
Monday, November 9, 2015

Catherine Bruns  
has a new book out and wants to celebrate with a

Catherine is giving away one copy of her book  
Book 1 in the Cindy York Mystery series

From #1 bestselling cozy mystery author Catherine Bruns comes a brand new series... 

Real estate deals can be murder. All struggling real estate agent Cindy York wants is the home listing that was promised to her. But her deceitful co-worker, Tiffany Roberts, has other ideas, and she always manages to get what she wants. Tired of being manipulated, Cindy tells her to back off—or else! But when Cindy stumbles upon Tiffany’s lifeless body, she suddenly finds herself front and center in a deadly investigation. Now everyone from her kids' classmates to her monstrous mother-in-law is sold on the idea that Cindy's guilty. Determined to find out who's trying to frame her, Cindy enlists the help of her best buddy, Jacques, to negotiate a slew of suspects, a host of clues, and an office full of cutthroat agents...before the next contract is out on her! 

"Lock up your house before you begin Killer Transaction. You'll want no interruptions once you start this fast-paced tale of murder, family issues, and competitive real estate sales. A quick, enjoyable read!" —Nancy J. Cohen, bestselling author of the Bad Hair Day Mysteries

"Killer Transaction is killer fun! With a heroine I couldn't help routing for and a plot that kept me guessing until the end, Catherine Bruns has penned another winner!" —Gemma Halliday, New York Times & USA Today bestselling author

 "Catherine Bruns closes the deal with this fantastic cozy. I loved everything about this story from the characters to the plot, the setting and the pace. I cannot wait to see what adventures Cindy gets up to next. If you enjoy your cozy with strong heroines and interesting circumstances this is a must read." —Night Owl Reviews, Top Pick! 

Giveaway is open to both US and CANADA
US winner - choice of print or Kindle copy
Canadian winner - Kindle copy only
Use the Rafflecopter form at the end of post to enter


Cindy York’s your typical married mom of three. She makes dinner every night, cleans up after the dog, and attempts to sell houses to disinterested clients. She also finds dead bodies. More specifically, the body of co-worker Tiffany Roberts, who Cindy threatened earlier in the day when the woman stole her house listing.

The following is an excerpt from Cindy visiting her twins’ school on Career Day.

I reached into my briefcase and brought out the packages of candy with my real estate card attached. I began to hand them out to the children.

Tyler observed his package with care. "My mom and dad aren't buying another house, Mrs. York."

This kid was priceless. "Yes, I'm aware of that. Why don't you tell them to hang on to the card, okay? They might know someone who wants to buy a house later on."

"Well, there was only Aunt Leslie, and I don't think she likes real estate agents anymore."

I chose to ignore his last comment and kept distributing the packages while glancing at the classroom clock. It's almost over, hang in there.

"I can't take this." A little girl with solemn, brown eyes and matching braids that hung over her shoulders waved her hand at me.

I raised my eyebrows. "Is there something wrong with the candy?"

"No, it's not that. My mother doesn't allow me to take candy from strangers—or killers."

"Elizabeth!" Mrs. White gasped. "You apologize to Mrs. York right now."

Elizabeth wore a pained expression on her face. "I'm really sorry you're a killer, Mrs. York."

Mrs. White groaned. "That isn't what I meant."

Lisa frowned at her package. "How come there's no good candy in here? I don't like the cheap stuff."

Mrs. White watched me with hesitation. I nodded to let her know I was okay. I could handle anything now or so I thought.

"Why do they call jail cells a slammer?" Elizabeth wanted to know. "Is that because people get slammed around a lot? Do they beat you up in there?"

"I'm not sure. I've never been in prison."

"Not yet," Elizabeth reminded me.

I wiped at my perspiring forehead and glanced hopefully at the clock—again. It was 11:15. Thank goodness—time to go.

Another hand shot through the air, and the chubby blonde met my gaze. "Mrs. York, you should watch out. My mom said people can catch all kinds of diseases from those jail cells."

I had never been so relieved to leave the twins' classroom before. I'd finally been paroled but nonetheless, managed a wide grin for the children. "Time for me to go now, kids. I have an appointment to show someone a few houses this afternoon."

"If they won't buy, will you threaten them with a gun?" Tyler nearly bounced out of his seat with excitement.

"That will be quite enough." Mrs. White mopped at her forehead with a handkerchief. She'd probably have to go on stress leave for a week after my visit.

Elizabeth raised her hand but didn't wait for either Mrs. White or me to acknowledge her. "Why do people still want you to show them houses? I mean, aren't you going to be locked up soon?"

"My mom's not going to prison," Seth insisted. "She never hurt anyone."

Stevie nodded. "Yeah. And even if she does go to jail, the guards will let her come home at night to make dinner for us."

My headache was back. I picked up my purse and briefcase and started for the door. "Well, guys, thanks. This was, um, interesting."

Mrs. White smiled, obviously relieved to be rid of me. "Let's all say thank you to Mrs. York for coming in today."

I received a chorus of "thank you" and "I want to go to your house" as I nodded good-bye to Stevie and Seth, who both gave me thumbs up.

"Good luck in prison," Elizabeth said. "Maybe we can come visit you."

I sighed. "I'm not going to prison, Elizabeth."

"Will you get your picture on TV and in the paper?" Lisa asked.

"Maybe they'll put you in one of those reality shows," the chubby blonde volunteered.

 "Miss Roberts wasn't a nice lady," Tyler said thoughtfully, "but my dad told me she was smoking. Does that mean she liked cigarettes?"

"If you say one more word, you're going down to see the principal," Mrs. White threatened.


I’m new to the writing of Catherine Bruns, this being the second book I’ve read by the author, but I already find her to be an excellent writer and look forward to reading more books from her.

KILLER TRANSTION follows Cindy York, real estate agent, wife, and mother. She’s very much a meet-her-in-the-world-everyday sort of character. Meaning, the readers will find they ether know someone like her or that they are just like her themselves…..but without finding dead bodies. ;-)

This was a fast paced read that I read in one setting. The story has a great flow, moving from scene to scene and chapter to chapter without many “wasted words” (you know what I mean- things like drawn out descriptions). And with every twist and question that came up, Ms. Bruns kept me guessing until the surprising, action filled reveal!

If you’re looking for a fun whodunit, give KILLER TRANSACTION a try!

through Amazon


As always, please leave a comment and 
let me know what you think!

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a fun book! Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Thank you for the chance. I have been wanting to read this book, it sounds great.

  3. Interesting excerpt and premise. I don't know if there are other cozies out there about real estate agents, but I would think the job would make for great mysteries.


  4. What an interesting book. Thanks for the chance.
    Becky Prazak

  5. Thanks, Lisa! Hope you have a marvelous Monday, too!

  6. Sounds like another one I'll have to add to my pile. Thanks for the great review.

  7. Thanks. I love Catherine Bruns' Tastes Like Murder... Another series? I'm in!

  8. You got me at the cover. Would love to win it!

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my book on your blog today, Lisa! Good luck, everyone!

  10. Your book sounds like a really fun read. Thank you for this opportunity.

  11. Thanks for sharing another great sounding book! Added to my list.

  12. This is a new to me author- will be fun to read the story...

  13. Sounds Great and I want this this book.
