
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Book 2 in the Scotshop mystery series
by Fran Stewart

A second dose of Scottish charm from the author of A Wee Murder in My Shop.
While business is booming at the ScotShop in Hamelin, Vermont, proprietor Peggy Winn doesn’t have time to toast her good fortune thanks to her hot-tempered, fourteenth-century Scottish companion. Being thrust into the modern world hasn’t been easy for Dirk, but Peggy is at her wit’s end trying to keep the ghostie galoot in line.
But when the local police chief finds the body of Peggy’s friend Karaline’s college professor in a deserted mountain cabin, everyone is thrown for a loop. It seems the secretive professor may have been killed over his ecological work, an idea that’s only reinforced when Karaline herself is shot. Now Peggy and Dirk must set aside their differences to put the cold-blooded killer under loch and key...


Author Fran Stewart has penned a wonderful second installment to her Scotshop mystery series. If you like your cozy mysteries with cranky ghosts, you’re in for more than a wee bit of fun with this delightful story.

Rather you have read the first book in this series, A WEE MURDER IN MY SHOP, or you’re starting with this title, fans of para-cozies will be thrilled with this wonderful read.

Protagonist Peggy Winn and her gruff ghostly companion, Dirk, are back in another exciting story that is sure to delight readers. While I found Dirk’s way of speaking a little distracting at time (but that’s just me), I applaud author Stewart for keeping her fourteenth-century Scotsman ghost authentic. I look forward to seeing if twenty-first century speech will ever start to creep its way into his vocabulary.

A real page turner, A WEE DOSE OF DEATH is filled with mystery and intrigue that carries through the entire story right up to the last chapter. With an exciting ending that will find you holding your breath the whole way through, you’ll be looking forward to the next installment before you’re even finished this story. 

Pre-order now
Release Date: January 5, 2016

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  1. Yay! I read the first book in this series, and I loved it. I am looking forward to reading this one. Thank you Lisa. :)

  2. Thanks, Lisa. Tranquil Tuesday to you, too.

  3. Thank you, Lisa. I'm so glad you enjoyed my book. One of the joys of being an author is being able to spend time with characters I truly like!
