
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book 9 in the White House Chef Mystery series 
by Julie Hyzy

White House executive chef Ollie Paras has served plenty of meals to foreign dignitaries from around the world. But someone is ready to serve her an ice-cold dish of revenge...
Things are about to really heat up for Ollie. News of a bombing and attempted breakout at a federal prison reveals that the brother of a terrorist she helped defeat is back with a vengeance. And after she gets mugged on her way home from work, the Secret Service won’t leave her side, fearing she is now a target.
When a White House staff member is murdered, officials rush to action over a possible security breach. It may be time for Ollie to trade in her apron for a bullet-proof vest as she becomes part of a bold strategy to make sure this terrorist gets his just desserts...


Author Julie Hyzy knows how to pen a whodunit filled with mystery, intrigue, and heart pounding excitement. FOREIGN ÉCLAIRS is a real thrill ride, page after action packed page.

It’s always great to be back at the White House with Ollie Paras and the rest of the staff. Author Hyzy shares with her readers a side of the great house that is as entertaining as it is interesting.

FOREIGN ÉCLAIRS is the perfect addition to this bestselling series. Extremely well written with a plot that drew me in quickly, this story left me breathless by the conclusion. A conclusion I’d like to add, that found me with my jaw dropped in surprise.

Mystery, suspense, and political fans alike are all in for a monumentally good time with FOREIGN ÉCLAIRS. A big salute to you Julie Hyzy!

You’ll also find mouthwatering recipes at the back of the book!

Pre-order now
Release Date: January 5, 2016

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  1. Foreign Éclairs sounds like an exciting mystery! Thank you for the review. I will be adding it to my TBR list.

  2. Thanks, Lisa...sounds like the ending is a real surprise!

  3. I can't wait to read this. I love this series. It's my all time favorite. So sad that it's coming to an end, even though I completely understand why.

  4. I love your reviews! Adding this to my wish list!

  5. One of my favorite series! On my counting down until release date!

  6. I have read a couple of this series and really like them. Julie is a good writer. I know she will have other good characters come to life after she is done with this series. Thanks for writing them, Julie! Thanks for the review, Lisa!
