
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Book 8 in the Black Sheep Knitting mystery series 
by Anne Canadeo

In Anne Canadeo's cozy eighth Black Sheep Knitting Mystery, a cold-hearted murder in Plum Harbor leads the knitters to investigate a new psychic who may be far more dangerous than she seems…

When Jimmy Hubbard, the manager of the local cinema, is murdered in a robbery gone wrong, the residents of Plum Harbor are mystified. Everyone liked Jimmy, and the struggling theater seems an unlikely target for burglars.

The Black Sheep Knitters are surprised and saddened by the crime, but are more suspicious of psychic-medium Isabel Waters, who has recently set up shop in town. Isabel has hoodwinked one of their friends into shelling out big money every week to keep the memory of a lost loved one alive. Determined to reveal Isabel as a fraud, the knitters are pulled in the web of Isabel’s world and find themselves in a tangle of secrets and lies. They must solve two murders before the truth about all of Isabel’s clients—past and present—are revealed.

As in her previous books A Dark and Stormy KnitThe Silence of the Llamas, and Knit, Purl, Die—which Publishers Weekly praised for its “fast-paced plot that will keep even non-knitters turning the pages”—Canadeo brings her trademark style to this entertaining mystery that will psych you out and leave you wanting more.


A MURDER IN MOHAIR is a wonderful addition to the ever growing Black Sheep Knitting mystery series.

It’s always a fun, if murderous trip when visiting Plum Harbor! Lucy and the rest of the gang are always into something, and I’m not talking just knitting!

Author Anne Canadeo has an easy style of writing that makes her stories flow at a wonderful pace. With A MURDER IN MOHAIR, I found myself drawn into the story from, page one. Chapter after chapter I hung on every word I read. With plenty of twists throughout the story, this mystery wrapped up with a well thought out reveal that caught me off guard.

If you’re not a knitter, no worries. You don’t have to know a thing about knitting to enjoy this story or series. I’m needle work challenged and I was able to enjoy the story with no problem at all.

Make sure to the back of the book for a special feature that includes some tasty recipes! 


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let me know what you think!

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  1. Thanks, Lisa. I love the cover and your book review photo!

    1. Thank you, Pat! The first thing I do when I am done reading is take off my glasses. Then one day I thought it would make for cool photos to go with my reviews. :-)

  2. I just started this series and I love it. I can't wait to get to this one. I love the cover.

  3. I really like the picture at the top of the page.
