
Thursday, May 12, 2016

CABIN FURVOR by Patricia Fry
NAILED by Elaine Macko

Book 16 in the Kelpto Cat Mysteries
by Patricia Fry

A girls’ fun getaway weekend quickly becomes something that would rival any Fright Night flick. The women run into the infamous mountain monster, they’re visited by an escaped kidnap victim, and they’re privy to rumors of a deranged serial killer who may live secretly in their cabin. Just when Savannah, Aunt Margaret, and their two best friends think the worst is over, they make a grisly discovery that shakes up the mountain community. This thriller is also rich in hilarity and features plenty of cat action, as Rags and his tabby friend Dolly tag along on this fur-raising adventure.


This was my first book in this series. I enjoyed it.

The first few pages had me laughing. There's a scene in a boat, with a cat,'ll have to read it yourself to find out. ;-)

Author Patrica Fry has penned an intriguing mystery with CABIN FURVOR. At times, a little dark, slightly edgier than a typical cozy, but a solid story that kept me guessing all the way until the end.

It took me a little bit to warm up to any of the characters, but that may have everything to do with the fact that this is the sixteenth book in the series. I'll be adding the first few to my TBR.

Cat lovers will be fans of the Klepto Cat Mysteries.


Book 1 in the Goose Pimple Junction Mysteries
by Amy Metz

A rerelease of a highly regarded cozy mystery. Murder & Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction is back and better than ever.

When Tess Tremaine starts a new life in the colorful town of Goose Pimple Junction, curiosity leads her to look into a seventy-five-year-old murder. Suddenly she's learning the foreign language of southern speak, resisting her attraction to local celebrity Jackson Wright, and dealing with more mayhem than she can handle. 

A bank robbery, murder, and family tragedy from the 1930s are pieces of the mystery that Tess attempts to solve. As she gets close to the truth, she encounters danger, mystery, a lot of southern charm, and a new temptation for which she's not sure she's ready. 


A wonderfully fun mystery!

How could I not want to read a book called MURDER & MAYHEM IN GOOSE PIMPLE JUNCTION? And I’m so glad I did. Not only was this a great mystery, it was hysterical. I laughed out loud more than I can count.

Author Amy Metz has penned a rollicking adventure of murder, and yes, mayhem in the deep south. From the chapter titles to the vocabulary, the author gave this story a voice, and that voice had a twang.

This lively mystery switches back and forth from the 1930’s to present day. When protagonist Tess Tremaine, and recent transplant to Goose Pimple, sets out to solve a murder from seventy-five years in the past, she gets way more than she bargained for.

MURDER & MAYHEM IN GOOSE PIMPLE JUNCTION is a well written, entertaining story that readers will find hard to put down. I know I sure did.


Book 8 in the Alex Harris Mysteries
by Elaine Macko

Alex Harris thinks finding a place to celebrate her one-year anniversary sounds like a good idea, but when her husband arrests her sister for murder she has some serious thoughts about staying married to the guy! Her sister Samantha is clearly keeping a secret and refuses to give the police an alibi, but when she asks Alex to help solve the crime and clear her name, Alex is only too happy to jump in and prove her husband wrong. And then the police turn their attention to Samantha’s husband—another suspect with no alibi. 

Could her sister or brother-in-law really have killed a local building inspector over his refusal to pass their new sunroom addition? Alex doesn’t think so and sets her sights on several others who had more than a good reason to nail the guy. 

Something sinister is going on in this coastal New England town where the bodies seem to be piling up.


This was my first book in the Alex Harris Mystery series. I really liked it!

Author Elaine Macko has a new fan in me. NAILED is book eight in her Alex Harris, but I was able to pick up and follow it as though it was a standalone. Don’t get me wrong, I would recommend reading the other books in the series, as I plan to do, because you will get a much better feel of the characters, and where they started in the series.

Well written, with a nicely constructed plot, NAILED, with its short chapters (I love short chapters) was a fast moving read. From page one it was quick paced, and never slowed down until the end.

There were plenty of twists which led to several suspects, and kept me guessing. Not only was I eager to find out “who done it”, I was really interested in seeing how another storyline in the book was resolved.

And all around enjoyable read.

As always, please leave a comment and 
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  1. Thank you, Lisa. Now I have a few more to add to my list. They sound great.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Hope you enjoy your Thursday, too.

  3. Sounds like three great books and ones that I'll have to check out. Thanks for sharing your reviews.

  4. Thank you for that awesome review, Lisa!

  5. Thanks for the reviews! You are very helpful, although my TBR pile keeps growing and growing...
