
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Book 1 in the Emergency Dessert Squad Mysteries
by Laura Bradford

The first book in the delicious new Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery series from national bestselling author Laura Bradford.

With her rent rising faster than her pie crust, bakery owner Winnie Johnson had hoped to be rescued by an inheritance from her wealthy friend and neighbor Gertrude Redenbacher. Instead all she inherits is the widow’s hostile hissing tabby, Lovey, and a vintage ambulance, restored by Gertrude’s late husband. As her dream crumbles, Winnie makes her final delivery—a peach pie to an elderly widower. But she finds Bart Wagner lying on his kitchen floor, smothered by a pillow.
To comfort her frightened and grieving neighbors, Winnie comes to the rescue with her baked goods—and an idea is born: dessert delivery via her ambulance and a new business called the Emergency Dessert Squad. When she’s not speeding to the scenes of dessert emergencies, Winnie is also racing to track down Bart’s killer—before she needs to call a real ambulance for the next victim...


A deliciously brilliant start to the yummy new Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery series by national bestselling author Laura Bradford!

I was beyond thrilled when I first heard author Laura Bradford had a new cozy mystery series coming out. Her Amish Mysteries, and her Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries written under her pen name Elizabeth Lynn Casey, are among my very favorite cozy mystery series. But I was unprepared for just how spectacular this new series would be.

ÉCLAIR AND PRESENT DANGER is the freshest idea for a cozy mystery I have read in a long time. Seriously, how perfect is a dessert truck ambulance that sells tasty treats to fit your mood? I mean, come on…”Don’t-Be-Blue Berry Pie”, and “Hot Flash Fudge Sundae”… Marvelous!

Along with the outstanding concept, Ms. Bradford also introduces a cast of characters that are a pure joy! I totally want to work on the dessert ambulance with protagonist, Winnie Johnson, and her best friend, Renee Ballentine. Each character is beautifully written, and adds just the right layers to the overall story. It amazes me that Laura Bradford has written so many vastly unique characters in her different series, yet always delivers folks who are real, multifaceted, and are purely awesome to read and get to know.

Last, but in no way least, ÉCLAIR AND PRESENT DANGER is wonderfully well written, with a fast moving, imaginative plot that had me moving from chapter to chapter with growing anticipation, and a hunger for more. Author Bradford filled that hunger with every new page. The action packed reveal was the frosting on the cake of the perfectly penned story.

If you only start one new mystery series this year, make it the Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery series by Laura Bradford, because ÉCLAIR AND PRESENT DANGER is THE cozy mystery to beat for 2016!

Make sure to check out the back of the book for incredible recipes, and a sneak peek of Book Two in the Emergency Dessert Squad mystery series!

Pre-Order Now!
Tuesday, June 7!

As a child, Laura Bradford fell in love with writing over a stack of blank paper, a box of crayons, and a freshly sharpened number two pencil. From that moment forward, she never wanted to do or be anything else. Today, Laura is the national bestselling author of several mystery series, including the Emergency Dessert Squad Mysteries, the Amish Mysteries, the Jenkins & Burns Mysteries, and the upcoming Tobi Tobias Mystery Series. She is a former Agatha Award nominee, and the recipient of an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award in romance. A graduate of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, Laura enjoys making memories with her family, baking, and being an advocate for those living with Multiple Sclerosis. 
Laura also writes the Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries under her pen name, Elizabeth Lynn Casey. 

Writing as Laura Bradford

The Amish Mysteries

                                                         eBook Short Story

Jenkins & Burns Mysteries

Writing as Elisabeth Lynn Casey 

The Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries

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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. This sounds great. Wishing you a happy Sunday, too.

    1. Hey Pat! It's wonderful! Readers are going to love it!

  2. I can't wait to read this book, it sounds so good. Thanks for sharing your review.

    1. Hi Mary! Everyone is really going to enjoy this one!

  3. Thank you, Lisa! I'm honored by your review.

    1. Hey there, Laura! It's a wonderful book. I couldn't have given a great review, if you hadn't wrote such an amazing story. :-)

  4. Sounds like a great new series!

    1. Hi Elaine. This first book was wonderful! I'm really looking forward to the next one!

  5. I think I need each and every one of these titles!
