
Saturday, February 27, 2016

The newest installment if author 
Linda Reilly's 
Deep Fried Mystery series, 
releases March 1 
and is available for pre-order now!

Revenge is set to sizzle in the tasty new Deep Fried Mystery from the author of Fillet of Murder.
For Talia Marby, the sweet smell of success is a lot like the pungent aroma of fried fish and vinegar. Her new business, Fry Me a Sliver, is rapidly expanding beyond fish and chips to become one of the best eateries in the Berkshires. But the nasty owner of a neighboring boutique is making a stink, baiting Talia in a very public fight at a community center fundraiser and nursing an inexplicable grudge.
When the boutique owner is found strangled with Talia’s scarf knotted around her neck, our favorite fish fryer finds herself in hot oil. Needing to clear her name, and fast, Talia’s investigation soon yields some shocking surprises as well as a sizzling suspicion: someone had good reason to want the victim dead—and it’s frying Talia’s nerves...

Includes delicious recipes!

Linda wants to celebrate this second installment of her Deep Fried Mystery series with a 


Use the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post for a chance to win a print of 


Author Linda Reilly has fried up another delicious treat!

When I read the first book in this series, FILLET OF MURDER, I was in deep fried mystery heaven. Guess what? You can go back again…I sure did with, OUT OF THE DYING PAN!

It was so delightful to be back in Wrensdale in the Berkshires. I simply adore the characters and the settings author Reilly has created with this series. I’d spend a lot of time in a place like Fry Me A Sliver. I know this because just reading about it made my stomach growl. J

Besides featuring fantastic sounding food, OUT OF THE DYING PAN was a superbly written mystery that flowed at a perfect pace. I loved every word from the first page on. Through the entire investigation I kept trying to guess the killer. I thought I had it figured out until I read the reveal. Wow…talk about a surprise! Outstanding! You really got me on this one Ms. Reilly.  

Fans of the first book are going to love this installment, and those new to the series, you can read it without feeling lost, but since it’s only book two, I suggest you pick up book one, FILLET OF MURDER as well and read them back to back. You won’t regret it!

Make sure to check out the back of the book for some yummy deep fried recipes!

Available March 1
Pre-order today

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The Deep Fried Mystery series sounds like a fun read. Thank you for the reviews.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Sounds great! Happy Saturday, to you.

  3. I just checked the first book in this series out from the library. I asked them to order the second one, too. It looks very good.

  4. I love this series. Can't wait for my book to arrive!

  5. First book was great! Look forward to next!!!!!

  6. Thank you for reviewing this book. I had never heard of this author! I am eager to try her books!!!

  7. Thanks Lisa! I always enjoy your reviews. Mari Hinton

  8. Love the review. And absolutely love this wonderful book. Get it if you havent!!!

  9. Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. I wish you all the best of luck!

  10. I love fried food. My favorite has to be fried dill pickle chips. They have to be dipped in honey mustard sauce however. I love the cover of this book. It has a different flavor to it.

  11. Thanks for the chance! I haven't read this series yet but it sounds great! I love this cover and your review!
