
Friday, March 25, 2016

Cozy Food Friday 

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Book 9 in the Cedar Bay Mysteries
Dianne Harman

Seven time Amazon All Star author Dianne Harman with her latest book in the best selling Cedar Bay Cozy Mystery Series 

Mike, the sheriff of Beaver County, Oregon and his wife Kelly, the 
owner of Kelly’s Koffee Shop, have just returned from a fly fishing 
trip to Cuba. On the drive home from the airport Mike gets a call 
informing him that the owner of Doggie Love Kennel, where they had 
boarded their dogs when they were in Cuba, has been murdered. To make 
matters worse, all of the dogs in the kennel, including Rebel and 
Lady, have been released and are running loose in the surrounding 
area. They immediately begin to search for their dogs as well as 
trying to determine who killed Mary Barnes. 

They have plenty of suspects to choose from: the druggie kennel 
employee; the owner of the award winning Yorkie that was impregnated 
while staying at the kennel; the disgruntled head of the Pit Bull 
Sanctuary who was instructed by the owner of the kennel to get his pit 
bulls off of the property within twenty-four hours; the impoverished 
woman whose property is next to the luxurious kennel and is jealous of 
the dogs being boarded there; the kennel manager; and her husband who 
has anger issues. Will Mike and Kelly find the killer before the 
killer comes after them? And what about the dog named Skyy? Is she 
cute enough to make Mike rethink his decision to only have two dogs? 
Can she worm her way into his heart? 

To find out more about Dianne and her books, visit her web site at

On to the recipe!


Sauce Ingredients:

¼ cup catsup
½ cup mayonnaise
1 tsp yellow mustard (use the prepared, not the powder)
2 ¼ tsp. sweet pickle relish
2 ¼ tsp. dill pickle relish
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. white wine vinegar
½ tsp. salt
¼ tsp. sugar


Stir the ingredients together in a medium bowl and set aside. Sauce
can be kept refrigerated up to two weeks. (I 'Dianne' use it on all kinds of

Cheeseburgers and Topping Ingredients:

½ lb. ground beef (try to get as close to 80/20 ratio as possible. I
           sometimes have to mix two different packages of ground beef together
           to get the right ratio)
8 iceberg lettuce leaves
4 large tomato slices
½ yellow onion, thinly sliced (separate them into rings)
4 slices American or Swiss cheese
4 soft white hamburger buns (I use the cheap plain ones - no sesame
           seeds, onion, etc.)
¼ tsp. salt

Heat a griddle or a heavy skillet over medium heat until very hot.
Measure out 4 two ounce patties and flatten to about ¼ inch thick.
Toast the cut sides of the buns on the griddle. Cook the burgers on
one side for about 45 seconds. Flip them and put a slice of cheese on
each one, frying them for an additional 45 seconds. Remove from the


Put a tablespoon of sauce on the bottom and top sections of the bun.
On the bottom of each bun, put two lettuce leaves, a cheeseburger, a
slice of tomato, onion rings, and then the second burger. Enjoy!

All photos courtesy of Google Images. 
Your dish may vary in appearance.

I bet your stomach is growling.
Mine has been the whole time I was posting this!

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are also from 

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading

My Book Beginnings

"Mike, our trip to Cuba was amazing. I'm so glad we went. I still can't believe I've been to Italy and Cuba, and in both places, I got involved solving a murder! I wonder what the chances are of something like that happening. The only down side was that it involved a lot of travel. Kind of a hurry up and wait at all the airports. I can't seem to sleep on an airplane, and last night was no exception." 

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56 (56% on Kindle)

"......What are you doing out here? Client's ain't supposed to come out here. Jes' the employees and the dogs." 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. The cheeseburger sandwich looks amazing! I am hungry now...

    1. Jen, my stomach growled all the way through this post. LOL Ended up making cheeseburgers for dinner last night!

  2. I have read and enjoyed some of Dianne's books and that recipe does sound delicious.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry, Dianne does a great job!

      Check back Thursday the 31st for a chance to win a copy of TROUBLE AT THE KENNEL!

  3. Thanks, Lisa...makes me hungry. :) Happy Friday, to you.

  4. I see Cheeseburgers in my future! That looks delicious! This book looks good too. I've been wanting to read the series for awhile though I didn't realize it was on book #9! I definitely have a lot of catching up to do.

    1. Hey Katherine. I ended up making cheeseburgers for dinner. :-)

      I know...#9! Dianne is moving fast on these! Come back Thur 31st for a chance to win TROUBLE AT THE KENNEL!

  5. That burger look delcious. I can almost smell it!
    I love cozies with animals as a theme. Often thought it would be great to have a kennel too!

    My Friday 56

    1. Laura, some of the animals in cozies are just so adorable!

      I would lover to open a kennel for senior dogs. Some place nice to spend their last years.

  6. You have made me hungry. The cheeseburgers look so good. The book sounds like a great read.

  7. The cheeseburger looks great. I'll have to try that sauce. I am spotlighting Mind Magic by Eileen Wilks - the latest in an urban fantasy series I like. Happy reading!

  8. Both the cozy mystery and the cheeseburgers sound delectable!

    1. Hi Linda! This post made me hungry. I made cheeseburgers for dinner. Singles though. Didn't go for the doubles. ;-)

  9. Thanks for sharing about the book and the recipe. Both look great. :-)

  10. A mystery with dogs. I like the sound of that. Happy Friday!

    1. Hi Nicole. Cozy mysteries have a lot of pets in them!

  11. Friday 56 "There was no chalk outline where the body had been a short while before, but I could trace it with my gaze." From Fat Tuesday Fricassee by J.J. Cook.

  12. There's nothing like a good cozy...happy reading!

  13. Sounds like layers of huge issues surrounded by dogs and a murder mystery. Exciting read, enjoy! Thanks for sharing the recipe, too. Great post!

  14. That cheeseburger looks so good. It's making me hungry.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  15. That cheeseburger looks amazing!

  16. Burger looks delish!!
    I'd read the book just being dog-themed. Yup.
    Happy Easter weekend!

    1. Hey Freda! That's a great thing about cozies, they more often than not include dogs, cats, or both!

      Happy Easter weekend to you too!

  17. I've been meaning to ask, why are they called Cozy Mysteries?

    I am sure I have never read one but perhaps I should.

    1. Hi Anne! Cozy mysteries don't have graphic death scenes, sex scenes, or foul language. Think Murder, She Wrote. Most take place in a small town, the protagonist, no matter her career, becomes an amateur sleuth in each book, and she almost always has a core group of friends or family that help.

      They are a way to read a great murder mystery without going the dark, intense way of a thriller. And they appeal to all ages as most can be read from tweens to senior folks.

  18. What perfect timing, what with Obama's trip! All those lost dogs would stress me out even more than the murder- I hope they get home and help solve the crime!
