
Monday, May 2, 2016

 THE ART OF MURDER by Elaine Viets

Book 15 in the Dead-End Job Mysteries
by Elaine Viets

From the national bestselling author of Checked Out, Helen Hawthorne must pose as a painter at Fort Lauderdale’s famous Bonnet House Museum to catch an artful killer . . .

The art world is a happening place—but a brush with death shouldn’t be in the picture. Unfortunately that’s just what happens to Helen Hawthorne and her friend Margery. While touring gorgeous Bonnet House, a mansion-turned-museum, they observe a painting class and note an up-and-coming artist. When they later see her deadly end, Helen is hired to canvas the crime scene—undercover, of course.
Sketchy suspects lurk in the victim’s bohemian past. Was the promising painter killed by her jealous husband? Her best friend? A rival using her artful wiles? With her husband Phil busy setting a trap for a gold thief, it’s up to Helen to paint this killer into a corner . . .


Author Elaine Viets paints a vivid mystery with THE ART OF MURDER.

The Dead-End Job Mystery series has been great from the start. Ms. Viets keeps upping her game with each new installment. This series is consistently well written with each new book adding stronger, and more entertaining plots.

THE ART OF MURDER is quick to jump into the murder, and mayhem. From chapter one it just keep gaining momentum. Fast paced and intriguing, this book was hard to put down. With plenty of twists and turns to keep me guessing, and second guessing, the reveal was a total surprise.

With books like THE ART OF MURDER, it’s easy to see why Ms. Viets, and the Dead-End Job mysteries have such a loyal following.


Book 11 in the Seaside Knitters Mystery
by Sally Goldenbaum

Late summer blooms in beautiful Sea Harbor, Massachusetts, and while a harvest thrives, Izzy Chambers Perry and the other Seaside Knitters will need to cast on their sleuthing skills to save a local farm.  Unfortunately, finding a killer can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. . . . 
Seaside Knitter Birdie Favazza has long loved knitting, but lately she’s taken on a new challenge—making a family farm operational again. With help from friends, Lambswool Farm is now up and running, with thriving crops and grazing sheep.  In addition, the farm will host rustic, six-course prix fixe dinners plated by local chefs and served on a gorgeous restored harvest table, decorated to perfection with colorful knitted vegetables crafted by Izzy Chambers Perry, her aunt Nell, and the other Seaside Knitters. 
But on the night of the first meal, everything spins out of control when one of the guests, Seaside Harbor’s family physician, becomes fatally ill. It seems that behind Dr. Alan Hamilton’s friendly bedside manner was a man with enemies and secrets.
Soon the town is gossiping and pointing fingers at all possible suspects—including the women at Lambswool Farm. Now the Seaside Knitters must join together to uncover the truth in Dr. Hamilton’s complicated past—and restore peace to town and country alike.


MURDER AT LAMBSWOOL FARM is another wonderful installment in the long running Seaside Knitters series.

Author Sally Goldenbaum knows how to set a scene. Every time I visit Sea Harbor, Massachusetts, I want to stay. I can picture this lovely town the entire time I’m reading a new Seaside Knitters Mystery. The author has really developed the series since the first book, DEATH BY CASHMERE, came out back in 2008. It’s been a joy to watch the character evolve and grow.

MURDET AT LAMBSWOOL FARM is a shining example of why this series continues to flourish. With the superb writing style of Ms. Goldenbaum, and the keep-the-reader-guessing mystery, this addition to her series is sure to be a hit with her fans, and earn her many more.

I also want to thank author Goldenbaum for the character list in the beginning of the book. It helps aging brains like mine to keep track. ;-)

Check out the back of the book for instruction on making a knit and felted bowl, and for a great recipe!

Both of these wonderful titles are available 
Tuesday, May 3! 

your copies today!

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. Both of these sound great. Happy Monday, to you (love the cute picture).

  2. I've read a couple of the Dead End Jobs books and I enjoyed them. Thanks for your reviews.

  3. Thanks, Lisa K. I'm in good company with my friend Sally Goldenbaum.

  4. Thank you , Lisa. I love Sally Goldenbaum. The Seaside knitters and I are old friends I really enjoy all their investigations.
