-fighting headquarters. As Kay gets closer to the heart of the conspiracy, additional murders happen in quick succession. Before long, Kay learns that the villains are gunning for her, too. Phil, her musically talented but preoccupied husband, determined to keep her safe, withholds from her the one thing she needs most: the truth.


In the Kay Driscoll mysteries, Kay and her friends, the free-spirited herbalist Deirdre and the untamed modern woman Elizabeth, discuss new clues over tea and pastries at Sweet Marissa's Patisserie, their crime-fighting headquarters.

Below is Kay's favorite chocolate dessert featured in the first mystery, THE GINSENG CONSPIRACY. Kay has two pieces of this shockingly rich, chocolate torte at Sweet Marissa's as she agonizes over the frightening events that occurred the evening of a Halloween Ball, when she witnessed a murder.

On to the recipe!

 – This recipe is tried and true. 

Photo courtesy Susan Bernhardt


12 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
1 1/2 cups sugar
Pinch of salt 3/4 cup boiling water
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter, cut into pieces, at room temperature
6 large eggs, at room temperature
1 Tbsp raspberry-flavored liqueur or 2 tsp. vanilla extract
Cocoa powder, for garnish
Raspberries, for garnish

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1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Lightly butter the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan. Line the bottom of the pan with a round of parchment paper. Butter the paper and the sides of the pan.

2. Combine the chocolate, sugar, and salt in the bowl of a food processor and process until the chocolate is finely ground. With the processor running, add the boiling water through the feed tube and process for about 15 seconds, until the chocolate is completely melted. Scrape down the sides of the processor bowl, then add the butter and process for about 5 seconds, until the batter is smooth. Add the eggs and raspberry liqueur and process until smooth. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.

3. Bake for 50-55 minutes, or until the edges of the torte are puffy and cracked and the center is just set (it will still look moist). Transfer the pan to a wire rack to cool for 30 minutes (the torte will sink as it cools). Cover the pan and refrigerate for 3 hours.

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4. Remove the sides of the springform pan and invert the torte onto a flat serving platter. Lift off the bottom of the pan and peel off the parchment paper. Cover and refrigerate until ready to garnish the torte.

5. Sprinkle with cocoa powder and garnish with the raspberries.

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Oh my goodness! 
My mouth is watering and my stomach is growling!

Susan Bernhardt writes the Kay Driscoll series. Like Kay Driscoll, in her cozy mysteries, Susan is a retired public health nurse who volunteers at her local free clinic. An avid reader of mysteries, she is a member of Sisters in Crime. Susan's town in northern Wisconsin is the inspiration for the quaint setting of her novels. When not writing, Susan loves to travel, bicycle, kayak, and create culinary magic in her kitchen. She works in stained-glass, daydreams in her organic garden, stays up late reading mysteries, and eats lots of chocolate.

Recently reduced from $5.95 to $3.95!!!

The Ginseng Conspiracy (A Kay Driscoll Mystery Book 1) 

Murder comes to town and so does Kay Driscoll, whose tenacious nature tells her city officials are attempting a cover-up and she must expose the truth.

Recently reduced from $5.95 to $3.95!!!

Murder Under the Tree (A Kay Driscoll Mystery Book 2) 

During the season of peace on earth, good will to men, Kay uncovers sinister plots of corruption at a retirement home, while investigating the suspicious death of a beloved caretaker.

Murder by Fireworks (A Kay Driscoll Mystery Book 3) 

An obnoxious member of Kay's book club is found dead on the beach. When Kay investigates, she discovers that the death, covered-up to look like suicide, was in fact murder. 


Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are from 
Book 3 in the Kay Driscoll Mysteries

Wedding bells are in the air, and so is murder. 

Kay Driscoll's son's wedding reception for two hundred guests is in her backyard. As if that wasn't enough, a precocious and troubled twelve-year-old is foisted on her two days before the wedding. When the happy day arrives, one of the guests disrupts the event and is asked to leave: a womanizing member of Kay's book club. 

A few days later, after a Fourth of July fireworks show, he is found dead on the beach. Kay and her ever-present friends, Elizabeth and Deirdre, investigate the death, which at first is declared a suicide. They believe this is a cover-up and go about to prove their theory, an arduous task because the potential suspects are many, and few (if any) will regret the victim's death.

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings

Thursday, June 29

"What else could I have said, Kay?" Phil followed me into the kitchen. "He sounded desperate."

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56

But something was waiting. Something was going to happen. I didn't know
what and I didn't know when, but I could feel it. I could feel it! A shiver went
through me.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. I adore chocolate so the Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Torte looks so good! Thank you for the recipe.

    1. Thank you, Jen for visiting. And you're welcome! I'm a chocoholic from way back! :)

  2. The book and the recipe both sound good. This week I am spotlighting Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop. Happy reading!

    1. Thank you, Kathy and thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. It was fun doing this post with you today, Lisa. Thank you. :)

      I've always loved your "It's Cozy Food Friday" and now I'm on it!

  3. Great book, and that recipe looks amazing!

    1. Thank you, Heather for your great comment and for visiting. I'm sure you noticed the recipe is gluten free. :)

  4. These all sound so enticing. And I love tea and pastries, so thanks for making me

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thank you, Laurel for visiting. I also love tea and pastries and my favorite dessert is chocolate cake. :)

  5. Sounds like a great read! Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, fredamans. The mysteries are fun and a thrilling series. I had a great time writing the novels. Have a great weekend also. :)

  6. Thanks for sharing. The books and the recipe sound great. I've never made a Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Torte before, but it looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, Breana for your comments and for visiting. The Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Torte is a scrumptious dessert. :)

  7. Thanks, Lisa and Susan, for such a great post. The dessert sounds delicious and your books are fantastic!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Mary. I'm happy you've enjoyed the mysteries.

  8. All of these books sound GREAT, and that torte looks scrumptious. Loved your post.
    My Friday post features THE LIE THAT TELLS A TRUTH.

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I hope you'll give the mysteries a try. The first two have been greatly discount. Thanks for visiting and your great comment.

  9. Thanks for sharing. I love mystery books especially when it has to do with cooking. I will be checking these books out. Happy reading. :)

    1. Thank you, Stacey for your great comments. I also love culinary mysteries. Happy reading.

  10. What a delicious looking recipe! I may have to try it in a pie plate since I have no spring form pan...

    1. Thanks, Elaine for visiting. I hope the chocolate torte turns out. It probably will. :)

  11. I love the pairing of mystery book and recipe! That dessert looks so good.

  12. Murder by Fireworks? That's an explosive way to die (pun intended). I also agree, my mouth was watering because of that recipe too.

  13. The recipe looks delicious and I love the sound of this series - thanks for sharing. Here's my Friday meme

  14. Look at those glorious covers! And a new author for me too! I'm sure I'd enjoy these.

    My Friday 56

  15. Even though it isn't even 9:30 yet I totally want to eat that dessert. :)
