
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Happy Wednesday. 
Please enjoy today's edition of

This is a weekly online publication focused on bringing you the latest news from the newspapers of our favorite cozy towns!
The Cozy Times runs every 
Wednesday and Saturday.

Today I'm featuring the

The Birchwood Times is the local newspaper for Birchwood, New Hampshire, the town featured in author Jane Firebaugh's 
White Mountains Romantic mysteries! 
There sure has been a lot going on in Birchwood! 
Check it out!

Serial Joyriders Apprehended in Birchwood
The Birchwood Police Department reported that in cooperation with the New Hampshire State Police, they have successfully apprehended the serial joyriders that have been plaguing the neighboring towns of Birchwood, Eastman’s Grant and Middle Sandwich for the past month. Arrested were 85 year old Deanna Grainger and 91 year old Naomi Lazarus, both residing at the Golden Days Retirement Center in Birchwood. The two suspects appeared to be unremorseful, stating that they had been driving since before the arresting officer had been born and weren’t about to stop now, just because of a silly eye exam. They claimed that none of the cars had been damaged, except the one that ended up in the
pond on Mr. Dawkins’ farm, and that it would be just fine once the muddy water had drained out. Mrs. Lazarus was quoted by Lieutenant Detective Josh Abrams as saying “We may not be spring chickens, but even us older girls still wanna have fun.”
Local Canine Aids in Apprehension of Criminals
NH State Police reported that a Golden Retriever named Molly, owned by Miss Olivia McKenna of Birchwood, was instrumental in the capture of two notorious criminals yesterday in the woods in Eastman’s Grant. At the time of publication, we had received this photo from an anonymous source, but we did not have all the facts related to the incident. Be sure to pick up your copy of the Birchwood Times tomorrow to read the details once we have confirmed them.
New Bookstore Opening in Birchwood to Feature Cats and Tea
The Categorical Bookworm, Birchwood’s newest business will be opening next month. The owners, Lester and Kathy Miller, say it will be a unique shopping experience for book lovers, since it will also feature a free cup of tea while you shop, and there will be cats from the area’s shelter, wandering at will, frequently making themselves available for complimentary petting and lap sitting. According to Lisa Warner, the manager of the shelter, the cats will also be available for adoption. When asked why they decided to provide free tea and cat petting at the book store, the Millers stated that it was a well known fact that most book lovers were ailurophiles and that most loved tea as well. I suppose that may be true, since once I had looked up the word ailurophile in the dictionary to find that it meant cat lover, I had to admit to a definite fondness for all three.
Mary’s Bake Shop to Sponsor Bake-Off for High School Debate Team Trip
Get your sweet tooth ready to dive into the delectable treats conjured up by Mary’s Bake Shop staff and all the volunteers from the community who have promised to make this year’s bake-off the sweetest one yet. Volunteers include Trisha Morey from the Flip Flop Shop, Dora Francis from the Wine Emporium and our very own Jane Firebaugh, editor of the Birchwood Times. You really don’t want to miss this one. It promises to be a veritable sweet lovers’ extravaganza.

A special thank you to Birchwood Times editor 
Jane Firebaugh

To learn more about the lovely town of Birchwood and it's residents, read the White Mountains Romantic Mystery series by author Jane Firebaugh!

Olivia McKenna is a young woman with a passion for antiques and a penchant for mystery. 
Owning her own little antique finding business is just enough to keep her and her Golden Retriever, Molly fed, housed and happy. 
While shopping for antiques in a quaint little store, she discovers a body and becomes embroiled in a murder investigation, soon finding herself the victim of a stalker. 
The investigation is being handled by a handsome State Police Detective named Josh Abrams. Josh and Olivia feel an immediate connection and attraction. 
Can she and Josh discover who is after her before they wind up in more trouble than they can handle?

Available Now!

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe… 
Olivia Mckenna, antique finder, turned amateur detective, never dreamed that an old nursery rhyme would lead her and her fiance, Lieutenant Detective Josh Abrams into another murder investigation, much less a kidnapping, and the discovery of a crime, long forgotten by all except the remaining victims and the sociopath who was responsible. 
Can Olivia and Josh solve the mysteries of the past before they too become victims, or are some things better left forgotten? 

Available March 25!

Is there a cozy town you'd like to see featured in 
The Cozy Times? 
Please let me know in the comments section.

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let me know what you think!

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  1. I love this weekly paper! Keep up the good work!

  2. What fun! Thanks, Lisa (and Jane). Happy Wednesday, to you.

  3. Loved Jane's first book- very excited about the second. Fun post.

  4. I love this format and enjoyed the content. I am a big fan of Antiques and Avarice and was thrilled to so book to in the White Mountain Romantic Mystery series is due out this week! Thanks for the fun and the update!

  5. I see Birchwood and I think Birchwood, Wisconsin. We have a cabin there. Oh, well. Not the same Birchwood...

  6. Love this! I would love to see a nrewpaper from Crystal Cove, California. Which is the setting for Daryl Wood Gerber's Cookbook Nook mystery series.

  7. Lisa, I absolutely LOVE this! I can think of several other series that would be perfect as well. Great job jane and Lisa.
