
Saturday, March 5, 2016


I'm so happy to be a stop on the blog tour for 
author Cheryl Hollon
and her new book
Book 2 in the Webb's Glass shop Mysteries

As the new proprietor of Webb's Glass Shop, Savannah has been appointed to fill her late father's shoes as a judge for the Spinnaker Arts Festival, held in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida. With her innovative glass works, the clear winner is Megan Loyola, a student of Savannah's former mentor. 

But when Megan doesn't show up to accept her $25,000 award, rumors start flying. And when Savannah discovers the woman's dead body on festival grounds, the police immediately suspect her of murder. To keep from appearing before a judge herself, Savannah sorts through the broken pieces of glass scattered around the victim for clues as to who took this killer competition too far…

Winner will be chosen after March 10 
at the end of the tour
Check out the great prize and enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post. 
This giveaway is through Great Escape Book Tours, not Lisa Ks Book Reviews.


A dazzling installment to this wonderfully crafted series.

SHARDS OF MURDER absolutely sparkled with fabulous writing, and an amazingly polished plot that held me captivated through the entire story.

Learning about glass making was just one of the awesome facets to this well written mystery. You can tell author Cheryl Hollon is equally passionate on the subject as she is one writing.

Enjoyable characters, a marvelous storyline, and intriguing twists made this book a fast read for me. I simply couldn’t put it down! I just had to know who the killer was before I did, and Ms. Hollon kept that a mystery right up until the end.


The back of this book has information on fused glass, and a blurb on CRACKED TO DEATH, book 3 in this great series, which releases July 2016!

About the author

Cheryl Hollon writes full time after she left an engineering career of designing and building military flight simulators in amazing countries such as England, Wales, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan and India. 

Fulfilling the dream of a lifetime, she combines her love of writing with a passion for creating glass art. In the small glass studio behind their St. Petersburg, FL, 1920's craftsman bungalow, Cheryl and her husband design, create, and produce fused glass, stained glass and painted glass artworks and jewelry.

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. SHARDS OF MURDER sounds like a great read, and I am looking forward to reading it.

  2. Sounds like a great read! Would be interesting to read about glass making.

  3. Lisa, thank you for being part of the tour! I'd love to read this one and learn more about glass blowing! jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  4. Sounds like a fun read. I am looking forward to it.

  5. I have read her first book...would love to read the next.

  6. This series looks like fun. A glass shop for the setting hasn't been done. I haven't gotten to it yet but but I've already purchased the first book & marked the third as want to read. Reviews are great & I just know the series will be good. Thank you for featuring this author.

  7. SHARDS OF MURDER sounds like a great read, and I am looking forward to reading it. This is a new author for me.
