
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Lisa Ks Book Reviews blog is proud to bring to you
Special Edition

This is a weekly online publication focused on connecting cozy mystery readers to favorite cozy characters by way of their town's newspapers. 

The Cozy Times will be available Wednesdays right here on Lisa Ks blog. 
There will also be weekend editions, and special editions from time to time. So keep watch. 

Today The Cozy Times is featuring the 
Cedar Bay Sentinel

The Sentinal had an article that I just had to share.
More and missing dogs!  

Check it out!

The Sentinel learned today that Mary Barnes, the owner of The Doggie Love Kennel in Cedar Bay, was murdered. What is even more frightening to dog owners is that all of the dogs were released from their kennels and wandering freely in the nearby area. If you find one of the dogs, please contact us. 

The murder is being investigated by Beaver County Sheriff Mike Reynolds. What makes this even more interesting is that the sheriff and his wife, Kelly, the popular owner of Kelly’s Koffee Shop, had just returned from a trip to Cuba and were boarding their dogs at the kennel. According to sources at the kennel, one of their dogs was still loose.

This reporter spoke to Mrs. Barnes’ daughter and was told that several people had recently made threats to Mrs. Barnes. One of them alleged that her top show dog had been impregnated while she was boarding the dog at the kennel, even though the show dog had been sequestered from the other dogs. 

Sheriff Mike says that although it looks like there are plenty of suspects in this case, discovering which one was responsible for the murder, and to dog owners, the even more heinous crime of letting the dogs out of their kennels, will be a challenge. He’s hopeful the person responsible will swiftly be brought to justice. Area dog owners are hoping the same thing. If you have any information concerning this crime, please contact this paper.

The Cedar Bay Chamber of Commerce has issued a statement proudly announcing Cedar Bay the "Safest Little Town in the Country". 

Just in time for summer! Way to go Cedar Bay! No doubt that label will have tourists coming in droves!Local merchants, you'd better stock up! 


I think the Cedar Bay Chamber of Commerce may want to check in with Sheriff Reynolds a little more often. ;-)

That's this week's edition of 
The Cozy Times 
I hope you enjoyed!

To learn more about fabulous Cedar Bay, and 
it's residents, read the 
Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery series by author 
Dianne Harman.

Book 9 in the Cedar Bay Mysteries

Mike, the sheriff of Beaver County, Oregon and his wife Kelly, the
owner of Kelly’s Koffee Shop, have just returned from a fly fishing
trip to Cuba. On the drive home from the airport Mike gets a call
informing him that the owner of Doggie Love Kennel, where they had
boarded their dogs when they were in Cuba, has been murdered. To make
matters worse, all of the dogs in the kennel, including Rebel and
Lady, have been released and are running loose in the surrounding
area. They immediately begin to search for their dogs as well as
trying to determine who killed the owner

Below you'll find books 1 -8

Is there a cozy town you'd like to see featured in 
The Cozy Times? 
Please let me know in the comments section.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
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  1. Thanks, Lisa. "Safest Little Town", huh? :)
    Happy Tuesday, to you.

  2. Another great edition. I enjoyed reading it a lot. Can't wait to visit Cedar Bay through my reading.

  3. Thanks so much for having me. Brilliant idea!

  4. The newspapers are such a clever idea! What a fun way to introduce new books. Keep it up!

  5. Lovely article. Enjoyed learning more about the fictional town.
