
Friday, February 19, 2016

Cozy Food Friday 

That means it's time to share a recipe from 
another great cozy mystery!

Today I'm featuring a recipe from
Book 4 in the Caprice De Luca Home Staging Mysteries
Karen Rose Smith

Caprice De Luca Home Staging Mystery Series, Book 4 

These days, home stager Caprice De Luca's calendar is a full house. Her grandmother's health is failing, her wayward uncle is stirring the pot, and she's torn between two equally eligible suitors. With so much drama in her personal life, Caprice is grateful to have Ace Richland, a former 80s rock star, ask her to stage his girlfriend's house. But Alanna Goodwin is a tough customer who balks at Caprice's ideas and all but commandeers the staging. Caprice almost isn't surprised when the snappish Southern belle is strangled to death with a tieback from her tacky velvet drapes. But just as she draws back the curtains on the truth, Caprice realizes she may be next on a murderer's set list...



Fans of the Caprice De Luca series will be thrilled with DRAPE EXPECTATIONS.

I’ve had the pleasure of following this series since book one, STAGED TO DEATH first came out. It’s been such a pleasure watching this series take off and grow. I eagerly look forward to more installments.

Author Karen Rose Smith has created wonderful characters for this series. They’re lead by protagonist Caprice De Luca who is such an original character in her career and her fashion and decorating choices. She may favor the retro look, but Caprice is a twenty-first century woman for sure. And, her love for animals certainly won me over.

In DRAPE EXPECTATIONS, Caprice finds herself in the position of trying to prove her friend Ace innocent of murder. This story was excellent from beginning to end. The victim certainly had the personality to make plenty of enemies, so suspects were not in short supply. Every question that arose seemed to only raise more. Lots of twists and plenty of intrigue kept this book moving at a quick pace straight through to the exciting conclusion.

Make sure to check out the back of the book for great recipes and a sneak peek of book five, SILENCE OF THE LAMPS.

On to the recipe!

Caprice's Chicken Cacciatore
from DRAPE EXPECTATIONS by Karen Rose Smith Copyright © 2015
All photos courtesy of Karen Rose Smith

Preheat oven to 350⁰
1 hour prep time
Approximately 1 and ½ hours baking time


1 pound Italian sausage cut into 1 inch pieces (sweet or hot – your choice!)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup chopped onion (about 1 medium onion)
1 cup chopped sweet bell pepper (about 1 large pepper)
1 cup celery
3 cans fire roasted tomatoes
1 tablespoon sugar
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1½ teaspoons salt
Add ¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper if using mild sausage

Brown the sausage pieces in vegetable oil for about 10 minutes on medium, stirring to brown on all sides.  (Do not burn. You want the oil with sausage drippings to coat the onion, pepper and celery.)  
Add onion, pepper and celery and saute for about 3 minutes. 
To this mixture add the three cans of fire roasted tomatoes and the spices.  Simmer on low while browning the thighs.


8 chicken thighs (3½ pounds)
1 ½ cup flour
3 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon pepper
2 tablespoons oregano
4 tablespoons butter

Put flour, salt, pepper and oregano in a Ziplock bag and shake to mix.  
Melt butter in 11–12" deep-sided skillet.  
Drop thighs into the bag with flour mixture two at a time and shake until they are coated.  
Then brown the thighs in the skillet on medium high until all sides are golden brown.  
Place the browned thighs in a lasagna pan.  
Pour sausage mixture over the thighs.  
Bake uncovered at 350⁰ about 1½ hours until thighs are tender and falling off the bone.  
Use meat thermometer to assure proper doneness.

This dish can be served over pasta (I cook a pound) of your choice or complemented by side dishes such as mashed potatoes.

What a wonderful, hearty meal for this cold winter weather!

Please keep reading and check out my 
installments of 
Book Beginnings on Fridays
The Friday 56


My Book Beginnings and Friday 56
 for this week are from 
Book 5 in the Caprice De Luca Home Staging Mysteries 
by Karen Rose Smith

Available April 26!
Pre-order your copy today!

Book Beginnings on Fridays is a meme hosted by Rose City Reader
Share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading.

My Book Beginnings...

Caprice De Luca caught sight of the guest who stepped over the threshold. She braced for trouble on this balmy June Saturday afternoon.   

The Friday 56 is a meme hosted by Freda's Voice
Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's okay.) *Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it) that grab you. *Post it.

My Friday 56...

Caprice knew that devastating news was enough of a shock to make a person forget her name. She said, "We don't want to keep you. We just wanted to give you our condolences. Do you have someplace you can stay? I imagine the forensics unit will have the house tied up at least through tomorrow." 

As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

Follow my blog by 
clicking on the link in the 
upper right hand corner of this page.


  1. I am drooling over the pictures! Caprice's Chicken Cacciatore looks amazing.

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I love this series, too, and thoroughly enjoyed your post, yummy recipe and I'm so looking forward to Silence of the Lamps.

  3. Never heard of series thanks for intro to another TBR author so glad you do the work and I can just read and cook. Will try recipe different than my husband's Aunt Rose's

  4. These cozies look so good...and so does the food! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  5. Lisa--thanks for having me here!

  6. Great cozies, so many cozies so little time, but I sure am :)


  7. I love cozies, and this one sounds really cute and fun! Thanks for visiting my Friday BB & 56!

  8. First of all YUM! Your food looks delish!

    I haven't read a cozy mystery in forever. I think I need to soon :)

  9. I have the 3rd book in this series but haven't gotten to it yet though I really want too. That chicken looks delicious! Great cozies and yummy food is a pretty good combination.

  10. This sounds like a great series and I like the recipe too. Happy reading!

  11. The Chicken Cacciatore looks delish! I love it when my mom makes it -I'll have to compare her recipe to Karen's - I loved Drape Expectations and was secretly thrilled when Alana was killed (I know...that is so bad of Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  12. Silence of the Lamps. I had to laugh. I so love the cover art and quirky titles for cozies. I'm addicted to them! I am sitting here munching on raw veggies while drooling over that dish. Looks delicious!
    Thanks for visiting my 56 and have a lovely weekend. Happy reading and munching:)

  13. So not cacciatore, but interesting adaption of.
    Books looks better though. Sounds like a fab series!
    Happy weekend!

  14. I say the same thing every week. Who care about the book when you have this yummy food to look at? I would totally love this meal but not making it. It sounds like lots of work.

  15. Love the title for this one and the protagonist's name is awesome!
